how to crack truecrypt lmao !?

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how to crack truecrypt lmao !?

Post by Sethioz »

i was looking for some password cracking tools (just testing what is faster to bruteforce attack MD5 hashes) and tripped over this:
topic is called "How to crack a TrueCrypt password via dictionary attack?"

by godsent:
get softice or any other software that loads .exe into assembly.....
search the net for password window code
i think the jump code is 79 in assembly..
when u enter an incorrect password it jumps to the code saying "INCORRECT PASS".... if u remove the jump instruction correctlty the correct password code would be executed and there u r...... U hav cracked it...

do post the crack back .... it would b a great..... all u need is research...
like WTF ? and then he says "all u need is research" at end ?! he sounds like some big ass hacker, but cmon. writing so dumb thing...
This guy surely have watched too many dumb action movies. if it would be so easy, then why even bother to actually write something like this ? if you remove the jump to wrong password, then it does not take your password or encryption key out of nowhere. it CANT take it, because it does not exist. encryption key is generated into memory when you enter your password and your password is only in your head (if you smart and dont write it down). so removing that CAN NOT take your password or encryption key out of thin air lmao.

that reminds me a scenario from movies:
Where somebody needs to get access into a room which is locked with a keypad lock that wants a password. So in movies they just shoot the keypad and door opens.
OR if its a card reader, they stick something in it and it shorts out and opens lmao.

if you don't understand why its so funny to me, let me explain. NORMAL lock that opens with normal key, surely can be destoryed and door opens, but electronic locks like card readers, fingerprint readers, retinal scanners, keypad..etc. they are designed NOT to open door in any other circumstances. So it means if you destroy the lock, it would only lock door forever. only way is to replace the keypad to open it. even if you cut the power, door remains locked. put it that way...
can you crack the password in computer if you smash your keyboard ? or if you cut your keyboard's wire and then short it out lol. i dont think that right password just pops out of nowhere when you smash your keyboard :D Lock mechanism only opens when you enter right password.
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