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Download does not work, i did not download trainer, but i have 0 downloads left


There have been some cases where people report that they have not downloaded the product that they purchases, yet they have 0 downloads left.

This is not problem with our Store / Site, this usually happens when:

* on some reason you have used browser's "back / forward" buttons to go onto downloads page, your browser will automatically send the request for download again, but download will not start because you didn't actually request download, but as far as website is concerned, you did. This leaves you with 1 less download available. You should NEVER use back/forward buttons on websites that have anything to do with transactions, it breaks websites and should not be used.

* nothing is perfect, that includes our webhosting, sometimes our hosting's server is slow or lagging and when you click on download, it cuts off in the middle and you end up spending 1 download and getting nothing. If this happens, DO NOT try again instantly, wait 1-2 minutes and test if our site loads fine. You can do that by just browsing around on our site and see how fast pages load, you can press CTRL+F5 on our Store's main page and see how fast everything loads (it should take no more than 1-2 seconds). Once it works fine again, download again.


IMPORTANT - download managers are not supported. if you are using download manager, then most likely download will not start, but it will use up the download. Use browswer's default downloader.


* make sure that your browser's privacy settings allow the download to start. Modern day browsers are very poorly programmed and they usually block .exe and .rar downloads, make sure your browser is properly setup to allow downloads. Extensions/Add-ons may also break functionality. Disable all kind of pop-up blockers and adblockers, we don't run any ads or other annoyances on our Store, you can safely disable all extensions. Or you can simply open new private window in your browser and set your extensions to be disabled in private window, this will make sure that extensions/add-ons don't cause problems.


NOTE - We do not add you more downloads if your order is older than 72 hours. You need to send us support ticket as soon as you get that issue. If by some reason we do not reply during 72h or our website is not loading (because of hosting server problems), then 72h rule will not apply. It is your responsibility to make sure your browser and windows work properly and are able to accept downloads.

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Article details
Article ID: 2
Category: Download Problems (store)
Date added: 2012-11-01 10:17:03
Views: 534
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.4/5.0 (14)

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