Aliens vs Predator 2 - hacks / hacking / stuff

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Aliens vs Predator 2 - hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by Sethioz »

I tought that ill post it here too, because it was really fun back then.
I was even thinking to install it back, but cant bother i guess. oh well anyways ...

Theres 2 methods to do those hacks (maybe more)
One is simple Search and filter (commonly used by noobz)

right. now the guide on how to make it.
In general, most of them are simple memory hacks made with Tsearch or ArtMoney.
I will provide simple, basic non step-by-step tutorial on how to make them.

Ok first you need Tsearch and ArtMoney or any other memory editor that can do same things.
Run avp2 game
open its process in the memory editor
click on ''search'' and search the value you wish to find
go back in game and do something that will CHANGE the value you searched.
click on ''filter'' (sieve ..etc) and search for the value which it should be now.
-repeat it until you will find 1-20 addresses, then simply test them one by one and see which one has the desired effect.
NOTE - changing some of the values on addresses may crash your game.
also note that all of those hacks are made in DEDICATED server !!! (addresses maybe different in non-dedicated server!!!

Other one is what im using - finding value from HEX using bute files and then looking up its address and then add it into cheatlist in Tsearch. I will include 3 most important bute files too that can be used to get info about game.

Ok how do i do this ??
Let me explain.
BUTE file is what will be loaded into RAM
ALL of those bute files are OPEN in the RAM
Memory editor (memory - RAM, editor will open the process running)
So when you open BUTE file in the TEXT editor it will be exactly same in the memory
All you need to do, is to find the right place and change the value you want
Here is EXAMPLE from the bute file, this is how i found visions:

Code: Select all


VisionSetName   = "Marine_Visions"
VisionMode0     = "Normal"
VisionMode1     = "NightVision"


VisionSetName	= "Alien_Visions"
VisionMode0     = "Normal"
VisionMode1     = "Hunting"


VisionSetName   = "Predator_Visions"
VisionMode0     = "Normal"
VisionMode1     = "HeatVision"
VisionMode2     = "ElectroVision"
VisionMode3     = "NavVision"
This exact thing exists in the MEMORY (RAM) and it is editable with Tsearch HEX editor, which will edit that directly in memory.
Im sure that some of you wants to know why you cant just edit the file itself !?
Good question, but stupid one. First of all - all those bute files are contained in the avp2.rez file (if im correct about file name). First you need winrez to extract bute files, then change them and then put them back into .rez file.
YES it does work on single player, you can pretty much do whatever you want. Get infinite ammo, life ..etc
BUT when you try to join server with modified files, then you will not get into any server.
Simply server checks if the file is same. This is where the memory editor comes in.
This does not concern avp2 game, but in most racing/rally games you CAN join server with modified files.

So basically using Tsearch's HEX editor you can still edit those bute files, only that its loaded into memory this time and server does not check your memory (only files when you join). It gives same effect as changing the file.

Here's the list of hacks i have made and tested personally.

1. Crouch Jump
2. Run Speed
3. Aimbot
4. Falling damage
5. Moving in air
6. Ultimate health
7. WallWalk
8. FreeFly mode
9. Customize weapons
10. No clip
11. NEO mode
12. ROWname
13. Speed pounce (alien)
14. Power pounce (alien)
15. WalkSpeed
16. Crouch Speed
17. AmmoType
18. Visions
19. Weapon range
20. Ammo spread (accuracy)
21. Character change
22. Barrel
23. server side Neo mode.
24. Anti Stun
25. Invisible
26. Clone (more than one body)
27. Enter locked servers
28. Lock other servers with own lock
29. Weapon Sounds
30. Headbite all at once in map.
31. WireFrame
32. Space Mod
33. Cheat Mode
34. FishEye View
35. Zooming.
36. Vectors


1. Crouch Jump----float----1address
First go human and search for 550.
Then go predator and search for 1100.
Only one address is right.

2. Run Speed (aliens and humans, does not work with heavy weapons!!) float----1address
Go human and search for 320.
Then choose Drone and search for 410.
NOTE: 999 is max speed (or something like that) you cant move as fast as lightning.

3. Aimbot----4bytes----1address
Put on class weapon sets.
Then choose specialist and take out smartgun.
Search for value 3. (make sure SG´s cursor is green)
Then take out knife and search for 0.
Repeat this until theres 2 addresses.
Then try is correct (NOT BOTH)
Value for auto aiming is 3 (sg). (5 is pred disc: only with vision)

4. Falling damage----float----1address
Select human and search 320.
Select pred and search for 1024.
-1 is alien´s value. (no damage)

5. Moving in air----float----1address
Go human and search for 300.
Go pred and search for 500.
Then put that on 6000.

6. Ultimate health----float----2addresses
First put falling damage on 1. (hack 4)
then go human and search for 768.
go pred and search for 2048.
thats deathdistfall. put that on 0.
to get health just jump. small hop gives over 10000.

