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Aliens vs Predator gold edition Hacking guide

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 5:11 pm
by paraxxxito::
If you do not know how to hack games on basic level and use the following info, then you first have to go to Knowledge Database and look for hack articles. for example search for "basic game hacking". everything needed for you to make these hacks is explained under basic game hacking or linked to right place.

4 bytes type
DMA solution: NOP/code injection

Alive value= 1 Death= 0 Godmode=3
search mode: start a new round and search value 1 return to game when you die while you on press any key to restart game screen search value 0 repeat steps 1 and 2 until correct address found. set breakpoint to nop. NOTE: when you reach 0 life you'll lose the ingame sound we need to locate that address also.filter the initial value of 256 while you alive then when you die search unknow the reason we filter for an unknow value is because the address we need dosent display an exact value every time we die!. when correct address found simply freeze value 256 or set breakpoint on the address to nop the ingame sound instruction also.

Code: Select all

 offset 0x470FBA 
 hex 90909090909090 <---life

 offset 0x470FBA 
 hex 860D12140200

 offset 0x473C2C 
 hex 909090909090 <-----ingame sound

 offset 0x473C2C  
 hex 890D10827200

4 bytes type
DMA solution: code injection

search mode: start a new round as marine turn on your image intensefier and search value 2 then turn it off and search 0 when correct addy found change to one of the following values below. also with code injection we can replace the normal funtion of the marine vision modes when button is pressed to activate visions example.

Code: Select all

 offset 0x10c69 <----Address of our code cave
 inc edx <-----by increasing edx by 1 and
 inc edx <-----twice instead of landing on value 2 witch is image  intensefier we jump to value 4 electric vision
 mov [0x75A480],edx <---and write the edx value increased by twice at the  address 75A480<--dma addy
 ret <--------------return to game normal routine
 offset 0x4A9DD6 <--Address of our gateway
 call 0x10c69 <-----Jumps to our code cave
 nop <--------------balance the instruction

 offset 0x4A9DD6
 mov [0x75A480],edx
0= Normal
1= Navigational
2= Image intensefier
3= Heat
4= Electric
5= Predtech

All weapons:
4 bytes type
DMA solution: code injection

the game allocates 1 address for each weapon with value 1 or 256 for available or 0 not available
search mode: start the game in debug mode if you dont know how to do this ill explain at the bottom of this guide. once you in debug mode open console an active the cheat GIVEALLWEAPONS and search 1 then restart level and search 0 repeat process until you find the addresses to activate a certain weapon. this script gives all weapons, unlimited ammo script below moves 9999 in clip to all

Code: Select all

 offset 0x20A19
 mov dword ptr[ecx+eax+0x80],0x1
 mov eax,[ecx+eax+0x80]
 shl eax,0x1E
 jmp 0x47d710
 offset 0x47D706
 jmp 0x20A19

 offset 0x47D706
 mov eax,[ecx+eax+0x80]
 shl eax,0x1E

Unlimited ammo:
4 bytes type
DMA solution: NOP/code injection

the game allocates 1 address for ammo type on all weapons
search mode: this dosent really needs much explanation but in the particular case of this game search one value less than the counter actually displays. example if you have 99 bullets search value 98 not 99. NOTE: this method applies for the rest of the weapons when searching ammo in clip. set breakpoint to see what reads writes to the address. script below writes 9999 of ammo in clip to all available weapons

Code: Select all

 offset 0x20a99
 mov dword ptr [esi+0xC],0x270f0000
 cmp dword ptr [esi+0xC],0x0
 jnz 0x0047D48D
 jmp 0x47d3ee
 offset 0x47D3E4
 jmp 0x20a99

 offset 0x47D3E4
 cmp dword ptr [esi+0xC],0x0
 jnz 0x0047D48D

Spread+Fire rate:
4 bytes type
DMA solution: NOP/code injection

search mode: locate the bullets ammo address of pulse rifle first. look the unlimited ammo guide!. once you find it set a breakpoint on the address return to game and fire a few shots, then switch back to memory scanner notice all the offsets.after trial and error you should find two instructions that will do the following if you nop write to it. one will disable spread on all weapons the other address will increase the fire rate.code below writes 9999 of fire rate and unlimited ammo.

