is spamming typical of those tards

Stuff that does not fit elsewhere and also global news like corona or russki war
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Contact: is spamming typical of those tards

Post by Sethioz »

just as the title says. about week ago i was messing with my friend's iphone and had to get few things off of their retarded website, cuz i didnt want to unlock (jailbreak) her phone.
so i had to use my email there and what do you know ... spam, spammmm SPAMMM started coming. their retarded offers, news...blah doh shit and other crap. i never sign up for any of that. so now i just blocked in my inbox.

it is just a warning how pathetic they are, they are so pathetic that they need to spam ppl to get some attention. thats lame.
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Re: is spamming typical of those tards

Post by Ritterkreuzträger »


Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL; previously Apple Computer, Inc.) is an American multinational corporation that designs and markets consumer electronics, computer software, and personal computers. The company's best-known hardware products include the Macintosh line of computers, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad. Apple software includes the Mac OS X operating system; the iTunes media browser; the iLife suite of multimedia and creativity software; the iWork suite of productivity software; Aperture, a professional photography package; Final Cut Studio, a suite of professional audio and film-industry software products; Logic Studio, a suite of music production tools and its iOS Mobile Operating System. As of August 2010, the company operates 301 retail stores in ten countries, and an online store where hardware and software products are sold.

Established on April 1, 1976 in Cupertino, California, and incorporated January 3, 1977, the company was previously named Apple Computer, Inc., for its first 30 years, but removed the word "Computer" on January 9, 2007, to reflect the company's ongoing expansion into the consumer electronics market in addition to its traditional focus on personal computers. As of September 26, 2009, Apple had 34,300 full time employees and 2,500 temporary full time employees worldwide and had worldwide annual sales of $42.91 billion in its fiscal year ending September 26, 2009.

For reasons as various as its philosophy of comprehensive aesthetic design to its distinctive advertising campaigns, Apple has established a unique reputation in the consumer electronics industry. This includes a customer base that is devoted to the company and its brand, particularly in the United States. Fortune magazine named Apple the most admired company in the United States in 2008, and in the world in 2008, 2009, and 2010. The company has also received widespread criticism for its contractors' labor, environmental, and business practices.

Buy Apple products!
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Re: is spamming typical of those tards

Post by Sethioz »

ive been thinking ... how exactly you can consume electronics ? if apple team is eating their own hardware, no wonder they are so stupid lol.

it says "consumer electronics" which means that ppl should consume their produts oO ?
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Re: is spamming typical of those tards

Post by AcidRain »

Consumer means people, as in you and me. And example of consumer electronic can be a computer. Almost everyone owns a computer. So in other words a lot of people want computers or any type of electronic. That why we are consumers and they are the makers of whatever we want.

I know this was 3 years ago but I felt I need to answer your question .
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Re: is spamming typical of those tards

Post by Sethioz »

this is actually offtopic, if you read the title its about and you need to learn the meaning / definition of "consumer"
consume > you consume something into your body. you put food in your mouth and you consume it into you. you use some cream to smoothen your skin, you put it on your skin and your skin consumes it, it disappears into your skin, making it smoother, meaning you have consumed it. you take a glass of water, you drink it, meaning you consume it and its not just about lifeforms, engine consumes fuel (yes we can say engine uses fuel), but "use" and "consume" are not same. consume is when you use something up, so there is nothing left of it.
my question was, how can you consume electronics lol? you put pc into your mouth and try to chew on it? you don't consume it, you USE it, those are completely different terms.

anyway apple is piece of crap, spying on people. look at that USA prism thing for example, which is now public. i knew this for all those years and people were too retarded to listen, now its public and most people are like oOOOOO wtf!?
duh .. that's what companies like apple and microsoft do, they share your info with everyone, this is also why apple's iphone tracks your GPS movement and when you sync it with PC, it sends all that GPS info to developers, so FBI and NSA ..etc will get a hold of it.

what those big companies are trying to do, is take control of the world and idiots are falling for it every single day ... not knowing that they have NO privacy. google glasses / glass is coming soon, about 60% of people are against it actually .. and to think of it, i think that google is behind that world domination too. im sure they put some hidden things in there, to see and hear everything that people do, so soon you won't have privacy even in your toilet !
but hey ... 99% of people are meant to be controlled, they're like monkeys, they need to be told what to do, cuz they're too retarded to think for themselves. i would probably do something similar in their position, who knows, maybe i already am :)
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Re: is spamming typical of those tards

Post by KEN »

Sethioz wrote:google glasses / glass is coming soon, about 60% of people are against it actually .. and to think of it, i think that google is behind that world domination too. im sure they put some hidden things in there, to see and hear everything that people do, so soon you won't have privacy even in your toilet !
Offtopic but correct. Google glass shows nothing while recording video. When you're recording a video with it, you just won't know. So what stops it from recording a video without your notice? Maybe it will be fixed later and only few people have it right now and are just testing but still..
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Re: is spamming typical of those tards

Post by Sethioz »

you see reason why i made this topic, is because when i signed up for apple, i never checked any of the boxes like "send me newsletter" or "subscribe" ..etc
it was long ago and i can't remember what i wanted and i dont think i used my real email, i think i used tempomail addon for firefox, thats all they deserve.
so spam ended when tempomail was terminated, but point is ... they don't give a fuck if you sign up for their emails or not, they STILL use your private information to spam you + they share it too. that is so damn pathetic ...

unfortunetely idiots fall for it .. and even more unfortunete is that 99% of world is made of those idiots :(
if something is really good, there is no need to advertise, people will advertise it for them by telling others how good product they got. if something is shit .. you need to advertise it to everywhere and pay people to talk about it .. that's how pathetic apple is.
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Re: is spamming typical of those tards

Post by Legu »

just as the title says. about week ago i was messing with my friend's iphone and had to get few things off of their retarded website, cuz i didnt want to unlock (jailbreak) her phone.
so i had to use my email there and what do you know ... spam, spammmm SPAMMM started coming. their retarded offers, news...blah doh shit and other crap. i never sign up for any of that. so now i just blocked in my inbox.

it is just a warning how pathetic they are, they are so pathetic that they need to spam ppl to get some attention. thats lame.
...sweet, any job offers at apple? i heard u can make great money there :)
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