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runescape PRIVATE server hacking

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 11:55 pm
by wolfguardiann
well like u said, u put the game here , its a private server ( not the original game).

ok , i searched on google some WPE tuts , nothing usefull found , just that "WPE is old, its detected , in which if u sniff and edit a package and send to the game or server or w/e , the game will send u a dc packet" , In which means ,WPE is useless...

like i said , ive tryed using the proxocket, but i dont know what to do with it , it sniff the packets (wireshark), but doenst let u edit them,

and yeah , not only on runescape PRIVATE serve i tryed, but also another games too , all them is the same thing, lots of packets are " ............. " some are " %....j....b..." andonly like 2~10 are " http:/ ...bla bla.. ".

something pulled my attention , i searched for "Item" on the magnifi.. icon to search dtring , it found , and was there " player_switchitem =% " (soemthing like that ) well , so then i tryed to edit and resent the packet , sucefully sent it , but , 1 sec later a DC i received , just like that guy on google said "WPE is old, its detected , in which if u sniff and edit a package and send to the game or server or w/e , the game will send u a dc packet" .

so what can be made them ? i dont know how to use proxocket , its like WPE pro , but , i cant edit the packets , so , wth?
(this is hacking, dont tell its not xD...)

Re: runescape PRIVATE server hacking

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 12:07 am
by Sethioz < there are no packages in computer networking. you cant hack if you dont even understand the terms, give up or learn the terms and what it means. < this is packet. you better read this article before going on.

those parts you refer to "........." and that other one. those are NOT encrypted as i have stated before and WPE pro is not detected. if it gets detected by some kind of anti-hack program, then either game bans you or crashes.
WPE pro works fine, so does rPE.

whats wrong with you ? asking one thing like 10 times will not help you. i told you before in other topic to read that article on my wiki about intercepting proxies. there is a list with tools + usage tutorials. you keep repeating yourself "dont know, dont know, dont know" thats why i have wrote articles on how to use some tools (such as proxocket). i cant read for you. if you ask and i refer to one of my tutorials / articles, then it means you have to read it first. if you dont read and ask again the same thing, my answer will be same. there are detailed examples on how to use proxocket, read them and learn.

Re: runescape PRIVATE server hacking

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 12:33 am
by wolfguardiann
thats ok , sorry for doing the same error twice , triple times.

about the links , yes i know what thhey re trying to say , packet analyser- packet sniffer , all that things i got it, u gave those links , i alredy read them , all those links say the same thing, but , all those still doesnt give a tutorial on practise, like proxocket or WPE pro, ive tryed to find tutorials on WPE pro, and , nothing usefull , only tuts of year 2007-2008 ( and all guuys saying that WPE is detected stuff...), i tryed searching about proxocket , and it doesnt eeven have on google xD ( like a tutorial on Practise, like,"ok lets start , first go here , receive PaCKETS, then go her edit then and be happy"), <--- want that , a tutorial on how to use, i read yr article, but like i said , there isnt a on-action-tutorial, like i said here /\/\/\/\/\.

sorry if im talking the same shit or w/e, all i want is a tutorial, its just like math, u dont know shit , someone teachs, u understand, practise it,master it, and then u teach it, gotwhatim trying to say now ? :)

Re: runescape PRIVATE server hacking

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 7:01 am
by Sethioz
i am talking about the articles on my knowledge database. i gave you the link and you said "i read it" and now you saying there are no tutorials ?
how hard it is to fucking click on a damn link ? i have both, WPE pro and proxocket articles on wiki, i dont understand, what is it with this lazyness and stupidity these days .. all it takes is to click a damn link or search for "proxocket" / "wpe pro" on my knowledge database

Re: runescape PRIVATE server hacking

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 8:26 pm
by wolfguardiann

1 Overview
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Capturing the packets
1.3 Custom handling / modification of the packets
1.4 How it works and advantages / disadvantages
1.5 Functions of myproxocket
1.6 Download
2 Usage
3 Tutorials and code
3.1 Binding specific Network Interface Controller

like i said, i read this all , the tutorial part i want to see in action , u are giving codes... xDDD.............

Cant i use proxocket with a program ? cuz , its saying i had the compile or wth ever in order to send a new packet... doesnt exist soemthing that like }WPE pro but using the proxocket dll?

Re: runescape PRIVATE server hacking

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 8:26 pm
by wolfguardiann
sorry for a the copy and paste shit , the pc lagged xD

Re: runescape PRIVATE server hacking

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 8:52 pm
by Sethioz ... ket.28s.29

this is how you use proxocket. its all there in detail. you compile it with the given .C code and thats it.
all you need to do is copy paste .c code into a file and compile it. takes about 10 seconds.

this is going way too offtopic, AGAIN. this topic is not a proxocket tutorial. im not telling you to fuck off, but i do tell you to stop rolling your eyes and start reading. i have said its all there, which means it really is there.

Re: runescape PRIVATE server hacking

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:25 pm
by wolfguardiann
so in terms , i will have to download this ... e_send.rar , in order to edit the .dll, ok , ill see what i can do.

about RE-compiling it, can i use Dev-c++? cuz i've got it here from c++ programs i made.

Re: runescape PRIVATE server hacking

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:45 pm
by Sethioz
this is getting ridicilous. .. copy pasting from wiki article.

what c++ ? cant you read the article ?

* Proxocket must be compiled from the source code into an .dll file in order to use it. source code is modified in order to get the desired effect.
* MingW can be used to compile proxocket as .dll
this is too stupid to be continued. im copy pasting my wiki article here already and it has nothing to do with runescape anymore.
just give up