7. WallWalk----float-4bytes----2addresses
1 address----wallwalking ability
Go wallwalker (runner, drone, predalien)
search 1----4bytes.
go nonwallwalker. search 0----4bytes.
*use different wallwalkers to search 1 and different nonwallwalkers for 0.
NOTE! use preatorian to check wallwalk ability. u must get praetorian
wallwalking like any other alien!!!
2 address----wallwalk toggle (u need it cause other characters does not have
wallwalking button!!!)
go wallwalker (runner, drone, predalien) search 0----float
press wallwalk toggle button (G) so ur wallwalk is ON.
search 1----float.
then use 2 hotkeys to toggle wallwalk on (1) and off (0)

8. Movement type (freefly)----4bytes----1address
Do it in TDM or DM.
kill urself and then press F1. then F2 to get into freefly mode.
now search for 28.
now spawn again and search for 0.
if you have found the address, make a hotkey for it.
hotkey that sets value on 28 (when you die it will turn off automatically)
I do not remember other values, but you can test. Theres values for crouch, jump, pounce (u can make human pounce)

9. Customize weapons----text----unknown
U need ArtMoney to do the trick.
search for weapon u wanna change.
Values for weapons:
then change weapon name (only name--case sensitive) u wanna use to shoot this
search shotgun.
change this value to pulse rifle value.
Models\Weapons\Marine\ to Models\Weapons\Marine
this way u got urself a rapidfire shotgun that looks like pulserifle and shotgun mix.
its pretty cool...rapidfire shotty :)

10. No clip----4bytes----unknown
This is most easy hack.
The amount of ur ammo in clip is value u need to search.
sample: shotgun has left ammo and right ammo. left is clips, right is ammo in current
u need to search ammo in current clip. search then shoot some bullets then search
again and shoot...etc
NOTE: u only can make no clip!!! Cant make infinite ammo like that....ammo wont
freeze!!!!! Amount of ammo is server controlled.

11. NEO mode----float----4addresses
1st activate ultimate health hack
1 address:
now go human and search for 200.
go alien and search 0.
2 address:
go human search for 100
now go predalien and search 300
Now u have 2 addresses:
1 is max armor: put it on 999999
2 is max health: put it on 1000
:::to activate it u need to jump, ur health still goes up but it never runs out::::
U can check it by using freefly to fly off the it does damage. if its not on
then u
will instantly die when going off map.
there's alternitive methods too. one called 00hp for example. I do not remember it, but its glitchy. since you have 00hp then server/game thinks you are dead and you cant do many things (like you cant choose weapon with numbers ..etc)

12. ROWname----hex
go into server.
press enter and write name u wanna use. DONT PRESS ENTER....before name
ofcourse name command!!!!
after name write UNIQUE word like: unique, blablabla, shitdamnfuck...sumthing like
now go into Tsearch and open hex
search for this UNIQUE word.
now u found ur name in hex. try to find hex value for names last letter.
now change next value from that last letter. SAMPLE: 02 77 42 B3 52
63.............urname. 63 should
be last letter.
to make sure on that change last letter and watch values. this way u can see which
value changed.
Now simply just change all values after ur name to 0A. and make it like in 5 ROWs.
like this 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A
here is ur name values!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A
0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A
0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A
0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A
0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A
now go back into game and press enter and ur name is all over screen..........
this name in ( ) is like on bottom left corner.

13. Speed pounce----1address----float
Go drone and search 1200
Go runner and search 1100
9999 is fastest....cause if u put more then alien wont pounce normally.

14. Power Pounce----1address----float
Go drone and search for 150.
Go runner and search for 190.
And if u need then predalien is 175.
put it on 999999999. this is max

15. Walk Speed----1address----float
Drone is 190
Runner is 250

16. Crouch Speed----1 address----float
Runner is 270
Drone is 190
put it on 99999. :D

17.AmmoType----1 address----1 byte----change to 8bytes
knife 67
sniper 27
rockets tracking 28
rockets 80
plasma (light) 71
plasma heavy 82
discs 93
red grenades 78
blue grenades 63
spears 14
pred bombs 15
pulse grenades 13
flare 58
laser 95
alien tail stun 50
headbite 32
charged plasma 81

single player values
31 - hacking device
2 - knife
68 - sniper
23 - torch
58 - flare
81 - pred hacking device
11 - face hug
29 - medicomp
47 - energy sift
20 - discs ammo
2 - knife
54 - pounce ?

Ok this is tricky one actually. Predator wrist blades has 4 types of ammo.
left click attack
right click attack
right click charge attack
right click long charge attack
you can change each of them individually. This includes pointer search which i dont include here.
Tsearch can search for the SOURCE address for all those.
Here is EXAMPLE.

You are in game and you are marine
you have KNIFE on hand
value of the MAIN ammo address is 67

you take out sniper
value on MAIN ammo address changes to 27

WHERE did that 27 came from ??? game DOES NOT take those values from air !!!
Its on the SOURCE address. EVERY weapon has individual address (aka SOURCE for main address) for its value.
to find that .. you must do pointer search in Tsearch. (look the tutorial in Tsearch itself)
once you have found the SOURCE address for that value, you can simply change it (not freeze it) and then every time you take out that weapon .. you will have the ammo you specified on the source address (weapon's individual address).

