Killing Floor [KF] - map glitches and bugs

console and pc game glitches and bugs, no hacks or cheats here.
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Killing Floor [KF] - map glitches and bugs

Post by Sethioz »

Bug and Glitch are 2 different things, so lets get it straight. Bug is where something is wrong, like you can walk thru a tree, but Glitch is where you can go and stay, without getting hit by zeds or getting completely ignored by zeds. when posting, plz specify if it is glitch or bug.

>>> How to get into "free roam" mode
in this "mode" zeds never spawn and you are able to walk the map as long as you wish
it seem to be a bug in mutators, but here's what i have done. i enabled the sandbox and put the following settings there (see screenshot)
when i go play, then zed count stays on 52 and they never spawn. it is perfect if you want to find glitches and bugs or simply learn the map.
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>>> How to open doors both ways from same side
this is needed to get into some glitch places. like one in Santas Lair, one that TeamRetox found. you have to be pushed up by a door.
- open door and step thru, to other side of the door frame
- now from other side of door frame, close the door and then quickly (while still on other side of frame) press E (use) again to open door, now door opens towards you, pushing you away, just like it would have been opened from other side.
hard to explain, but i hope this helps. i tested and it works perfectly, just hard to master this trick. if somebody really wants, make a request and i'll make video.


>>> Glitch
on top of bunker entrance (main, with the building)
go on roof and see the sandbags there, there is a small cap between them, you can walk up from there or jump and from there you can jump on that steel fence thing. once there, zeds will ignore you completely. to attract them, jump back on sandbags and then back up on fence.
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>>> Bug

when coming out of main bunker entrance, go thru the big cap in wall (front entrance) and then take the route to right, you will see another entrance, pass this and then look front left, you will notice some stones. you can walk inside of middle stone.
it has no effect on zeds, they can get you with ease.


>>> Glitch
hard to explain, it is in pumping station. when facing main stairs, you see 2 big pumps on each side of stairs, on left side, you can walk between them, under the upper stairs. bloats and sirens may get you there, its good idea to be commando or firebug. there should be room for all 6 players.
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>>> Glitch

under captain bridge, under stairs. you can squeeze thru between wall and stairs. go inside of captain bridge, then there are stairs that lead down, you can go under those (first ones from up).
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>>> Glitch

on the deck, somewhere in middle. you will see lot of yellow pipes. two pipes that are under roof a bit, you can jump and crouch on them (those longer pipes, not just pipe ends).
you have to jump and crouch at same time, you wont fit there when standing.

>>> Glitch

one mysterious door, somewhere near trader, where the office or lab is with computers and fire nearby. you can go behind it, next to wall and wait until somebody opens from other side. you will be blocked there until somebody closes door.

NOTE - in all places, ranged zeds will get you easily, sirens, husks and bloats.

West London

>>> Glitch

in tunnel with two burning cars, you can jump on the red car from the roof side. jump from pavement (that is higher) toward roof. make the jump from further away, not near car roof.

>>> Glitch

in other tunnel, with two red busses, burning car and ambulance. you can jump on the body that is half way out of ambulance and stay on the edge. if you go on roof of the black taxi, they will get you easily.
i have heard that it is possible to get to the roof of ambulance, but never got there. it might be possible with 2 or more players, where one goes on top of car and other crouches on the edge of body.
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>>> Glitch

near one trader, there is a white truck (4x4 truck) and a green minibus (van). go on roof of white truck. it isnt a trick to get there, but zeds wont see you there, they gather near van, near the house, but sometimes some of them leave and come to you.
berserker and medic can easily get on white truck, but others have to use van to get there. jump on van's hood/bonnet and from there go on roof and jump towards white truck's hood/bonnet.


>>> Glitch

the very bottom trader, when you spawn, go straight while keeping right. go to the end of the corridor, there are doors just before stairs. when going thru, turn right and go against wall, behind the door and let somebody open it from other side, so you will stay between door and wall (not fence and door, but between stone wall and door). or you can use my door opening method to get it opened from same side.
ranged zeds will get you there.

Hospital Horrors

>>> Glitch

at spawn, as soon as you get inside of hospital, turn left and you will see a small rail, jump on it and from there jump inside the room. you see body inside.
now getting out is tricky. where the body is and opposite from dead body there are some file cabinets against wall (you can walk inside of them), under cabinets there is some white floor thingy, that is higher than floor. from that floor panel, jump toward dead body''s left leg and try to get on top of it. from there you can easily get out.

