How to edit / add / hack Money in SnowRunner & Expeditions
Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 8:12 pm
How to hack / edit money using Cheat Engine [very easy]
Requirements: cheat engine and common sense
This works same in MudRunner, SnowRunner and Expeditions
How to edit money (savegame edit) [easy]
Requirements: Notepad++ and common sense
This same method works for SnowRunner and Expeditions (haven't tried in MudRunner, but should be same)
Savegame locations can be:
Best way to find savegame locations, is using "Agent Ransack" search tool and search for "CompleteSave.cfg" (without quotes). Note that if you have played more than 1 game, then you will find more than 1, so you have to check the steam appid to check which game is which.
1465360 = SnowRunner
2477340 = Expeditions
if you find more than one save, then those are just save slots, like so:
Slot 1 = CompleteSave.cfg
Slot 2 = CompleteSave1.cfg
Slot 3 = CompleteSave2.cfg
Slot 4 = CompleteSave3.cfg
edit the one you're using or edit all if you want money on all slots.
Requirements: cheat engine and common sense
This works same in MudRunner, SnowRunner and Expeditions
How to edit money (savegame edit) [easy]
Requirements: Notepad++ and common sense
This same method works for SnowRunner and Expeditions (haven't tried in MudRunner, but should be same)
Savegame locations can be:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
codex - \Users\Public\Documents\Steam\CODEX\1465360
rune - \Users\Public\Documents\Steam\RUNE\1465360
steam - \Steam\userdata\your_steam_user_id\1465360
1465360 = SnowRunner
2477340 = Expeditions
if you find more than one save, then those are just save slots, like so:
Slot 1 = CompleteSave.cfg
Slot 2 = CompleteSave1.cfg
Slot 3 = CompleteSave2.cfg
Slot 4 = CompleteSave3.cfg
edit the one you're using or edit all if you want money on all slots.