For example you can make it like ...
predator wristblades ..
ammo 1 (left click) shoots nets
ammo 2 (right click) shoots discs
ammo 3 (right charged click) shoots plasma
ammo 4 (right long charge click) shoots grenades

18. Visions----1address----4bytes
sniper---66 (ichiro)
johnson 79
predator 16

NOTE that this is glitched !!!
you can get BETTER visions by using Artmoney's text search
search for ''Marine_Visions''
and change ALL (about 150 addresses) to ''Predator_Visions''
DO NOT freeze the values. you can close artmoney after that.
now your marine (any human) has the predator vision sets !

19. Weapon range----4bytes
100 is knife.
change it with winrez to like 50009
then search it.
--or u can find it in hex editor. (BEST WAY)

20. Ammo spread/sounds/secondary ammo ?!?!----1 address----4bytes
-this thing has lot of effects !
here is 2 ways. not sure about values. 0 is no spread. (sniper i think)
wierd im not sure about it. its near ammo type...
just use ammo address beginning and offset is 6A0C
example If your ammo address begins with 128 then this is 1286A0C

41 - headbite sounds
70 - tail
75 - chestburster bite
79 - hit headbite
86 - speargun
107 - bug

21. Character change----1address----1byte
same as visions, but 1byte search
runner is 147
predator is 16
ichiro is 66
this will allow you to choose characters not listed (cyborg, bug, bullet ..etc)
i do not remember those values (cyborg was 22 i think)

22. Barrel----1address----1byte or 4 bytes. (sumtimes both works)
addy is ...6A14
values r different in all games....that means it cant be found easily.
just use ammo addy to get beginning.
example : ammo address is 1116A08 then barrel is 1116A14.

23. Server Side Neo Mode
values are:
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
freefly is 5 i think.
2 is respawning.
1 should be life.
4 ??
This is just something cool you can make in your own server
NOTE - you have to open your dedicated server as process instead of game.
If you set value to LIFE and get killed ... then you will keep dieing lol (it will lag a lot)

24. This needs 2 persons to make it. Or my alternitive method with HEX
0 when not stunned/netted
1 when in net or stunned

25. Invisible---1 address---1byte---4bytes.
This will make you totally invisible (its not cloak)
as alien, you are totally invisible
as human, others can see your weapon only

26. Clone---packet editing
record movement packets in server. then resend them and clone appears and does the moves you recorded.
You can use etherpeek or something like that.
you basically get infinite ammo with it, by recording the packets where you run over ammo box.
when you resend those packets and loop that recording (so it sends packets over and over again) and do it FAST
then your clone keeps collecting ammo.
You can also call it - splitted character
NOTE - only ONE of your instances can be seen at time. If you stand still then your clone is visible, if you move then your clone is invisible and you are visible.

27. Enter Locked Servers---packet editing.
What i CAN say ... is that its not that hard.
when you send ''password'' packet into server and password is wrong, then server sends you ''disconnect'' packet and your client (game) will just stop sending info.
If your game ignores this ''disconnect'' packet and still tries to join, then server will still respond and let you in.

28. Lock Other Servers with Own Lock.---packet editing.
Basically its flooding the server with fake players.
You just have to record the ''join'' packet like 20 times and then save those packets.
then you can simply resend them.

29. Weapon Sounds
still in progress. there r many ways. u can use AM or Ts.
with Ts its like ammo. sounds changes when u switch weapon.
unknown---changed, not changed, inc, dec...etc and there u go.
-i never finished this, so i dont have specific values, but it works just fine if you find right addresses.

30. HeadBite all at once in map
change ammo to headbite. hack nr 17.
change barrel to knife. hack nr 22.
change knife range to 50000 or more. hack nr 19.
change spread. so it spreads all over map (test it).hack nr 20.
now u should be able to kill all at once with just one or two bites.
NOTE - i do not remember it correctly. but its possible for sure, i think you need to go out of map to be able to do that. otherwise walls will not let you do that. If you are out of map then you can shoot/bite thru walls.

31. WireFrame
We are still only ones who know it :) and ill keep it that way.

32. Space Mod
it can be made from wireframes, so i cant reveal it either.
Its basically like freefly, but slower and it makes you slowly glide over map (like in space)

33. Cheat Mode
Details (under process--details)
find line with Cshell.dll ...look address of it.
address + 6FF17 (hex) (address of cshell.dll and then add 6FF17)
in hex go to what u get. (1st button in hex editor)
line with 0F 85 73 02 00 00 change all to 90

also it can be done with addresses

34. FishEye View

35. Zooming

36. Vectors
This can be used to increase the amount of bullets you shoot at once.
Its possible to do one-shot-kills :)
-You have to use the HEX editor (memory hex in Tsearch) to do that.

