How do you circumvent GUID bans?

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How do you circumvent GUID bans?

Post by siab »

Alright this will apply to any game I suppose, but I am using AVP 2 as an example. I used Wireshark to sniff packets when I couldn't connect to the AVP 2 master server. It turns out that the master server hub was blocking my packet requests and banning me by guid on select servers as a result. When I used a VPN to appear under a different IP and all, I was able to connect to the master server and join any server I wish that wasn't specifically banned by GUID. The question is how can I spoof my GUID so I don't need a bluggy VPN to access it.
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Re: How do you circumvent GUID bans?

Post by Sethioz »

VPN does not change GUID lol, you just got IP banned.

GUID = Globally Unique Identifier, which is generated based on your software and/or hardware. VPN has nothing to do with GUID, changing your IP, ISP or using proxy or VPN only changes your IP, your GUID remains same.
If you want to change your GUID, you can either get a game specific tool if one exists or get new PC lol.
Actually GUID can also be calculated based on your serial, so if you wanna change GUID you gotta get new copy of game.

I've only bypassed GUID ban once and it was in PlanetSide2. It's free to play, therefore you can keep on making new accounts, but it used some hardware and/or OS ID.
I first changed my SSD ID and HDD ID where game was on and then I ran planetside2 through sandbox and it worked (with new account obviously).
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Re: How do you circumvent GUID bans?

Post by siab »

Thanks mate. I am sure I can find a keygen program and then spoof some of my ids. To clarify my first post, my VPN only bypassed the ban that blocked packet requests to the master server (which as you said was IP based) and any servers I was IP banned from, which was most of them. Despite that, a few servers banned guid instead of ip, so even with a VPN I was unable to join those select servers as it detected my GUID and kicked me. Can GUIDs be generated from anything else other than HDD/SDD IDs and game serial numbers? I assume most guid bans compute your HDD/SDD IDs and serials numbers separately to try to make bypassing the ban harder. Anyways I suppose I could use a packet sniffer to find out exactly what information is collected and go from there. Next time I am in the mood to play this half dead game I'll try a key gen and spoof my HDD ID and see what happens.
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Re: How do you circumvent GUID bans?

Post by Sethioz »

GUID can be anything really, i don't remember what avp2 used. as said, in planetside 2 i ran it through sandbox and it worked. sandbox is virtual environment and its free program. if you install avp2 with new serial and run through sandbox, it might work. maybe you have to install it through sandbox (not sure if that's possible, but you can give it a try).
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Re: How do you circumvent GUID bans?

Post by siab »

I screwed around a bit with a server I was GUID banned from and just found out they use a 32 digit GUID, so this helps me narrow things down a bit. By Sandbox do you mean the program Sandboxi? I've heard of it and am familiar with the concept of sandboxes and all, but never really used it extensively. Next time I play AVP 2 I'll first just change the IP and serial number, and then progress outwards to my SDD and such to try to pinpoint all of the numbers they take into account. I will also try your sandbox suggestion and see what results I get the next time I have too much time on my hands.
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Re: How do you circumvent GUID bans?

Post by Sethioz »

yes i think full name is SandBoxie
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Re: How do you circumvent GUID bans?

Post by siab »

I tried a Keygen program while running the game in sandbox and that didn't work so I guess there are pieces of hardware I would need to spoof. Is it possible they have my os guid? I did capture packets to find out the exact number combination they associated with me though. So I did narrow it down. I just can't seem to find what the number is associated with. Any suggestions on how to best spoof various hardware IDs (or os guid if applicable) simultaneously?
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Re: How do you circumvent GUID bans?

Post by Sethioz »

sandbox is stand-alone, meaning all your hardware and software IDs should change.
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Re: How do you circumvent GUID bans?

Post by siab »

I had a feeling the key gen I used was a pile of shit. I'll just look for another, or look online for some keys.
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Re: How do you circumvent GUID bans?

Post by siab »

I was bored earlier and focused on AVP 2. I successfully spoofed the GUID. Coupled with IPs being easy to change bans are not a problem. I just had to find a program that wasn't shitty. Good luck to anyone else that attempts this.
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Re: How do you circumvent GUID bans?

Post by Sethioz »

so that's it, just IP + CD-key change will do?
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Re: How do you circumvent GUID bans?

Post by siab »

That I don't know, I just made all the IDs change into the standalone ones. So while I can change the GUID, I don't know which specific IDs are all factored into the grand GUID. I guess if I played around with each hardware ID and such I could get the combo, but I don't feel like it at the moment, so if anyone else likes to try go ahed. At least not yet. Hey server admin retards, progress is being made! So as of now I guess you could just change everything at once, that's probably easier with software and such. Plus you can go online and find a bunch of CD keys as well in addition to keygen software. Although it might be hard to find legit ones for each.
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Re: How do you circumvent GUID bans?

Post by jpiscorruptwoman »

haha that faggot jp is trying to say i am you. anyway i know a way to get past guid bans. i dont wanna get specific about it just in case they will patch it but lets say it involved some nice trickery. message me if you wanna know and if i dont think your an admin in disguise ill tell you.
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