Tinychat exploits and hacks

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Tinychat exploits and hacks

Post by violence_action »

Hey people,

I was wondering if someone could make a guide or give hints to mess around with Tⓘnychat.

It seems like the packets are encrypted and some changes only last a few seconds before you get kicked.

Thanx for reading.
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by Sethioz »

more details plz. i have never even heard of this chat before.
i would need a place where to test, im not testing in public chatrooms, because they ban you for messing around. so i cant bother with those. i only hack those in controlled environment.

so if you can get it running in some freehosting or if you have hosting yourself, then i will give it a try myself.

additionally you should read other tutorials on how to hack chatrooms.
http://sethioz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=62 < flashchat
http://sethioz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=362 < pro chatrooms

also visit my knowledge database, there are some excellent tutorials on how to use commview or other tools to hack chatrooms and other applications.
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by violence_action »

I'm sorry tinychat.com is a public chat. Thanks 4 your help, going to read those tutorials. Much appreciated.

Here are some packets after logging in twice with the same name (probably encrypted):

1st time:

00000000 43 00 13 77 00 00 23 14 02 00 04 6E 69 63 6B 00 C..w..#....nick.
00000010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 05 02 00 0F 76 69 6F 6C ............viol
00000020 65 6E 63 65 5F 61 63 74 69 6F 6E ence_action.....

2nd time:

00000000 43 00 2F 2B 00 00 23 14 02 00 04 6E 69 63 6B 00 C./+..#....nick.
00000010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 05 02 00 0F 76 69 6F 6C ............viol
00000020 65 6E 63 65 5F 61 63 74 69 6F 6E ence_action.....
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by Sethioz »

packets are not encrypted, where did you got that idea from ? however it uses very strange protocol that i have never seen or heard before. it converts ascii into hex and then sends the packet.

i created a room and then sent a message containing "aliens"
here's what i captured with commview

Code: Select all

privmsg < this means the message obviously (private message, no idea why its private tho)
97,108,105,101,110,115 < aliens in HEX. use hex<>ascii converter if you want to convert between hex and ascii
97 > a
108 > l
and so on.

i cant really find anything to do in there, except flooding. i cant even see any mod/admin options. just change topic, which probably will work by using the actual mod packet. what are you looking to do exactly ?


i didnt see your post edit, why you say encrypted ? you can see everything in there.
it says "nick" and then your name "violence_action"
there is no sign of encryption.
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by violence_action »

Thanks for your time and effort, i'm not an expert like you. So please forgive any mistakes i made. Thought it would be fun to mess around with chat people for a bit, especially those pesky ban happy mods ;). And learning something in the process.

Like becoming a mod in a room you're not supposed to, gaining access to passworded rooms, change fonts and topics, ect...
But i always get kicked after sending a changed packet. When i'm the only one in the chatroom the forced changes seem to be working more stable. That's why i thought there was some encryption, packet filtering, time based or checksum thingy going on.

It was really cool of you to take a quick glance at it, thanx.
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by Sethioz »

what do you mean works once ? and who kicks you from your own room ?
there is no time based packets either. only thing could be number of packet, but then it wouldnt work even once. you can bypass that by using intercepting proxy, like paros or webscarab (read on my wiki, there are detailed tutorials on how to use them).
like msn, there is a number in front of each packet that has to be 1 more than previous. if it doesnt match, then packet will be ignored by server.

if you have done some hacks or exploits, then post them here in detail. what you used and what you did.
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by violence_action »

I think the server kicks me, thanks for your explanation.

Please don't laugh all i've done is: typing a message in my own room, add to sendlist (WPE Pro), changing the color hex to something different, log into the victims room whilst recording my new open socket id and fire off the changed packet.

Changing ASCII Characters to ones which aren't allowed for the log on name (WPE Pro.) Kinda pathetic.

Every time i need a new open socket id to do my dirty work.

Now the real cool hacks, exploits, ect.. i've seen include:

A non static username, it kept changing real fast: from A to B to C to D to E, ect...
A bunch of numbers running down the screen, each of which had a slightly different colour.
A random guest becoming a mod changing room topics, closing cams and banning other mods.