Those are ammo values for Aliens vs Predator 2 Primal Hunt
EMP Gernades = 56
Flares = 59
Remote Bombs = 43
Discs = 96
Rocket Launcher = 29
Non Charged Plasma Caster = 87
Predator Nets = 85
Sensor Mines = 81
Marine Knife = 80
Pulse Rifle Gernades = 79
Spider Mines = 78
Gernade Launcher Gernades = 77
Predator Pistol = 73
Predator Spear Gun = 66
Predator Pistol Stun = 62
Charged Plasma Caster = 61
Server Crash = 12
Fire = 22
Queen Tail Whip = 11
3 most important bute files
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by Sethioz »

New post cuz it would go too messy.
This is something i got from M (Jonathan)

powered by artmoney
by -=C=- M

" ' "
- † -
, . ,

Base Human Character

**Marine" // This needs to be a corporate.
Base Synthetic Character

Base Predator Character
Base Alien Character

**Base Exosuit Character
# 84 - Spider Bomb


= "Projectiles\"
# 86 - Striker (prop)

# 87 - Beetle (prop)


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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by V »

ah once " top secret " files are now being released to the public eh
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by Sethioz »

i wouldnt call it ''top secret''
HERE is the old post in old forum about it. not as much as i have here, but still a lot and as you noticed i still didnt post wireframes...its just too valueable.
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by Sethioz »

ive been making some hack videos of it and i kind a ran into some wierd stuff.
im sure you, V, remember how we found the source addresses for ammo. well actually you found it lol.
point is .. im very sure you was just messing around with it.
-enable debugger
-right click ammo address and ''autohack''
-open debugger window
-do something in game in order to change ammo value on address
-look wht showed up in debugger
-click on disassambler tab
-right click first line and 'register'
and then it should show source address as value there, but it doesnt ! i know i did it same way, but its not showing up anymore. wanted to make a nice video how predator wristblades shoot 4 different ammos without even touching any hotkeys.[/color]

nvm, got it working and made the video + tutorial. check the hacks/cheats topic for advanced ammo hack and also downloads-video tutorials section for more info.
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by Sethioz »

should add THIS here
the ultimate hacks demonstration...well more like unique hacks.
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by Ileostomy »

Sethioz shows in one of his tutorials how to do funny things with knife.
I tryed that too, and it worked fine.
But then I was trying to do that with other weapons 2, like pulserifle or predator pistol ,but it didn´t work ...
Can u say me why , or what I did wrong ?
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by Sethioz »

only melee barrel can shoot stuff like rockets, plasma ..etc.
there's few barrels that can shoot something else too (like all bullet weapons should be able to shoot all bullet types, like sniper can shoot pistol bullets, but u run out of ammo)
so if you want to make your pulse shoot rockets, you have to use knife's barrel. then you can shoot rockets out of pulse, but it would still make knife sound. so you have to change sounds too (cant remember it anymore). i cant remember how i found barrel first time (think tht Magic Maker gave the offset), but its very hard to find. its in the same memory range as the ammo type, so this is how its found.
you dont have to search it anyways. just look at the barrel hack.
-you cant simply chagne barrel, because it will crash then. so you have to take out knife and then freeze the value. then all your weapons will be like knife.
here's how i did plasma pulse
1. changed pulse rifle's ammo type to plasma (71 i think)
2. froze the barrel (so i had knife's barrel)
3. changed the spread of the knife so it shot in straight line
4. change some wierd value (barrel 2 or something like that) to get sounds. 6A0C is end of the address for this. use ammo type address beginning. its wierd address.. changes lot of things, but can also give you different sounds (everybody hears them)

and btw im not blind, i see normal sized text very well too
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by chenyifan »

what is the "Classified" :cry:
and... i cant make a Clone what packet should i sent?
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by Sethioz »

what is the "Classified" :cry:
and... i cant make a Clone what packet should i sent?
classified means ...well use dictionary ?! classified, top secret, not revealed..etc

you have to send all packets again. from the point where you click ''join''. to the point where you click ''quit''. ofcourse only outgoing packets are important.
im using commview. CV 6.x version has the process filter in it, which is awsome for such thigns. you can make it capture only packets from process (lithtech.exe on avp2 case) if you are SMART and know how to make filters and small scripts or macros ..etc. you will be able to actually control the ''clone'' using hotkeys.
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by Ileostomy »

I realy didn´t understand how to get into servers with a password!
I tried to get in , by changing values and so one...
but nothing worked...
can give me a bit more informations about this?
Last edited by Ileostomy on Mon Oct 12, 2009 5:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by Sethioz »

not the values. its about packet editing. in theory if you block the ''disconnect'' packet it should work. problem is that if you record packets from one server and try to send them into another server with other map on .. it wont work.

here's example:
i went into ''Server#1'' which was not password protected.
it had ''compound'' map running.
i entered and recorded packets.
now admin locked server and rebooted the map so i was unable to join server normally.
now i simply resent all captured packets and my clone successfully entered server !

yes i only got my ''clone'' in there .. or bot if u like. but if bot gets in there, then its possible to get in there yourself. i never tried it again .. cant bother with that game so much anymore.
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by chenyifan »

how to do this video's first part?
when you kill a player it will have many dead body

p.s:我的英语很烂 i cant speak english well
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by Sethioz »

well thats our little secret :) I dont want to publish this one.
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by Ileostomy »

