Some truth about Sethioz all newcomers should know

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Some truth about Sethioz all newcomers should know

Post by Todritter »

Hello all.
At first I've to mention what I've been looking after this website and that... guy for a long time.
Sethioz, a guy claiming himself to be a hacker, programmer or "computer specialist" (lol) is as fake as fakeness itself.
Let's have a look at his "hacks" section. It is cruelly pathetic how this skid calling his Cheat Engine fagging a "hacking". It is really nothing about hacking itself, it is just about how much free time to waste you have picking random values in your favorite memory-searcher. While true hacking (in gaming area) is pure skill and knowledge of languages like assembler. Which Sethioz doesn't has.
Next thing. Sethioz is a scary, very very evil hacker, whom is very dangerous to mess with D: Oh gosh, he even has "owned" section, where he posts tens of "owned" proofs! Proofs of him owning random people. Very, very random. With 3rd party program. How the heck he does it? Simply - downloads a keylogger from some programmer's site (which is again, he is not one) and spreads it on some site like piratebay. I am giving you my word, he can't hack anyone but 7 years old kids downloading porn from tpb. Neither me.
Also, we all know what Sethioz is a very successful guy. Although he doesn't have a job and living a travelling-bum-life, but he knows martial arts and can brutally anal rape you only using his toe. You can find a video on Youtube (which can be deleted atm, though) where he gets "friendly" (by his own words) bullied by his "friends" in swimming pool. He doesn't even seemed to respond, he made a face like "oh, wow, funny. Of course i am not taking it so serious. What? I am a pathetic looser with no future? *makes smiling face* haheha!".
Probably this thread will get deleted, locked or moved to "Hall of idiots" section, I am not hoping to have a good talk and probably try to help to Sethioz, but at least few people will read a truth about him, and what is most important, he will read truth about himself.
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Re: Some truth about Sethioz all newcomers should know

Post by Sethioz »

looking for a long time ? LMFAO !!! how RETARDED can you be my lil russian friend ?? all it takes is to GOOOGLE for "Sethioz" .. you're such an RETARD that you are unable to even google my name, you're nothing more than another LOSER who is angry cuz you got OWNED by me :)
you know its funny kid, all this you just said is taken based on what i have told to certain ppl, so now i know i can't trust them. thanks fella, ofcourse there is no truth to it at all.

this is how i test ppl to see if i can trust them. i tell them a story or something that they THINK is important, like uploading a keylogger to piratebay and see if it comes out. i have told about this only to one person and now its here. so you can take a hike lil hater kid :)
Soooo basically you are saying that NSA ppl use piratebay and that they are SO STUPID that they fall for keylogger ? WOW kid ! you're just incredible ! this kid here thinks that NSA (National Security Agency) uses piratebay !! ... i just have no words, i didn't think that NSA is so dumb to fall for a keylogger lol < this is about the screenshots where i owned one sister site of NSA

second of all, if there would be such video, why didnt you make a screencapture video of it ? huh smart-ass ?
you're nothing but a lil RETARDED LIAR. there have never been such video and never will be
. you're just jelous of my skills.

if i have no skill, where did i take all those tutorials from ? pfff you're such a pathetic loser kid. why would i delete this, if you just made a clown out of yourself ? everyone reading this, can put 1 + 1 together and know that you are one of those sad retards who got owned by me and now is angry and mad and trying to get some "payback" and thinking that posting lies about me here will insult me or hurt me ?! LOL .. you just made me laugh lil kid.
go ahead and post more shit that comes out of your brain.

Russians never were too smart, this is why they compare them to animals. for mother russia ? eh ? lol ..

i could easily crack your email's password, which i belive has "huita" in it or any other form of "hui". yes i know what "hui" means lil kid, this is what you have in your mind all the time ? russians always been dirty lil bastards and immature retards, no brain monkeys. go ahead rage some more lil russian monkey-brained kid :)
i really enjoy when ppl who i own come here to rage and try insulting me based on facts that i have on internet.
you only know what i want you to know.
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nah honostly i can't bother with russians retards like you, it is enough for me to see that i pwned you so bad that you came here to rage, its such a turn on ! do it more often kid, but make no mistake, you do it in wrong topic and you're OUT. yeah if you thinking about spamming, because russian kids always do it, then go ahead, because all it takes for me is to select "delete user + posts" i dont have to delete anything one by one.
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Re: Some truth about Sethioz all newcomers should know