Code: Select all

 offset 0x10f09
 mov dword ptr[ecx+0xC],0x270f0000
 mov esi,[ecx+0xC]
 shl eax,0x5
 jmp 0x47dbf1
 offset 0x47DBEB
 jmp 0x10f09

 offset 0x47DBEB
 mov esi,[ecx+0xC]
 shl eax,0x5

Unlimited energy:
4 bytes type
DMA solution: NOP/code injection

search mode: start a new round select shoulder cannon and search value 30 witch is full energy. fire and search until correct address found, set breakpoint to nop the instruction that decreases you´r energy or code inject. code below writes 9999 of energy every time we shoot

Code: Select all

 offset 0x10d09
 mov dword ptr[esi+0x5D8],270f0000
 jmp 0x485802
 offset 0x4857FC 
 jmp 0x10d09
 offset 0x4857FC
 mov [esi+0x5D8],edi

Unlimited Spears:
4bytes type
DMA solution: NOP/code injection

search mode: start a new round and search initial value 30, then return to game and shoot once. go back to memory scanner and search 29 it should return one address.simply freeze value, set breakpoint to nop the instruction, or use code injection. the script below writes 9999 spears in clip every time we shoot

Code: Select all

 offset 0x10c99
 mov dword ptr[edx+0xC],0x270f0000
 jmp 0x486103
 offset 0x4860FC
 jmp 0x10c99

 offset 0x4860FC
 sub dword ptr [edx+0xC],0x10000

Unlimited flares:
4 bytes type
DMA solution: NOP

search mode: start a new round and activate a flare then search value 1 go back to game and activate another flare then search value 2 repeat process until you get correct addy witch will display max value of 4 cause its the max amount of flares you can use at the same time. set value to 0 to get unlimited flares or set breakpoint to nop the instruction.

4 bytes type
DMA solution: code injection

this cheat will allow you to shoot many spreading spears, like a shotgun.
search mode: start a new round and search value 369098752 you should get around 200 addresses the address we want is one of the top 40, you'll have to test all of them with value 0 if you hit the right address the speargun will fire like 13 spears per round. script below turn any ingame cheat on. picksticking= 0 value 22= cheats 0ff

Code: Select all

 offset 0x10d79
 mov dword ptr[0x56C08C],0x0
 jmp 0x486153
 offset 0x48614C
 jmp 0x10d79
 offset 0x48614C
 cmp dword ptr [0x56C08C],0x22

Special equipment: grappling hook & jetpack:
4 bytes type
DMA solution: code injection

search mode: the grappling hook and the jetpack are controlled by the same address and you can not enable them until you get to the very last levels of the game.for predator until level escape and marine level temple. once you get to thoses levels start a new round as marine on level temple and search value 2 then exit game switch to predator start on level escape and search value 4 repeat process till you get correct address. value 2= marine jetpack and
value 4= predator grappling hook. script below activate grappling hook on any level value 2 instead of 4 activates jetpack.

Code: Select all

 offset 0x10d69
 mov dword ptr[esi+0x5CD],0x4
 jmp 0x472d51
 offset 0x472D4A
 jmp 0x10d69

 offset 0x472D4A
 test byte ptr [esi+0x5CD],0x0

Shoulder cannon instant kill:
4 bytes type
DMA solution: code injection

search mode: start a new round and search value 39 return to game then charge you shoulder cannon device to max,hit windows without releasing you'r finger from the mouse firing botton and go back to memory scanner then search value 256. when correct address found you can freeze the value to shoot full charged plasma shots or you can play with the value to get different results example if you set value 512 a single shot will kill the entire game including you. code below sets shoulder cannon device instant damage rate to max.

Code: Select all

offset 0x10d79
mov dword ptr [esi+0x5E0],0x10000
cmp dword ptr [esi+0x5E0],0x10000
jmp 0x485782
offset 0x485778
jmp 0x10d79

offset 0x485778
cmp dword ptr [esi+0x5E0],0x10000

4 bytes type
DMA solution: code injection

search mode: wireframe is another pre-build cheat in the game by Rebellion it displays the environment and/or characters using wire-framegraphics.its useful cause you can see the enemy throught walls. to locate the address that controls this cheat lets do the following launch the game in debug mode open console and activate cheats next type wireframemode # 1 and search value 1 repeat process 1 this time type wireframemode # 2 and search value 2 repeat process and type wireframemode # 3 then search value 3 until you get correct address. script below activates environment wireframes

Code: Select all

 offset 0x10d40            
 mov dword ptr[0x837264],0x1
 jmp 0x4D5C13
 offset 0x4D5C0C
 jmp 0x10d40

 offset 0x4D5C0C
 cmp dword ptr [0x837264],0x0

4 bytes type
DMA solution: code injection

search mode: simply search value 1 cloaked and 0 uncloaked when correct addy found set value 1 set breakpoint to see what reads writes to code inject

Unlimited discs
4 bytes type
DMA solution: NOP/code injection

search mode: start a new round and select disc and search value 1 go back to game and toss the disc without calling it back then search 0 repeat process until correct address found set value 1 or set breakpoint to nop the instruction.