Yes but what are "Packets" and how to record them?
Can u say me the name of a programm to record them?
Last edited by Ileostomy on Mon Oct 12, 2009 5:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by Sethioz »

omg dude, u need to learn BASICS of computer.
theres lots of packet editors. my favorite is CommView 6.x versions.
you wont be able to get into locked servers dude, you need to modify game or find a way to send packets from certain source ports.
to be able to send packets from known source port with commview .. you will have to edit each packet, becaue checksums will change if u change takes LOOONG. well maybe theres easier way, i havent looked into it, but in theory it works and also works on it is possible.

when they locked server my bot successfully entered, but i couldnt. for example if i go into game and record the packets where i run over ammo box (as demonstrated -HERE-) and resend them, then ill get ammo. thts because the source port is still same. it wont work exactly like this on locked servers, because game still recieves disconnect packet and u wont be able to continue. u need to modify game or block that disconnect packet...
im not 100% sure what is that disconnect packet, maybe theres more than one, but i know for sure that bot got into locked server and thts all the proof i need to be sure its possible.
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by deathbethyname »

hey hows it going. i like your hacks youve posted and have no trouble using most of them but the ultimate health hack doesnt seem to work for me, which is the only one out of the ones ive used. i done the falling damage one, which worked, then tried the ultimate health which doesnt. i dont know what you mean about "deathdistfall put that on 0", could you please explain in a little more detail, or even a video demonstration if you could. im sorry if the answer is simple enough for you not to have posted it in the hack discription but as ive said that is the only one i can seem to get. if you could get back to me it would be appreciated. even by email [email protected].


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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by Sethioz »

You are probably confused by other idiots who have no idea what they talk about (i refer to idiots who say freefly hack, not movement..etc.). I extraced the bute files form avp2l.rez file. in one of those files there are 2 values called:
SafeDistFall - this specifies how much distance you can fall without getting hurt.
DeathDistFall - this specifies on which distance you will die when falling (alien is -1, so they have no falling damage).

Now. DeathDistFall is BIGGER value than SafeDistFall. so when you change deathdistfall to 0 and safedistfall to 1, you will gain health instead of losing when you jump.

so how you do it ?!

Do falling damage first (SafeDistFall).
320 float on human
1024 float on predators
-1 float all aliens
NOTE that all values that use negative values are always float, because byte values cant handle negative values (also values that have . in it)
you will set the found address on 1.

Now do the DeathDistFall:
768 float on human
2048 float on predators
-1 should be aliens, but not sure (use pred and human to search).
once you find the right address, freeze the value on 0.

go into game and jump. after that you will get lots of hp.
-Note. you will still be able to die.

You can adjust the amount of health you get by testing different values.
for example:
SafeDistFall 100
DeathDistFall 90
I remember that i had hotkeys to fill my hp. just like taking a medkit, because using nearly god mode was boring, but filling up health after nice fight was very good, but i cant remember exact values i used to get 100-1000hp boost.
So when i wanted hp, i hit the hotkey that changed my values to like 100 and 90 (just example) and then i jumped once and got like 300hp. after that i clicked other hotkey to change to no falling damage again.

NOTE - AvP2 servers will be closing this year!!!
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by deathbethyname »

thank you very much, its working now. i just didnt now exactly what you ment about the deathdistfall and that. ty
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by Sethioz »

sry about that, actually i was wrong. the values are called:

Code: Select all

FallDistSafe           = 320
FallDistDeath         = 768
This is what bute files say, but it doesn't matter much if you not editing them with hex memory editor, just as long as the values was right.
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by deathbethyname »

hey sethioz, ive got a question. when i use the ammo hack for knife it works fine on my host server to get the hack first but whrn i go into other servers it doesnt work unless im in the range of the knife or alien claws/tail. would it work if i changed the range of knife/claws/tail or is it something to do with the server im in blocking this hack?
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by Sethioz »

you really know nothing about AvP2 huh ? thats called a patch and it was released like 3 years ago or so. and it doesn't work, it's only visual effect. if you want infinite ammo and damage in all servers..simply modify your knife.
-change the spread of knife, so it shoots into one place like sniper or pistol or pulse.
-change model of knife into pulse, pistol..etc, to make it shoot faster.
-change range of knife. 50000 range will be good enought, its enought to shoot over all maps (even that jungle)
-now finally change vectors of knife to about 30-100, so it will be very strong.
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by PinPoint »

hey sethioz.

just wondering if theres an out of body hack available ?

i heard it mentioned on a forum while looking for an alien vision (just a black screen for me xD) patch or file and thought it sounded cool.

youre character is ment to stay in your spawn point but its like your actually in free fly but you can kill people. or something like that

just wondering :D
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by Sethioz »

Honostly i can't remember how i did it, but the alternate method is to use this windows xp speed tool. I can't even remember its name. It suppouse to speed up things in your computer. It had some glitch, so when you enabled it, then your body was left behind and when disabled, then you did not got disconnected either. Im not even sure if it was xp speedup tool, but it was some kind of a tool like this.
I used it few times to leave the actual body out of map so nobody found it.
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by PinPoint »

klkl ty.

ill look around to see if i find anything or if you remember anything it would be appreciated information xD
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by Sethioz »

well using this speedup tool will work, but its glitchy. sometimes it will disconnect you or something like this. if you do it fast enought (enable and then disable) then it should leave your body where you pressed it.

