Kinda screwed

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Kinda screwed

Post by asdasoran »

I don't really think this is a glitch but i can't find a better place to post it. So I'm new to this kind of stuff , hacking and all that and tried my luck with migoland. The problem is , screwing around in WPE on things i made all my money dissapear and .. this: Image
That is not a censorship or anything. I'm green.
If anyone here knows something about the WPE codes inside migoland , please help.
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Re: Kinda screwed

Post by Sethioz »

moved: this place is for natural glitches that can be achieved in-game without 3rd party tools.

also keep your eye on title, "kinda screwed" explains nothing about the topic. it says absolutely nothing about whats in the topic, use correct title / subject.

as about the game, i have never heard of this game, if you want to learn hacking start from my knowledge database and search thru forums how to use packet editors and memory editors. there are also detailed articles on knowledge database on how to use such tools.
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