STAY AWAY from virginmedia internet

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STAY AWAY from virginmedia internet

Post by Sethioz »

i've been using friend's virginmedia for a while and i have to say its unacceptable service.

1. wireless keeps cutting off (on all of my 5 computers + phone at same time, so its router problem, not mine)
2. router keeps getting jammed and needs reboot almost every day
3. worst thing, they keep fucking with it remotely, they RESET whole router.
we had our network setup with custom name and password, but they reset it to defaults. ok we changed it again, next day, SAME SHIT.
now it have been happening every day. they remotely mess up the router so bad that its unuseable.
4. they cap the internet speed during days to like 10-20kb/s torrent downloads (we're not talking about illegal content, but legal stuff) normal downloads from sites work, but still a lot slower. it should be 30mbit, but i only get like 10mbit or less.

i work with computers and i need internet 24/7. i upload youtube videos during when i sleep or im not home, so 24/7 internet is a must for me, but with virginmedia, its impossible to do anything. it keeps cutting off.

one of my other friends been using virginmedia for about 3-4 years and he is having similar issues.

Conclusion is simple, STAY AWAY from virginmedia if internet is important to you.
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