anyways isn´t avp2 servers down ? i tought that developers took master servers down.
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by PinPoint »

i havent had any luck finding the tool yet, i look for it on google but all i get is ways to speed up xp (editing registry etc) and stuff you have to pay for. was it a free tool you mentioned or did you have to pay for it?

yea the master server was taken down but people at made a new one. its not exactly how it used to be (cant get on server info tab) and it takes a while to bring servers up. SG-2 clan are the dominant server provideres also with usually 7 24/7 servers running. and ive only seen about 25 people max(maybee pushing it a bit) on in the servers list since the shut down.
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by PinPoint »

sorry for double post. do you think it would be posible to do it by prioritising the lithtech.exe in the ctrl+alt+del menu while in game then turning it off quickly? i found a video shoewing this but not with any game, just a way to speed up a program you are using at that time.
here is the video link....
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by Sethioz »

no it was a small tool. just .exe file. something like xpspeedup or speedxp ..can't member.
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by PinPoint »


i found a couple that could maybe be right for the job. xspeed and xptools

ill try them out and get back to you to let you know if they work xD

even if they dont work and i never find the right one:S ty for the help anyway bro (Y)
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by WhiteWolf »

Hey sorry for PMimg you that question. Should have known to post it here instead :oops: Anyways I know that Multiplayer and single would have different addresses to search for. I was just wondering if you already had the weapon values, because unknown searches are a pain to do. Also when I try to do an unlimited ammo mod it never stays (if i freeze it or change it to 90 hex) I even found button scripts but they didn't help :?: Could you point me on the right track please?
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by Sethioz »

well obviously you did something wrong, because it is not hard to find at all. you will find out that address is same (was for me).

Code: Select all

31 - hacking device
2 - knife
68 - sniper
23 - torch
58 - flare
81 - pred hacking device
11 - face hug
29 - medicomp
47 - energy sift
20 - discs ammo
2 - knife
54 - pounce ?
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by WhiteWolf »

Thank You! .dh. you just saved me a whole bunch of time!
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by muhku »

So much usefull stuff!!
Great! You saved my time and something... good job!
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by Sethioz »

remember friends, that this retarded idiot TH guy have never made any of these, it was all me and "Medulla Oblongata" who discovered Ammo and Wireframes and i discovered/made the server crash exploit along side with invisibility. Ive heard from ppl who STILL play avp2 that TH guy still brags with my discoverys .. sry, but i will never release invisibility or TH retard steals it and says something like "i FINALLY MADE IT !!". This is what happend to ammo hack when i released it :(
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by TeamRetox »

if theres a command for wireframe(ill use cs:source as example its r_drawothermodels 2 there) then you can just enter weird vallues like r_drawothermodels 92 then you search for 92, keep doing that till you have only a few addresses left, and then just freeze it to the wireframe value :)
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by Sethioz »

yeah this is what those idiots kept telling me, they said something like "hahaha what a noob uses the command line for wireframes" ..exept that they was never able to replicate it (ironic..calling me a noob, but they are even bigger noobs by not knowing anything what they talk about, mostly it was this TH clan idiots who did that)

well yes there is the wireframe command, and yes it has effect, BUT it does not effect whole server, it is only client side, so only you see the effects. wireframe hack, when i turned it on, it effected whole server.
you can see WireFrames hack here <. it had quite few different effects, one of them turned whole server into this, not just models, but some trees and environment too, other effect was that if somebody was able to see me, then their whole screen turned into wires, when they turned away (was not able to see my model), then it turned back to normal.

all i tell about this, is that it has nothing to do with any commands, it is a pure exploit / hack. Medulla did find/made it first and he said it was a lucky one. however his version had a glitch, sometimes you fell thru the map doh.

however your idea is not so bad, i never tried it. maybe if you change it to some unknown/invalid value it may have some unexpected effect, but im quite sure that if those idiots told me its command, then they already tried it. they was basically crying their eyes out cuz they did not have it.
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by TeamRetox »

You could also hook the D3D device(if its a D3D game, can be done with opengl too i think) and just force the render mode to wireframe to put everything in wireframe, but it would be clientside too. Sounds like this wireframe you made was more for raging purposes then to gain an advantage over players ^^
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by Sethioz »

it uses DirectX (v 7). old yes, but still.
well it was more like for fun and to confuse ppl. it was priceless how ppl was like .. "what da fuck is going on" "omg my graphics are fucking up!!! WTF !" "oh no no, its not only you mine too" "omg you noob go fix your pc, haha, WHAT DA FUCK WIREFRAMES WHAT DA FUCK WHAT DA FUCK FU" was just priceless, those kids had no idea whats going on lmao. they also couldn't boot me, cuz they had no idea who is doing that, yes i went in there using other names rofl. i have videos on youtube, you can check them out.
wireframe in action.
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by PinPoint »

im just wondering about the aimbot for avp2. i use the sg and the rocket one, usually the rocket one to be less suspicious. ive played for a while while using and never had a problem, obvioulsy been called a hacker many times which ive denied but now in in a bit of a stump.

ive been in 1 on 1 matches with the other person recording, and when i use the aimbot i hit the chest, unless im far away and sometimes get the head with the rocket aimbot, and when i hit them they usually die straight away, or within 1-3 shots to the chest.

im really wondering if theres a way to change the hitbox to aim higher than the chest, like head. the way im thinking is, could i move where the aimbot locks onto to a couple of cm higher? so its not as noticeable.

another thing, for recording purposes on my end, is there a way to change the aimbot crosshair (y'no the green square) to just a normal crosshair?

