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Pending Order Status


IMPORTANT - When paying with PayPal please make sure that your payee info matches the info you enter on our Store. Address should not matter, but name, last name and email may cause issues if they are different from the info that is shown on your PayPal. It shouldn't cause problems, but it might. That's why it's best to use correct info. We can see your PayPal info anyways, so you might aswell use correct info.

NOTE - When paying with PayPal, then our website uses PayPal's IPN (Instant Payment Notifications) which are used to set order status. Upon payment, your order status will be set as "pending" to prevent any kind of scamming (like if customer cancels order before it's complete), once PayPal marks transaction as complete (ok to ship) then PayPal sends out IPN to our server that says order is now complete and then our server sets your order status as "complete", however sometimes IPN isn't working properly and we have no idea what the issue might be. It's 2-way communication between our server and PayPal, our website sends out confirmation that it got the IPN and updated it, because if our server does not confirm, then PayPal should send another IPN. This should repeat every hour or so, but sometimes it simply doesn't work and we have no idea why. Usually about 5% of orders get stuck on pending, below are some possible reasons and solutions.


If you have purchased a product and your order status is "Pending" even after PayPal marks your order as Complete, then it can be because one of the following reasons:

Problem / Cause #1
Currency conversion has messed up the final amount, for example on our Store the final price during checkout is 5.50, but on PayPal you end up paying either 5.51 or 5.49. This is rather rare bug, but we do encounter it every now and then. 

Contact our Support Desk by sending us a support ticket with your Order ID and explain that your order is still pending even after payment has been marked as complete and we will activate it manually (after checking that payment is really complete). There is no fix for this, because currencies are checked against live markets daily and sometimes this bug just happens.
If you want to prevent it, use our Store's default currency (GBP) and you should not have this problem. 


Problem / Cause #2
You have paid by using a bank account or credit / debit card via paypal and it takes time for funds to get from your bank to paypal, during that time your order will be Pending. Bank transactions always take time, you will see the charge on your card, but if you check details of order, it says pending. This is same even when you go to shop with your card, bank transactions take time to clear, most services reserve the money and make product available, but in some cases it may remain pending. If we see your payment on PayPal, we can manually activate your order.

Wait until the payment has cleared, if order is still Pending after you get confirmation from paypal that order was successful, wait another 5 minutes and if still pending, then contact our support. 


Problem / Cause #3

If your paypal is unverified and/or in bad standing (for example if you have made lot of disputes in past or tried exploiting an online store to get free products), then paypal may mark your transaction as "high risk" and send our server "pending" IPN (Instant Payment Notification) which means that order should be checked manually before products can be accessed.

Contact our support by creating a support ticket and provide us your Order ID and paypal email (if different from the email used in store login) and we'll check into it. If paypal transaction has been completed successfully and funds are on our paypal, we will complete the order manually as soon as we read the ticket.


Problem / Cause #4

If you have used eCheck to pay, then your order won't be complete til eCheck has cleared, which can take weeks. You have to check with your bank or PayPal, we have no control over how eChecks are cleared. Your order should automatically be completed when eCheck clears, but if you get notification that eCheck has cleared, but order is still pending, then please contact our Support and give us your Order ID and we will check.

NOTE - It might take us up to 72h to respond to support tickets, so please be patient. Usually we reply within 24h, but sometimes it might take longer.

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Article details
Article ID: 32
Category: Order / Payment related (problems, methods..etc)
Date added: 2014-12-16 00:07:21
Views: 1248
Rating (Votes): Article rated 5.0/5.0 (3)

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