Ammo type:
4 bytes type
DMA solution: code injection

search mode: start a new round as Alien and search value 18, Predator= 11 Human= 0. when correct address found just replace you pulse rifle value with the ones below.

pulse rifle= 0
pistol= 1
smartgun= 2
flame thrower= 3
sadar= 5
granade= 6
minigun= 7
pistols= 9
skeeter launcher= 23

wristblade= 11<-------works but it does not take effect
speargun= 13<---------cause game to crash
shoulder cannon= 14<--works but it does not take effect
pistol= 12<-----------works
disc= 15<-------------works but it does not take effect

Speed+slow motion
4 bytes type
DMA solution: code injection

search mode:once you enable the cheat warpspeed select it and start a new round. switch to memory scanner and search value 2 then exit game and start a normal round then search value 1 repeat process till you find correct address value 2 or greater will set the speed of game at crazy locate the second address do the following. start a normal round and search the initial value 256 then change speed value from 1 to value 2 and search 512 repeat process set value 3 and search 768. you should get just 1 address you can play with the value to get different results or set breakpoint to code inject. code below sets game speed action at 20%

Code: Select all

 offset 0x10e59
 mov dword ptr[0x5C88B4],0x1400
 mov ecx,[0x5C88B4]
 jmp 0x4be522
 offset 0x4be51c
 jmp 0x10e59

 offset 0x4be51c
 mov ecx,[0x5C88B4]

Species look:
4 bytes type
DMA solution: code injection

Info: with this hack You inherit the species views and tools, but not their weapons. computer controlled characters will see you as the species you are disguised. also this hack is very unstable and causes game to crash most of the time. example if you die while disguised instead of respaw the game will simply crash.
search mode:start a new round as predator search value 1 search human 0 and alien 2. when correct address found simply replace you character value to inherit the views and tools of the value you replacing

Human = 0 Predator = 1 Alien = 2

Species type:
4 bytes type
DMA solution: code injection

Info: this is probably the best hack in the game cause it let you play all missions of the game as the species of you choice.
search mode:same search method as the species look hack since the values are the same human 0 predator 1 alien 2. the only difference is that to fully become the species you want to play with you most set value before starting the level. this hack is 100% stable!. code below sets the species type as predator.

Code: Select all

offset 0x20a39
mov dword ptr [0x6B5BD8],0x1
jmp 0x48F934
offset 0x48F92E 
jmp 0x20a39

offset 0x48F92E
mov [0x6B5BD8],edi

Predator disc/Pistol:
4bytes type
DMA solution: code injection

search mode: start a new round as predator on one of the first two levels, activate the cheat giveallweapons and search 1 restart level and search 0 repeat process untill correct address found.when you set value 1 and try to activate pistol it wont work right thats because you need a second address to fully activate this weapon.repeat process one and this time search value 256 when pistol is available. also you can see at the example below that the first address stays -69 bytes apart from the 256 address that way applying the offset you wont have to search. use the same method to activate disc

pred pistol 0n/0ff address 727D90 value 1

pred pistol available address 727D21 value 256

Game cheats:
4bytes type
DMA solution: code injection

search mode: simply unlock some of the cheats below and search their respective value. once correct address found you would be able to cycle throught all cheats.

pigsticking = 0
disco inferno = 8
Land of the Giants = 14
free fall = 19
underwater = 11
warpspeed = 13
balls of fire = 20
paper cleaner = 7
mirror = 6
Nausea = 18

Unlimited saves:
4 bytes type
DMA solution: NOP

search mode: simply search the value # of the saves that you have lelf when you save a game. set breakpoint and nop the instruction that restricts the amount of saves

Debug mode:
you can launch the game in debug mode by doing this ; right-click on your AvP icon, hit 'Properties' and add -debug to the end of the 'Target' form to turn it on.

Example: "E:\Program Files\Games\Fox\Aliens versus Predator\AvP.exe" -debug

Avp gold edition +33 Trainer ... vpgold.rar

would like to thank Rebellion for developing this game
special thanks to sethioz who in the past worked and helped me with avp 3