Make 2 batch files:
- create new text file and name it something like "touchless on.bat" and other "touchless off.bat"
content of "touchless on.bat"
Code: Select all
Net start "Leap Service"
start C:\"Program Files (x86)"\"Leap Motion"\"Touchless For Windows"\Touchless.exe
Code: Select all
Net stop "Leap Service"
taskkill /F /IM Touchless.exe
now just double-click on "touchless on.bat" to turn on service + touchless and "touchless off.bat" to close both.
Note - if you decide to keep leap motion on default, then service will always be running, so remove the first line from both .bat files, however i strongly recommend keeping leap service off if you're not using it daily, because keeping leap service on, keeps leap motion device on and it gets very hot (due the IR LEDs in it), this is why i keep leap service stopped / off.
you can stop + set leap service to "manual" by going to start > type service.msc > find "leap service" > double-click > change it to manual > stop service.