This article is a quick explanation on how to roll back to previous verison of game on Steam. This is sometimes needed if certain trainers don't work with latest game version, in such case, you can roll back to previous version and prevent Steam from auto-updating it.
This information is tested by one of our staff members and considered as 100% working. Follow the steps below to roll back the game version.
Open Steam
Go To Library
Right-click desired title and select properties
Select the UPDATE Tab
Change the Setting to only Update when you select it
Close Steam
Create shortcut to Steam.exe
Edit the shortcut and add "-console" to Steam's Target Shortcut
Go to folder of desired title
Delete Folder contents (make backup if needed)
Add +1 to APPID for Depot ID
For example 228380 > 228381
Go To:
Select Manifests
Make note of desired Manifest ID
Relaunch Steam & Select CONSOLE
Steam Console Command: download_depot 228380 228381 4871164708418497416
Go to:
X:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\content\app_APPID
Cut/Paste the contents of desired app_APPID
Ex: X:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Bugbear Entertainment
Relaunch Steam
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