Find list of enemies in MMOs

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Find list of enemies in MMOs

Post by SirHackAlot »

Hi there,

I am trying to find the pointer that holds all enemies in a MMO game called Dead Frontier. By using the pointer scanner and logging in a second account I was able to find a (static) pointer that holds the coordinates of one enemy (my second account). Going one offset up there where a pointer holding all enemies. But wait. The pointer that seemed to hold all enemies sometimes loses enemies and there are also other pointers holding the same or other enemies.
I have faced the same problem with another MMO.

What does that mean? Do I have to do a deeper pointer scan with CE and rescan more often? I don't want to inject because of detection.

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Re: Find list of enemies in MMOs

Post by Sethioz »

I'm not sure how a single pointer can give you all the enemy locations?!

I think what you looking for, is how to make aimbots / ESP hacks. You also don't need 2 accounts, the way you do this, is based on a player location.
First thing to do, is find player location, the XYZ coordinates. That can easily be done with any memory editor, by doing a simple increased / decreased / changed / not changed search while moving / not moving.
Usually in most games, if you move north, value increases and usually values are in float.

Once you find player location, then you can breakpoint the address and find the rest. Once you find the instruction that writes the player location and reverse debug it, then it should list ALL the addresses for all other enemies as well. Most games use same instruction to list any kind of character / vehicle on entire map.
So once you find the instruction that lists the player, then just "breakpoint on read" and it should pop up all the addresses to enemies.

It's not exactly related, but it might give you some ideas how to locate enemies and friends

It doesn't matter what game it is, process is always the same.
For example in The Crew, i have a single pointer for player car, so i can teleport around. Earlier i had a wrong pointer, which changed sometimes, for example if i hit another car, then instead it showed that other car's location, so when i tried teleporting, the other car started to fly around my screen instead.
So you have to find the instruction that writes the coordinates and then debug it.
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Re: Find list of enemies in MMOs

Post by SirHackAlot »

Thanks for the detailed explanation!
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