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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by Sethioz »

if im correct it had something to do with models. for example aimbot locks onto a model (model name, like head, hand..etc), but i really don't know where it was specified. i guess you need to check the attribute files. if im correct, then M have done it, i'll ask him and send him the link to this post.

however i have alternative if you don't want to kill enemys instantly or if you don't want to use aimbot at all and still get easy kills.
answer is VECTORS. this is what i always used, i never used aimbot. i changed my "vectors per round" to like 10-30, depending on the server settings and mode. if server had 200% damage, then 10 was quite enought, it means you have 10 times more damage with pulse rifle. so instead of aimbot, you should change vectors, this way it is less suspecious, unless you can't aim at all.
for example in survivor mode, in quarantine, it was enought to keep all aliens out of basement, when my vecs was on 20. i even killed queen before she entered.

i just realized i haven't explained how to change vectors, well its easy. you open weapons attribute file and search for "Pulse_Rifle_Bullet_Barrel" (exact value). however you need to find "Pulse_Rifle_Bullet_Barrel_MP" if im correct, well there's not many of them and it is one of the first ones in line. for example if you do search, then it is 1st or 2nd or close to them. if you click find next, find next..etc, then its in very front.
now what ? you compare it to the Weapons file.
check the following, it is out of the Weapons file, you can clearly see "VectorsPerRound" in there, but you can't use normal filtering method, because this value never changes, so you have to open it in hex and compare to the real file and count the places, when you find "01" which is in right place, change it directly in hex, but remember that those are HEX values and 20 is not 20. 20 in HEX is 32 in DEC. so use calc to convert hex to dec and other way around.

Code: Select all

Type = "Barrel"

NameId      		= 4804
MuzzlePos   		= <1.359897, -1.749920, 8.639969>
MinXPerturb 		= 2
MaxXPerturb 		= 6
MinYPerturb 		= 2
MaxYPerturb 		= 6
Range       		= 3500
MinRecoilAmount         = <-1.500000, -0.500000, -0.500000>
MaxRecoilAmount         = <-2.000000, 0.500000, 0.500000>
RecoilTimes 		= <0.010000, 0.000000, 0.050000>
VectorsPerRound         = 1
SingleImpactSound	= 0
//PVMuzzleFXName        = "Pipe_Grenades_PV_MFX"
PVMuzzleFXName          = "Pulse_Rifle_Bullet_PV_MFX"
PVBreachOffset		= 0.000000
HHBreachOffset          = 0.000000
HHMuzzleFXName          = "Pulse_Rifle_Bullet_HH_MFX"
FireSnd     		= ""
AltFireSnd  		= "Sounds\Weapons\Marine\PulseRifle\fireloop.wav"
DryFireSnd  		= "Sounds\Weapons\Marine\PulseRifle\Reload2.wav"
MiscSnd0    		= "Sounds\Weapons\Marine\PulseRifle\Reload1.wav"
MiscSnd1    		= "Sounds\Weapons\Marine\PulseRifle\firestart.wav"
MiscSnd2    		= "Sounds\Weapons\Marine\PulseRifle\firestop.wav"
ClipIcon		= "interface\statusbar\marine\i_clip.pcx"
FireSndRadius           = 1200
InfiniteAmmo		= 0
ShotsPerClip		= 99
AmmoName    		= "Pulse_Rifle_Bullets_Ammo"
BarrelType  		= 0
NextBarrel  		= ""
DecloakWhenFired	= 0
Save                    = 1
DisplayAmmo 		= 1
ah found it, here's the video tutorial on how to use hex editor and fortunetly for you i took avp2 as example.
How to use memory HEX editor to hack games - AvP2 hack
NOTE - if youtube have screwed it up, plz pm me on site (not forum, but site) and tell me !!! then ill reupload it to my site !
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by PinPoint »

ty for the help btw.

yea ive played around with vectors before and use them now and again but not with the aimbot. i prefer the aimbot ccause it does the hard part for me :P but i can aim fairly well by myself, but not as well as id like and obviously nowhere near aimbot standards.

i appreciate the input but id still like to know how to get an aimbot to the head if possible. so hopefully M is ok with sharing to the public.

if i record i usually use vectors so you dont see the sg hitbox but i would really like to record while using the aimbot without seeing the hitbox, but just a normal crosshair. is that possible in anyway?