Since this chat is videobased, the look on the faces of those who mocked and banned you in the past is priceless.
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by Sethioz »

i must be looking into wrong place, i cant even find color or anything else. all i found was the text i type as shown in the example packet i posted.

i need to test with somebody in order to make something. dont use WPE pro, its for game hacking. as i said, use webscarab and paros. you dont need socket ID with them, you can modify the packet before its sent.
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by violence_action »

Oh i see, please if you're busy or tired i really don't mind.
After typing TESTING1234 in the chat i captured this packet with WPE PRO:

00000000 43 00 3C B5 00 00 44 14 02 00 07 70 72 69 76 6D C.<...D....priv
00000010 73 67 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 05 02 00 20 38 sg............
00000020 34 2C 36 39 2C 38 33 2C 38 34 2C 37 33 2C 37 38 4,69,83,84,73,7
00000030 2C 37 31 2C 34 39 2C 35 30 2C 35 31 2C 35 32 02 ,71,49,50,51,52.
00000040 00 0A 23 38 38 38 37 36 38 2C 65 6E ..#888768,enll..

Tried many different colour hexes but only a few work like:
#FFFFFF, #33FFFF, #3333FF, #33FF33, #E53333, ect...

I will look into webscarab and paros, thanks for letting me know.
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by Sethioz »

uhm very strange, none of the intercepting proxys work on it. i have no explanation for that. even tamper data is not working (firefox addon).
only things that do work, are WPE pro and commview.
my only guess is that it is because this chat does not send full packets, just a small packet (piece of data) and thats it. or i have no clue in this matter, but i will find out whats happening.

and yes, now i did saw the color too.
you can make the changing name, by using WPE pro. record a name change, right click the packet and "add into send list", do that as many times as you want.
then in the send list, simply modify the packet and change your name in there, then select them all and send. WPE pro will send packets in the order they are in the send list.
so if first packet contains name "1" and last one contains "9", then it goes from 1 to 9, making your name change 1 2 3 4 ...
i tested and it works.

i have found something interesting from one of the packets.

Code: Select all

var tinychat = function () {
var flashvars = { roomVar: tinychat.room, embedMode: "true", pageVar: window.location, pageVarSuper: tinychat.urlsuper, askJoin: tinychat.join, nickVar: tinychat.nick, noOper: tinychat.oper, noOwner: tinychat.owner, nickChange: tinychat.change, loginVar: tinychat.login, bcastVar: tinychat.bcast, apiVar: tinychat.api, autoop: tinychat.autoop, colorVar: tinychat.colorbk, fbautoVar: tinychat.fbauto, noguestVar: tinychat.noguest, topicVar: tinychat.topic, extDomain: document.domain, logoVar: tinychat.logo, proSiteVar: tinychat.site, keyVar: tinychat.key, vidVar: tinychat.tcdisplay, langVar: tinychat.langdefault, playMode: tinychat.play };
    var params = { quality: "high", scale: "noscale", allowFullScreen: "true", wmode: "transparent", allowScriptAccess: "always", menu: "false", salign: "t" };
    var attributes = { id: "tinyembed", align: "top", width: "100%", height: "100%" };
    if (/Firefox[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/.test(navigator.userAgent)){ 
i think it is what i think it is, all available functions of tinychat. im not yet sure how to use them, but im sure these have something to do with being able to have admin/mod rights.
for example the one "tinychat.noguest" cought my eye. like the "tinychat.nick" seem to be a command, for example "nick" is the command that changes nick, if you look at the packets when changing your name.
or like "tinychat.colorbk" should be background color, again i dont know how to change any of this. it also might be just a client sided source of the chat, but if you are able to change client, it means you can send modified packets without actually modifying them.
like if you change your default color to something else, using firebug.
dont take this too seriously, because it is just a tought, i never confirmed any of this.
doesnt matter what it is, nick definetly is a command and can be used in a packet.

another thing you can use to capture packets and modify them, is proxocket (check my wiki for tutorials and such)
i used proxocket to capture the whole sequance. once you find something good, you can make permanent filters using proxocket.

do you have msn or something ? pm it to me, so we can test sometime.
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by violence_action »

Can't believe how much you know about this stuff, you clearly know what you're talking about unlike me.

