Glaswegian Neds

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Glaswegian Neds

Post by siab »

Ah Christ where do I begin here...? Well for those who live in the UK probably hear about what a shithole Glasgow is right? Well I went there a few months ago as part of a vacation (dumb I know.) For those who don't know the place is infamous for louts/gangs and stabbing perpetuated by Neds (Non Educated Delinquents.) They are very similar to Chavs but Scottish and thus impossible to understand to others and of course their slags are ugly as sin. I have seen so many but thankfully didn't personally encounter a drunken group of them as they are known to show their true colours and throw bottles and stab you. From what I gathered they chug Buckfast 24/7 when not stabbing people(they call it chibbing.) If you are smart and don't plan on going to Glasgow, see if you can find vids of neds online. Trash culture is worldwide, but Glaswegian neds are special. Christ I learned a lot of shit culture and slang over there and I hope to never go back. No offense to any Scots here, it's only Glaswegian neds I hate, and not Scots at large.
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Re: Glaswegian Neds

Post by Sethioz »

pffff .. go to russia or into areas where you see lot of russians. they're worst ever. they can't even go 1 month without problems and fights. they're aggressive AND dumb.
youtube for russian road rage and look for yourself, no other country compares.
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Re: Glaswegian Neds

Post by siab »

Yeah Russians are probably worse but that's because they're not as stupid as neds. While neds aren't the most dangerous, they sure are among the dumbest, I mean man, neds are braindead. Try spending 5 minutes in Glasgow! However,I bet a drunken Russian thug could beat 5 neds in a fight. I know about the street fights on youtube though, they have brought me entertainment for years! It's even better when a cop just watches the fight! It's like he's as shocked as the viewers online.
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Re: Glaswegian Neds

Post by PinPoint »

lol everywhere in scotland has the same problem, so does england. where there are council houses there is usually violence and gang culture, even in the wealthier areas. Glasgow has a bigger reputation for it because its the biggest city in scotland. Im from edinburgh and its just as bad at parts.
I agree with you on the language thing a little though, in terms of the scottish accents and dialects, thick glaswegian accents/dialects are some of the strongest in scotland.
Also, where someone comes from doesn't decide how good in a fight they will be.

You seem so naive with your comments, you must be about 14. or 12
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Re: Glaswegian Neds

Post by siab »

I hate to break it to you but where you're from can affect how good you are in a fight. There's an educational difference (neds seem very stupid), and different environments that breed different fighting styles. Like Sethioz said, watch Russian street fights on Youtube. It's a totally different atmosphere over there. Also, are you projecting your age on to me? I am not a kid. Sorry.
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