99chats exploits

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99chats exploits

Post by Yonky »

i want to knw how to change OS Agent..............
i Also wanna knw if i could able to hide my IP ,UID,n OS agent in 99chat based chatrooms.
That Highlighted Area is my OS agent i wanted to change that..........So any idea how can i change it.
Here's the Srcreenshot
Here's the Srcreenshot
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Re: 99chats exploits

Post by Sethioz »

yes you can, i recommend using firefox with some extensions. i can't remember them from head, but just go onto google > firefox extensions > and search for something like "user agent switcher". i think that was the actual name of one extension.
you should be able to do it in packets too, like you can use webscarab to intercept the packets and change it manually, but it would be too annoying to change each packet.
Luigi's "proxocket" might work too (check on aluigi.org > toolz) if you make a filter to change it in sent packets, but easiest is to use some extensions.

other browsers like Opera and Google Chrome might have similar extensions, but in this case i recommend firefox.
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Re: 99chats exploits

Post by Yonky »

but any idea how to Hide my IP Address, UID, Os Agent in 99chat based Room.
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Re: 99chats exploits

Post by KEN »

To hide ip just use proxy. Earlier Flashchats only checks and keeps IP during login. Try it yourself and see if that is true in this case too.
Enable proxy > login > Disable Proxy.
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Re: 99chats exploits

Post by Yonky »

Suggest me Some Proxies

KEN is there any way so that no one can see my IP add , UID , OS agent etc

i MEan in 99chats one simply can knw abt anyone's IP,UID,OS agent ,country,,asnum bt using this command /whois <nickname>

See my Screenshot that i posted earlier of chatroom ..............There you can see my every details like IP add,UID,Os agent etc.

I just wanted to kwn If i can make these Details unavailable............i mean instead of showing my real IP,UID,OS Agent

It Show Ranom shits.

BTW sethioz that extension didnt helped me.

At last Dont mind I knw my english sucks.
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Re: 99chats exploits

Post by Sethioz »

Proxy > use TOR (Vidalia bundle, but not browser bundle)

as about other stuff .. ghaa dude do some research before crying.
for start read THIS
if you want to learn to do all this, you have to help yourself first and use search a bit, most stuff has been discussed here already.

what do you mean that extension didn't help? it works just fine, im sure it is you who don't know how to use it. it can change user agent completely, you can even write your own user agent and make websites think you are using some custom browser or you can emulate mobile browser ..etc. work perfectly if you know how to use it.
go here > http://www.whatsmyuseragent.com/

Code: Select all

Your User Agent String is:
iTunes/9.0.3 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_2; en-ca)
Your IP Address:
This is what i got, i changed user agent to iTunes on Mac, works perfectly as you can see (and yes, IP is censored, don't want my real ip out in public), but if i enabled proxy IP will be changed ofcourse, i don't understand how it can not work for you.
You can make user agent blank, but most webpages won't load if you have blank user agent, you must enter something there. again, that extension allows you to create your own user agent, i don't see the problem.

and NO, you can never make IP address unavailable, it is simply impossible. in order to be connected to internet, you MUST have IP address. as already said, you can only hide your real IP and show a proxy IP instead.
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Re: 99chats exploits

Post by Yonky »

Sorry was doin something Wrong
Now That Extension is working.
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