NOTE - this is not 100% safe place, we had some zeds coming in there. they bounce around and fly in sometimes. we had scrake and fp raging around and next moment they were inside.

zeds will see you, but if you crouch under window, they rarely hit you. that goes for sirens, husks, bloats and patriarch too.
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This screenshot demonstrates the way out, you see one player in front of me, his left hand is exactly where you have to land, on top of dead body's left leg.
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>>> Glitch

most likely there are many like this, but here's two of them. from spawn, go forward, turn left thru the doors and then up the stairs, then turn left and follow the corridor (it turns right in one point, follow that turn). it will take you outside, where the courtyard is, do not go out there, just before way out, there are 2 barricades to your left and right, where zeds spawn. you can jump over them.
when facing the courtyard, left one is easier (one where you see long corridor and not doors at end). face barricade, see where the door knob is (the door that is used to build barricade). go bit right from it, this is best place where to jump over. collect some speed, run toward it and jump just before you hit the barricade, the closer, the better. tricky, but it will work. bouncing in front of the barricade will not help you, you need some speed in order to get over. works same way on other barricade, but a lot harder to get there and less room too.

it is not very safe place, zeds sometimes spawn in that empty room and jump over barricade.


>>> Glitch

door glitch in the tunnel. there's the tunnel that goes into basement and comes out in house. when facing the house's front door, then its to your left.
go into tunnel and see the door. you can hide on both sides, but its better to hide behind the basement side of the door.
use the door opening trick to open it alone, sometimes zeds will spawn in basement and get to you faster than the ones outside, so its smarter to open the door yourself, by using the door opening trick mentioned above.
> there are 2 ways to hide, when you going into corner, then zeds will not see you. so that one is bad idea, because they wont come to you, they just walk around whereever they spawned.
when going behind door, you will see this stone support post, go as close to it as possible, that is best place to be.
husks are only danger. they gather outside, bit away from door.


>>> Glitch

im not 100% sure if i guide you right, but lets see. when you spawn, turn so the sea is to your left and houses (map) is to your right.
walk forward to the end, where you find railroad tracks to your right.
follow the tracks and walk up to train trailers. now to your right (when you havent changed the direction), you see a forklift parked near corner.
go behind that forklift. as close to wall and forklift as possible (NOT in the corner of walls, but corner of forklift and house).
there are 3 ways to manipulate zeds.
1. you stand up in corner, they gather very close to you (bad idea)
2. crouch, they gather near the house doors, very good for SS, firebug and others like that, but absolutely NO for demo. you cant shoot nades thru that cap.
3. crouch, but move away from the corner, while keeping against forklift's back end. so now you are almost centre of forklift's back. now zeds will gather on top of that train trailer, thats the best spot if you want to be demo.
this place is not 100% safe, husks will definetly get you and sometimes sirens too. bloats cant get to you when crouching.

>>> Glitch

it is bit harder to explain. the room near the trader who is inside of broken house, where corner of house is broken. its near spawn.
opposite from that trader, there is a room, with some lockers inside and a fire extinguisher. jump on fire extinguisher, then from there jump on top of lockers.
zeds will see you and try to get up, sometimes they hit you too.
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>>> Glitch

there is a door glitch. very easy to find. it is near the highway trader. there is one trader on this highway, out in open there are 2 small buildings. one is toilets and other is trader. toilet has 2 (3) doors. one is single door and other is double door. double door is glitch. when you are outside of toilet, facing the door, then left door. go inside and between that door. use the door opening trick to get there without any help from players or zeds.
zeds will not be able to see you there and its extremely hard to shoot out from there. firebug might be only one able to hit anything.

There are glitches on some other maps too, that i havent tested yet.


stay tuned for more !
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Re: Killing Floor [KF] - map glitches and bugs

Post by TeamRetox »

////////////////////////////////Evil Santa's Lair////////////////////////////////
#1 and #2 can be done solo, #3 needs help from a friend(or wait for the wave to start, zeds will spawn on the other side of the door and open it for you)

this one needs a friend to jump below you, zeds won't work =(
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Re: Killing Floor [KF] - map glitches and bugs

Post by Sethioz »

try the door trick, where you can open it yourself. just takes some time to master the method, but it works perfectly when done right.
TR or anybody else, try "free roam", i want to know if it is bug with my game or its really there, that if you set the sandbox like this, then zeds wont spawn.

i would make videos, but im bit afraid of using fraps or anything else, VAC is too gay for that. last time i got VAC banned for using fraps. so no videos from me, sry.
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