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OpenSource vs payed software (including shareware..etc)

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 8:20 pm
by Sethioz
Tought that it will be interesting to read for lot of ppl because... lot of ppl think that opensource (free ... r left it.
-opensource software authors always care how their software works, so it means they want fame and not money (not all want fame and ofc they would love donations), so they make sure that their software works.
-opensource authors usually provide you with good info if you ask for help.
-opensource authors try to make their software as good as possible
-its all FREE
-OpenSource author's primary goal is to get software working 100% without any bugs and exploits

so before rushing to buy some expensive shit, try to look for opensource software first. take TrueCrypt for example, you can't find any better encrypting program than this is.
msn is not payed program, but look at it, it is made by big ass microsoft and look how crap it is, just look at all the ads and popups and shit it has in it, just to refer to their crappy company. but now look at pidgin. im not sure if its opensource, but its free. its small, fast and supports most of them (yahoo, msn, icq, aim..blabla), it has no ads or popups..etc. ..well yes i use msn too, but its a-patched (all shit removed so its small and clean and i use 8.5)

ok i said read more below, why they don't care ?
one good example out of my own experience is Kaspersky (duh i use it too ... i have zonealarm security suite and it uses kaspersky database). anyways the problem is that Kaspersky just drops all kind of tools into the 'virus' list.
I personally contacted them about 7 months ago, providing them with all details about tool, they apologized and said that they will remove it and that there was no malicous code found in the tool (it was one of the Luigi's tools). what a is still in the list after 7 months. > conclusion, they don't give a shit that they have tons of false positives. you can read more about Kaspersky at Luigi's forum > Antiviruses hall of shame < near end of page 2, there is my post about kaspersky and the tool i reported as false positive.
Now in opensource software such thing would never happen. maybe it would, but its very, very rare and there is always a good reason, like author stopped the project or author stopped support for it..etc

i also wanna point out that not all companys are like this, one is Tamosoft's CommView, where seems to be very good customer support. i found a bug in one of the versions of commview and reported it, next day i got an response, something like: thank you for reporting that bug, it will be fixed immitiatelly in next release. and indeed they did released new version few days later.