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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by Memnoch »

Its been to long ago for me,
And i cant find any of my old notes . But what i can remember , there a few things you could use to mix and match to get exactly what your after

Alien Head bite will give you head shots ,
Ammo will change your dmg amounts so it can take more then one hit to kill
also theres a way to change the spread of your fire. you can widen the spread to lower acc or make it more narrow to improve it (ie: shoot a wall with pulse , you will see the bullets hit randomly in a small area. you can make the all hit one spot)

You can get one hit kills on anything with headbite, even most godmoders.
umm. Cross hairs was easly changed with skin files downloaded off liek or somewhere like that, just google for avps skins

you could also change them through Artmoney as well as your hud.

Sorry i couldnt help more , thats all i can remember untill i find my old notes.
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by Sethioz »

ah i totally forgot the ammo apread and headbite and such. i remember i was working on the hack that killed everybody at once, i posted about it too. change to headbite, then change damage and spread, go outside of map and shoot .. boom everybody start dieing (cuz if outside of map, your ammo goes thru walls).

anyways try the spread then, because it can be better than aimbot if you change vectors to like 20-30 and then spread it all over the screen. so all it takes for you is randomly shoot at your enemy and it dies.

offtopic - as about aiming, well sometimes im even better than aimbot. for example back in the days when i played, i heard a predator disc sound behind me (pred taking out disc), i turned around and direct hit it with sniper, without zoom. how ? well i have 5.1 sound system, always had and always will (in future maybe 7.1 or 9.1). placing the speakers right way, you can hear exactly where enemy/s are, but those dumb retarded kids tought that im using aimbot... ofc it takes a lot more than just 5.1 sound to do that, but my point is that i shot invisible pred by just turning around by sound.
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by PinPoint »

just another thought, ive heard about a macro for pulse stagger and wondering if you could help set one up?


i found a program called macro express pro and have been playing around with it, but its tricky to get a good stag. would you happen to know the optimum delays in mouse clicks for a really good stag. 2.0 or higher?
i.e it would go left mouse down, delay 100ms, left mouse up, delay, 50 ms etc etc or something
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by Sethioz »

i have macromaker in downloads, only macro program that ive used, but never in avp2. keeping mouse button down all the time is extremely dumb and ineffective (even if it auto staggers). i only press fire when my crosshair is right on top of enemy and release it when it goes off. i never waste ammo by shooting walls. usually i just do 2-3 clicks and thats enought for headshot and with 5-10 vecs you can hit any part of body 1-2 times to take down enemy.
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by PinPoint »

cheers man. ive made one now, but it still needs work like. the stag rate ive got it on is around 1.6/7 which is my normal one anyway. ill keep working on it :)

one last thing if you dont mind, i was reading on some forums about the targeting type like sg targetting, sadar targetting, hugger targetting. and came across values for a few. like sg 3 sadar 4 hugger 6 or something like that. i was wondering if theres a way to change the targetting type of pulse to say a huggers or an aliens head bite to make the pulse bullets do headshots regardless of where you hit your target, like if you hit the leg of a marine with pulse, it would count as a headshot?

could this be possible, how?

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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by Sethioz »

im not calling you idiot, but try using your brain lil bit and think.
its pure logic, once you find targeting address, simply switch your weapon to SADAR and check the value, it will show you SADAR's targeting, change to pulse and it shows pulse targeting, change to smartgun and you will see its targeting...simply go alien and bite and check value in same time, because it will only change during the headbite (yes run game in window or use dual monitors like i do). also make sure that refresh rate is very low or you won't be able to see the change.
huh ? yes, refresh rate of the address/s, in Tsearch it is called "cheat list", you can change refresh rate in options somewhere (if you are not complete idiot you will find it without problems, just make sure to change right refresh rate).

this the simplest way i have been using since the beginning of avp2 hacking, however nobody else came up with this...and then they called themselves some yber hackers (like TH retards). i always run games in window mode when hacking.

LOT of ppl struggled to find certain ammos, i simply switched to the weapon which's ammo i desired..and checked the value lol, but some retards was trying random values. and if i wanted headbite ammo...easy, as i said, i just kept eye on the value when doing a headbite and it changed for second or less (just during headbite).

However i think it will not work, because it is not the targeting that makes it count as headbite, it is ammo. if you use headbite ammo with corresponding barrel (which wont crash server), then you get instant head- shot/bite even if you miss head, so my guess is that its ammo, not targeting.
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by PinPoint »

kl man ty. so basically, get the pulse to fire head bite ammo and thats that? so if thats it then would i be right in saying that if i used it with an aimbot, even though the bot hits the chest it would count as a headshot?

just a stupid question now, can you headbite at will as alien? dont you need a head infront of you?
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Re: Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks / hacking / stuff

Post by PinPoint »

im just wondering how to do this and im going to try and see if how i think i can do it would work.

what im thinking...

customise the knife to be a pulse rifle with artmoney
(search knife.
change this value to pulse rifle value.
Models\Weapons\Marine\ to Models\Weapons\Marine\

(also change sounds of knife to pulse)

then change the barrel of the knife to headbite

then change spread of knife to pulse pread
then change range of knife to pulse range
then change vecs of knife to 1

and now ive got a pulse that fires headbites?

question, ive not customised a weapon before but i know how to do it, would it mean that other people in the server would see what i see? as in, if i change knife to pulse, they would see pulse also?

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