If i ever can return the favour, much obliged sir. Pm sent.
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by Curator »

Hello, I'm looking for people interested in researching Tinychat for further exploits. The name and color manipulation is definitely interesting, but Tinychat as a whole is a total piece of shit. It's the most used free Flash-based live stream chat around at the moment, and there are many more exploits waiting to be discovered, from Flash-based flaws to network security issues. It should be very possible to see the IPs of users, and more. I found a few very interesting things myself, but a lot more research needs to be done.

If you're interested in working on this, please send me a PM, and we can exchange MSNs or whatever.

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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by Sethioz »

how about posting what you have found so far ? try keeping new discoverys on forum, if ppl come up with good exploits, i might just write wiki article of tinychat exploiting.
as about msn, check your PM
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by violence_action »

Looks like this guy is changing the name of the room into the target room using firebug, whilst running his own code.

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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by Sethioz »

i cant bother with video, some lame music and shit quality.
but firebug can come in handy yes, i need live testing as i said before, but it seems like no1 is up for it. live testing is only possible if somebody wants to do this with me over msn.
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by Hyflex »

Sethioz wrote:i cant bother with video, some lame music and shit quality.
but firebug can come in handy yes, i need live testing as i said before, but it seems like no1 is up for it. live testing is only possible if somebody wants to do this with me over msn.
I've tried using webdevloper and also tried to play with headers but can't do anything
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by Sethioz »

what webdeveloper ?
try firebug, its the best thing there is. i used firebug in some of the missions of hackthissite
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by notthurnow »

i am running the embedded code on my own server... i've tried editing the flash script with firebug but I can't seem to get the auto-op function to work.. it seems like it's running some kind of checksum verification.. can anyone tune in on this?

Code: Select all

<object data="http://tinychat.com/tinychat.swf" id="tinyembed" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%" align="top" height="730"><param value="high" name="quality"><param value="noscale" name="scale"><param value="true" name="allowFullScreen"><param value="true" name="menu"><param value="t" name="salign"><param value="roomVar=WHATEVEROOM&embedMode=true&pageVar=http://tinychat.com/temproom&askJoin=auto&nickVar=NEWMOD&apiVar=list&autoop=NEWMOD&estDomain=tinychat.com" name="flashvars"></object>
(sorry about spacing, for some reason enter's not working properly for me here.). From my understanding the pageVar= should be the room i'm actually a moderator in, and the auto-op should be my already existing, what i believe to be, md2 checksum. The roomVar is for the room you're trying to terrorize. When I join the room I don't ever get mod powers, can someone help out a bit here? You'll have to sign in an account and test on your own room so that you have that unique autoop checksum or whatever it is.
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by Sethioz »

as you said AutoOp changed, so it must be something like user id. however there is UID (user identification) seperate, but AutoOp is more like an administartor / moderator rights id. in any case, server generates it randomly. when it expires, gets deleted ..etc then server gives you new one. for example look into URL of my forum (when you are right here).
you will see "&sid=" at end and then long number. thats the session id.
i assume autoop is something similar. i dont think it can be seen at all.
just like on my forum, you can steal my cookie and gain access to my account, but you wont be able to change password or any settings that require password. its same behind that autoop. im sure there is a way to steal it.
we can talk in msn about it and test it out, how it works.
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by asadnow2k »

i found this website.. if any one having this tool, kindly share with us!


TinyChat Hack v3.1 is now available!
1-Flood room's with over 200 bot's.
2-Close down user's from broadcasting.
3-Track user ip address.
4-Join room's even if there's password.
5-Ban user's from the room.
6-Spam bot
7-Room lagg
8-Your username will have a star in the room like you are moderator of all the channels(you can enable and disable it).
9-Hide your username in the room , you can chat but they can't see your name on the list room.
10- Free update.

