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How to check game version & Trainer compatibility


Lot of trainers work only with specific version of game, so it's important to know the version of game and trainer you have.

So in order for trainer to work, you must have specific version/s of game. All of our trainers have this information in description. Telling you which version of game you need.

Q: How do I check which version of game I have?
A: Go to your game installation folder and locate the game.exe file. For example GTA 5 is "
GTA5.exe", The Crew is "thecrew.exe".
- Right click on game.exe > properties > details tab 
- For example current GTA 5 version is "file version - 1.0.335.2"

Usually "file version" and "product version" are same, but all of our trainers use file version as reference (unless stated otherwise in description).
So please make sure to read trainer description. In some rare occasions, game.exe does not have any version info, in that case, special instructions have been added in trainer description, for example some trainers use the "date modified" stamp on the game.exe. So always read trainer description before purchasing. 

Q: How do I check the date modified stamp on game.exe?
A: Go to your game installation folder and locate the game.exe file. For example GTA 5 is "GTA5.exe", The Crew is "thecrew.exe".
- Right click on game.exe > properties > details tab 
and look for the "Date modified" value.

Q: If my game version or "date modified" value is different, will trainer still work?
Simple answer is "YES / NO". Some trainers are universal and will work with every version of the game, while some only work with specific version of the game. For example one of our GTA 5 online trainer was made in 2016 and still works in 2020, while some trainers stop working after 1 update, it highly depends on how / what developers do. Sometimes developers patch specific hacks, it's impossible to know for sure. If our trainer says "should work" then most likely it will work, but there's no 100% guarantee, so please don't start crying if it doesn't work. We can't possibly forsee this. If we get reports of trainer not working, we always try to look into it and update the trainer info accordingly or release an update.


NOTE - If game is installed via steam, there is a way to roll back to previous game versions by using steam. To do so, please follow this article How to roll back to previous version of game on Steam

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Article details
Article ID: 33
Category: Trainer / Hack / Mod / Game Related (not working, how, where, crashes, bugs..etc)
Date added: 2015-07-24 11:02:00
Views: 14647
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.7/5.0 (163)

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