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How to make Windows XP faster...

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 4:57 am
by Sethioz
heres some simple tips on how to make your windows faster.
1.first of all install ad-aware and clean your pc with it daily (over 1-4 days)
2. you may also want to get ccleaner. its free and GOOD. it can also clean some of the registry.
3. if you are not an screw-up then DISABLE system restore. heres how to do it ...
1. Right-click My Computer, and then click Properties.
2. On the Performance tab, click File System, or press ALT+F.
3. On the Troubleshooting tab, click to select the Disable System Restore check box.
4. Click OK twice, and then click Yes when you are prompted to restart the computer.
5. To re-enable System Restore, follow steps 1-3, but in step 3, click to clear the Disable System Restore check box.
OR at least turn it down to 5gb or less. y disable? because when its enabled your pc is on ''monitoring mode'' and recording all changes you make which causes pc to slow down greatly.
4. DISABLE windows automatic updates!!! y ? look..i have done maintenence for computers and most customers have problem wont boot up...or just keep rebooting over and over again, or just gives this ''blue error screen'' etc... all those so far was caused by windows automatic updates. It also keeps some idiotic files on ur HardDrive, creating folders named something like 32354236745389248395123 this ..long named folders on ur HardDrive r made by automatic update and u can safely delete them all after you have disabled automatic updates. YOU DO NOT NEED IT!!! just read next steps and u will see y. ok heres how to disabled it.
1. Right-click My Computer, and then click Properties.
2. There should be Automatic Updates tab. click it.
3. Now choose disable/turn-off automatic updates.
i am not 100% sure because i even dont have this tab.

5. install your own anti-virus DO NOT use windows anti-virus because it is total crap and spys on you. lets through ALL microsoft ads, spywares and more...and trust me when i say ... microsoft DOES HAVE spy- and adware (all those automatic setting sharing shit ..and other stuff like that, sending info to microsoft on about what setting u use.etc). i suggest nod32 anti-virus. kaspersky is also good but nod32 is better.
6. install your own firewall. once again DO NOT use windows firewall because it is total crap. Zonealarm is one of the best firewalls out there. it has adblocker, spyblocker..and much more.
7. set ALL of your browsing programs to CLEAR record after u close them. programs like IE, netscape, avant, firefox etc...when you close it then it will delete all cookies, history..etc.
8. stay the fuck away from ''Internet Explorer'' Use FireFox. its the BEST browser there is. avant and netscape r ok too, but i wouldnt use em.
9. get urself a good registry cleaner/mechanic. Registry Mechanic is good one. and use it after you remove/move/rename..etc lots of stuff. ..use at least once in a week.
10. go into ''Documents and Settings'' folder and clean it manually, by removing all log files, history ...and other crap that is NOT used by ur programs (lot of programs leave some shit into docs and settings after u remove it). but dont get crazy with ''del'' button, there maybe things u need. NOTE turn on ''show hidden folders/file) how to:
in windows explorer click tools - folder options - view tab - show hidden files and folders. and then browser through ur documents and settings.
11. once in a month you should do ''disk defragment''
1. right-click your HardDrive. (one where you wish to do defragment)
2. click properties.
3. go to ''tools'' tab
4. defragment now
even if it says you do not need to defragment this volume. ...u still should. It really depends on how much files you have moved/copyd/downloaded/deleted in time. for example if u do not download new stuff and dont delete old either much, then theres not much point to defragment so often. but you should still analyze drive with the ''analyze'' button there to see if you need to defragment it or not.

those r just some simple tips. automatic updates and system restore r 2 main things that WILL fuck up ur pc OR just makes it slower. my pc have ran over 3 years WITHOUT format. its just lame when ppl say that u need to format once in a year... if u know how to clean ur HD then u do not need format. it runs GREAT and faster than default windows.

Re: How to make Windows faster...

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 1:28 pm
by V
is there a way to make it slower when it gets too fast? :P

Re: How to make Windows faster...

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 9:19 am
by Skizoteq
I did most of the stuff and well it is better now . But still it aint good enough :D

Re: How to make Windows faster...

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 10:31 am
by Sethioz
maybe you need my custom windows...
usually XP installation is about 4gb, but mine is only like 800mb. I took out all shit. backround images, stupid services, windows messenger...etc.

Re: How to make Windows faster...

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 7:21 am
by Skizoteq
Wow really nice i will try it for sure but its hard to fix my pc whit blinded eyes dont even know what to delete or what shouldent i delete well im going to try the processexx etc the program that you told me to use to fix my pc a litlle bit :)

Re: How to make Windows faster...

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 12:51 am
by bloodyking
for the nod32 is the free version good are i have to buy it?

Re: How to make Windows faster...

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 1:49 am
by Sethioz
no nod32 is not free and as far as i know there is no crack for it. trial used to be full so it was possible to manipulate with the expiration date, but not sure if its possible now.
instead i suggest you to get zonealarm security suite and nothing else. it contains all you need.
program control.
program control is the best thing there is. even if some unreconized virus gets in, then zonealarm will ask you .. what you want to do about the program. it will ask you if you want to allow program to connect to internet, get access to system ..etc.
it uses some resources, but if you have 1gb ram then you have no problems at all. ofc it doesn't need that much, but im able to play games and everything else too with 1gb and zonealarm installed.