Compile a c file to an exe

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Compile a c file to an exe

Post by Legu »

Request: Compile the file from the attachments to an .exe.
Seems easy, but it is not.
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Re: Compile a c file to an exe

Post by Sethioz »

this forum is not for beggers and whiners.
no one here starts to compile files for you. you're not even asking how, you just want someone to be your slave and do it, that's not how things work here.
you don't even want to learn. i deleted the file because it's just nonsense. I bet it was one of Luigi's tools again. if it was, he has instructions on his website how to compile his code and if it wasnt, there are tons of tutorials on google on how to compile .c code, you're just a whiner who is unwilling to read any tutorials.
seems easy and is easy. i bet you never even tried to compile, if you did, then you should have started with the error / errors you got, what you used..etc

LOCKED - senseless topic