Disable display scaling on high DPI settings enables itself

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Disable display scaling on high DPI settings enables itself

Post by Sethioz »

This bug / problem is about a setting in windows, in .exe properties > compatibility tab. I've ran across this issue couple of times, but nothing big, until ubiSHIT decided to FORCE rainbow 6 siege to use that option and then as result my mouse was stuck on left side of the screen, because i have 4k desktop resolution and playing in 1440p.

Since game was unplayable, i actually took the time to check into it. I've seen this issue in some other games, such as SpinTires and Star Conflict, where mouse was either stuck, incorrect or completely missing mouse cursor. In those games, it's possible to fix it by simply going into game folder, finding .exe file, right click > properties > compatibility and then check or uncheck the box called "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings". some games want it on, some off. For all other games that fixed it.

Actually in Star Conflict I had to run it in windows 7 compatibility mode, but still fixable with ease, however ubiSHIT forced something else so it didn't work.
However what DOES fix it, is that if you're on nVidia graphics, then go to nvidia control panel (right click on desktop) and then go into "adjust desktop size and position" tab on left.

There you will find "scaling" tab and under there you see "select a scaling mode:"
aspect ratio, full-screen and no scaling and then there's also option to "override the scaling mode set by games and programs". Choose one mode and then check the box to override, then try if it works.
try all 3 modes, one of them should definetly work for you.

fuck all those stupid companies who force some options, thinking it's best ... just use nvidia controls to force it to your own mode so game would actually work.
Hope this helps you bypass some douchebaggery set by evil companies.
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