If you don't like it you can cancel your payment (you have 3 day's).
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by h00d_c_hacker »

Did any0ne try that program Tinychat Hack V3.1? let me know
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by Sethioz »

nah, not going to buy that pathetic shit
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by h00d_c_hacker »

me either lol
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by trevor »

how r u going to advertise something that doesnt exist? no screenshots no anything, just information and a paypal button. very clever ..
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by Sethioz »

there are some screenshots, but only of color and invisible name. they probably copyd that off of my site anyway.
colors have been discussed here and capital letters are also easy, since it uses HEX. for example:
s = 73
S = 53

invisible name can be made by using html/php code, just like in tufat flashchat. its untested by me, but there is no other way to make invisible names in such chatrooms.
it could be blank character too, one that does not show up. the old good "square" trick that i used in avp2 game or other "invalid" characters that can be entered using intercepting proxy or memory editor (like i did in steam to get 1 letter names)

so i say its fake, even more that those screenshots can be faked really easily. i think this app only gives you colors and invisible name, nothing more. or maybe screenshots are completely faked, this is why screens, not videos.
also judging by the email where payments are expected, smells like fake. its [email protected] (i sent a small surprise there)

its sad, how some lamers copy stuff from my forum and put their name under it and then trying to sell it ...
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by silverchrome »

No other way to make a invissible name? I am afraid your wrong , If your talking about seeing your name.. i can make it hidden , If your talking about having no name at all , i can do that as well , AND if your talking about not even being on the user list i can also do that making me impossible to ban because i am "undefined"... , what about getting special font colors? i can do this to , and a few other things

Below i have an example of me not even being on the user list or "undefined"

my name is "death"in this example thats also what i go by on tinychat

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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by trevor »

silverchrome wrote:No other way to make a invissible name? I am afraid your wrong , If your talking about seeing your name.. i can make it hidden , If your talking about having no name at all , i can do that as well , AND if your talking about not even being on the user list i can also do that making me impossible to ban because i am "undefined"... , what about getting special font colors? i can do this to , and a few other things

Below i have an example of me not even being on the user list or "undefined"

my name is "death"in this example thats also what i go by on tinychat


undefined? where ? this is bs!
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by silverchrome »

This isnt BS at all , .... as you can see in the picture there is NO user name named "death" because i am "undefined" and i wont show up on the user list


If you think im lieing give me your msn or skype or aim , and i will show you right now

you can make a room and try to ban me

it wont work , my skype is EDITED
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by Sethioz »

silverchrome, this isnt some trolling or bragging place. if you have nothing to say, go away, you are in wrong place. nobody gives a shit about those screenshots. you have a method ? post it up, not some random BLABBER and BS.

do you really think that anybody is interested in your bragging ? ppl want HACK TUTORIALS, plain and simple !

nobody will give you msn or skype, you wanna show it, post it up! thats why forum is here for, not for trolling or blabbering. screenshots are lame anyway, they prove nothing and DO NOT come back with a video proof. thats not why this thread is here for. you wanna brag, do it somewhere else.

you are not in the userlist with name death, because you are named as guest-28534 .. dumbass. it is the name hack that i have already shown here. when you change it using WPE pro, it wont instantly show in the userlist. thats why you are named guest there ... not some "undefined"
also this only works in your own room, on some reason you get disconnected when doing any of that in other rooms, however there might be bypass to that, i havent tested. im not really interested in this. i have only taken 3 quick looks in this (under 10 mins each time)

regarding silverchromes question, which i have moved to trash. i keep deleting/moving to trash, because you are trolling and blabbering. your posts has NOTHING to do with this thread and i DO NOT tolerate ppl going offtopic.
* one post offtopic = warning
* 2nd post offtopic = warning and/or ban
* 3rd post offtopic = permanent ban
since you constantly kept going offtopic, even after warning, you have been banned. there's enough mess without your spam.
you kids do not realize, that you are making thread hard and annoying to read for everybody by ruining it with your BLABBER. when ppl read this thread, they want to know HOW to do this OR research regarding it, what ppl have tried, with what tools ...etc, not some blabber about you being "cool" and able to do this and that. you are not better than those retards who made this site and selling fake shit for money. i actually suspect that its related and you are trying to advertise your stupid site/hack (or your friends), cant bother with any research.

Next person who goes offtopic here again, will also be permanently banned.
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by freak3 »

wow, so I got a warning for telling people that the color exploit got patched. Guess this isn't the right place for me OR every post is about a tutorial, the latter highly doubt.

p.s the tinychat hack is a scam, i bought it and got ripped off DO NOT BUY IT. I filed a claim on paypal, hopefully i'll get my 29+3(tax) = 32 dollars back.

