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How to make wordlist/s

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:07 pm
by Sethioz
Tools needed:
Raptor 3
HEX editor (that can replace values)
Website extractor
Download manager (allows import of links from file)
maybe few more text tools...

1. find material you want to convert into a wordlist
-wikipedia is a really good idea for start.
2. use webextractor to extract pages from websites.
Now here's a cache THIS TOPIC to understand few things about downloading files from sites.
3. once you have your file/s, use raptor to put em all into one big file.
4. use raptor to remove any dubs.
5. if file is too big (over 100mb) then split it again.
6. now use HEX editor to replace 'word seperators' with new lines.
-read THIS TOPIC here. (or look below into box)
I have searched for a tool that can simply convert any file into a SIMPLE wordlist.
*Wordlist is a txt file that has all words in a LIST (one word per line)

Actually you dont need any tool at all ...well not a special tool at least.
All you need is a HEX editor that can replace the values. I used Hex Workshop 4.23.
what you do is ... replace SPACE (HEX value 20) with NEW LINE (HEX value 0D 0A) ..and there you go.

well ofcourse if a input file has something else than space as word seperator you can simply replace that with ''0D 0A''
THAT way the file will STAY in the format it was...i had problems with UTF-8 unicode. I used a wordlist tool and it just fucked it up...took all UTF-8 characters out of it.
When you use HEX to replace word seperators with new lines, then you dont have that problem :)
-Note that Cygnus HEX worked best for me..others lagged out or something like that ...
7. now you have pretty much what you want...
8. use raptor to put them into one file again.
9. use raptor to remove any dubs again.

Now you have wordlist, but its not complete. theres still a lot of small things you can do.
sort it by lenght and then take out 1-3 char ones for example...etc
OR you can use raptor to do several adjustments.

NOTE: when raptor gives an error, then its not raptor's fault. Its because file has some stupid invalid symbols in it. So far only way to get rid of them is using notepad++ ...find em manually and remove them. To locate them in BIG file..split the file into 20 pieces or more with raptor ...then use raptor to remove dubs (load file from disk). First choose 10 files (pieces u made) and see what file gives the error. Then you may want to split it even more to locate those invalid symbols. Invalid symbols r usually some kind of boxes with some stupid text in it, like ''sub'' in the box ..etc. I really dont know what is causing it, but sometimes they just appear after several cleaning methods.