When I sent the seller an email, he didn't respond for 7 days, and after 7 days he goes wait for 7-10 days(the time paypal takes to transfer money to ones bank account)
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by trevor »

freak3 wrote:wow, so I got a warning for telling people that the color exploit got patched. Guess this isn't the right place for me OR every post is about a tutorial, the latter highly doubt.

p.s the tinychat hack is a scam, i bought it and got ripped off DO NOT BUY IT. I filed a claim on paypal, hopefully i'll get my 29+3(tax) = 32 dollars back.

When I sent the seller an email, he didn't respond for 7 days, and after 7 days he goes wait for 7-10 days(the time paypal takes to transfer money to ones bank account)
I already stated this.
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by Sethioz »

freak3: this is your first post, i don't understand. (do not reply to that)

i was able to tell its fake, based only on what i saw on that site. i was able to tell, cuz there were no videos. screenshots were only of the hacks that are extremely easy to make and posted here. that guy is probably too dumb to even use photoshop to edit screens for better showoff.
secondly his email/paypal which is obviously made only for this.

anyway enough of this. if you wish to report that some exploit is not working or a new exploit or just ask help on how to hack, thts ok, but DO NOT go offtopic by adding a huge story to it. a simple thing is enough, where you say that "i have tried this and that and it didnt work anymore"
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by violence_action »

Hey guys, just wanted to share with you some of the things i've seen after the name changing, color, ect all being patched.

This dude from anonymous, location anon (lol) still had neon blue:

[17:18] [N][O][W]: You want specific colors ?
[17:18] [N][O][W]: No , its neon blue
[17:18] [N][O][W]: Its the only neon you can get
[17:19] [N][O][W]: They patched all the rest , but im one of the only ones who found this neon color

Now for something more drastic in another room, which again i saw with my own eyes.
Changing other peoples usernames to whatever you like:
(victim hazel0, female chatter who is a mod)

[7:47] gg: hzel
[7:47] gg: watch this ;)
[7:47] guest-11873 changed nickname to 0000000
[7:47] 0000000 changed nickname to hazel0
[7:47] hazel0 changed nickname to hazel00
[7:47] hazel00 changed nickname to hazel000
[7:47] hazel000 changed nickname to gay
[7:47] hazel00: ?
[7:47] gg: hazel
[7:48] therealbuttslut: lol funny
[7:48] gg: dont mess with gg

So in short there are still things possible even after the patch. Thanks 4 reading.
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by Sethioz »

i havent had much time, someone cares to make me a user there i can test with ? and ofcourse you would have to be there yourself. so we can do some live testing. maybe this weekend if you are available (any1 who is interested in live testing). just remember that im online somewhere between 14.00 - 05.00 (UTC)
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by violence_action »

Found some more info courtesy of Yellowbarret.

This exploit is working and the benefit of it is:
- Exploit a any (or moderators) name or chat with his name
- Can't be banned while exploiting the username
- If they try to ban you, they will ban the slave instead
- Can be hidden on a channel,
- Spam protection bypass of tinychat

You need :
- a copy of WPE pro
- string to hex convertor

Some say it's already been patched but yesterday i saw someone do it.
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by violence_action »

Have some problems creating an account and signing up.

Feel free to visit: http://tinychat.com/mrgp6
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by Sethioz »

more info on how its done would be useful.
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by slyer »

There was a hacker that started to boot everyone from the room and he was typed /oper to start the banning.
For some reason I was glitched so, he wasn't able to ban me. Then after a while he sent me a
website , ************************* Telling me that , thats how he did it.
But this is the same guy who was trying to sell tinychat hack v.3.1. Can he not be trusted?
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by Sethioz »

enough of those posts, i dont wanna see a single post similar to this one. that said, i have removed the link, because its obvious fake.
how do i even know you are real ? maybe you just advertise your own stuff. im quite sure its possible, but those screenshots prove only that its fake. anyone can use paint and just delete the name .. bah. or scratch something else there. a full detailed video is only thing i would belive and even then i would have doubts. video where user goes from room to room and does this, where you see tons of ppl. just like i have made my game hack demonstration videos, in public servers.
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by Sethioz »

i now have proof that name changing and font type do exist. while looking up other stuff, i just came up with an idea, if anyone is still interested. you can test the following:

i tested with somebody long ago. if you can get other person's autoop hash or that other ID thing (which ever gives admin rights), then you can work with it. change yours and you get admin/mod rights. only problem was to get one, i was thinking to use something like an cookie stealer and inject it into chatroom somehow. in chatroom things are autocalled (no need to click on stuff), maybe this is the way to make everyone in room to "click" on the link you provide (injected somehow).
so they all "click" and you get everyone's cookie with autoop and other info.
cookie stealer could be injected into smiles or font or something, since that chatroom seem to accept a lot of code. like font color for example.
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by xsploit »

i have learnt how to clone people and thats it, want to learn more.
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by Hysteria »

i myself want to learn more ..

what i know so far is name cloning , making names capital letters , flood the box or pm's
and having a invisible name

i came across this video today as well

not really good quality . but it shows this guy shutting down a room
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by Sethioz »

someone post those hacks here, how to do them.
this video looks shit, some killah billah tullah kiddies messing around. i dont have much interest in tinychat, so havent checked into it.
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by xsploit »

Hysteria you should explain how todo the other stuff.
Basically with wpe pro you find someones name in the room, then convert to hex, open a filter click advanced> from the position of chain Found.
Now at Modify box paste your hex at 000 then search but 30 for each character in the name. then goto a room change your name to the amount of characters is 0 ie xsploit=7 chracters so 0000000, then turn the filter ON then click your name and press enter

one you open another chat your name should be the person you wanted to clone, on your screen it will be 0's
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by xsploit »

I checked out the youtube video and they link you to a site where you download a exe, not sure about it but scanned it
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by Hysteria »

xsploit wrote:I checked out the youtube video and they link you to a site where you download a exe, not sure about it but scanned it
it has a keylogger on the program.
thats how they shut down those rooms ..
so yeah i wouldnt recommend downloading it

so what have you found ?
was wondering if you wanna team up and try to find stuff out ...
ill show you what i know .. and vice versa
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Re: Tⓘnychat exploits and hacks

Post by Hysteria »

has anyone found anything ?
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Unbanable Exploit

Post by sn0w »

>>> Unbanable Exploit By Snow <<<

I don't usually share exploits, But i don't ever use them anymore.
When i have free time i try to find new ones in chat sites, I just like to learn.

Having said that lets get started.

What we are doing here is Glitching the chat player

First we are going to need this

See attachment at bottom of post!

http://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/rep ... 1316860537

This is used to add bots to a Tinychat room but we are going to use it to exploit

*Extract all files into one folder and open up TinyTool

*Put in the name of the room you wish to be unbanable in
in the "Room Name" field as show below and hit connect as shown below


Now go to the room in your browser and wait as a guest.
*NOTE* Make sure you are using the Tinychat beta Player

Go back to TinyTool and Where it says "CMD Arg" put the nickname you wish to be unbanable

After you put in the name hit Run Command

after that go back to the "CMD Arg" and add a - at the end of your name
and hit run command

Code: Select all

Example: sn0w-
Then add another - at the end of your name and hit run command again

Code: Select all

Example: sn0w--


Now hit disconnect , then reconnect it and put in your original name again

Code: Select all

example: sn0w
And hit run command

Now add a - to the end of your name and hit run command again

Then disconnect the bot and join the room in your browser as your original name

Code: Select all

Example: sn0w
Now you are unbanable , View the example below


If a moderator refreshes the page and rejoins they CAN ban you

If a moderator is using the Tinychat beta player they CAN ban you.
(438.5 KiB) Downloaded 1483 times
Last edited by sn0w on Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Unbanable Exploit

Post by Th30nLyFlYz1 »

Hey whats up could you send the download link or upload it again thanks alot
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Re: Tinychat exploits and hacks

Post by Sethioz »

file has been deleted indeed. WHY are you ppl fucking using same lame hostings when i have ATTACHMENT option on forum !?
i seriously start banning ppl if they keep doing that ..
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