Post by Todritter »

looking for a long time ? LMFAO !!!
Since midsummer.
--how RETARDED can you be my lil russian friend ??
Not less retarded than you. At least, I am not mentally sick. And...
--Russians never were too smart, this is why they compare them to animals. for mother russia ? eh ? lol ..
Thats the first and last words of wisdom in your life, aren't they? Good thing I am not a Russian, but German, whoes grandfather served in SS-Panzergrenadier division. Also, it proves your noobism, since you can't even lookup IP properly (at least you can check profile's email, which was just a test of your stupidty. Just as planned). I guess even schoolboys can do that.
you know its funny kid, all this you just said is taken based on what i have told to certain ppl, so now i know i can't trust them.
You must be really retarded. Where and when exactly did you tell me that? Nice try, but you don't have to be a genius to guess how exactly do you "own" people.
i tell them a story or something that they THINK is important, like uploading a keylogger to piratebay and see if it comes out.
No. It is not important at all, everyone can download keylogger and "own" people, who is even more noob then they are. It is not important for me either, since I am a pro-coder (not a "hacker" though, although my assembly skills can't be overmatched).
this is about the screenshots where i owned one sister site of NSA
Nice skill of using firefly/firebug. I am amazed. Joke, not really.
second of all, if there would be such video, why didnt you make a screencapture video of it ? huh smart-ass ? you're nothing but a lil RETARDED LIAR. there have never been such video and never will be.
You know what video I am talking about (one with you in swimming pool). As far as I can remember, you even commented it. It was very popular back then, because everyone could see your true essence.
you're just jelous of my skills.
Oh god, not to hurt your feelings, but I am not jelly of getting gang-raped in swimming pool.
if i have no skill, where did i take all those tutorials from ?
You wrote them. Thats a nice bunch of "How to use memory scanner" tutorials, they are nice. For kindergarten.
here will insult me or hurt me ?! LOL .. you just made me laugh lil kid.
Success. It did hurt you. It is very obvious due to your retard-like writing manner, loads of pathetic insults and stuff. Damn, you are even writing sentences in lowercase.
i could easily crack your email's password, which i belive has "huita" in it or any other form of "hui". yes i know what "hui" means lil kid, this is what you have in your mind all the time ? russians always been dirty lil bastards and immature retards, no brain monkeys.
You are right here, nice knowledge of eastern monkeys languages, Untermensch.
i really enjoy when ppl who i own come here to rage
Check it up again. The only one who is raging here is you.
yeah if you thinking about spamming
No, looking at how poorly your website is cooked up (including thousands of SQL errors per page), I don't think it would be a problem to "own" it for someone with medium whateverweblanguage knowledge. You are simply so pathetic and I feel sorry for you, because this poor site is the only good thing you have in your life.
everyone reading this, can put 1 + 1 together
Yup. And they see, what I am actually way more charismatic than you, way more intelligent and my posts actually making sense unlike yours.
Also, as I can see you are extremely lucky with cracking MD5 cash of your own website, so you can try to prove me wrong (but you can't :) ) - hack me. You already has my IP, one E-Mail address and even one of my passwords, everything which cool hacker like you needs.
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Re: Some truth about Sethioz all newcomers should know

Post by Sethioz »

wow. how long did it take you to post all that ? congrats, becuse i cant bother reading it.

i just saw part about SQL errors, give one example.
now let me predict the future:

umm eeem .. i can see that this russian lil kid will bring an excuse WHY he wont post one SQL error here which my site has
but reaily is, he is just BLABBERING nonsense.

also saw that video part, you said "its still there and might get removed any time now" lil lieing russian kid lol. only video ive had in swimming pool, was with Ileostomy and it was called H2O fun. i was on that video only 2 times, doing a tornado kick and walking down the jumping ramp into water. so stop lieing kid. i still have that video in my pc.

anyway whatever you say lil kid. if you're so SMART and know the truth, where do i live then ? huh ? where do i work ?
you know none of that, because i dont want you to know any of that, noobster-kiddie :)
as i said, you know what i want you to know and nothing more.
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Re: Some truth about Sethioz all newcomers should know

Post by MagicalSilence »

Dear Todritter

Thank you from bottom of my heart for dropping a visit and this scary eye opening story, for all it could mean i managed to get very good laugh reading this topic.

Please do visit us more often, as i am very interested of this mysterious swimming pool video and would gladly like to hear more facts,
yes i do mean it, i find it very interesting to see confident people walking right into scary uncle seths trailer in hopes of candy brrrr cold shivers.. god....

But i also find it quite
honorable deed raising the red flag about the scary seth.. yes he will anal rape us with his toe lol that is correct would our paths cross in dark alley o.O.

May your deeds be rewarded in afterlife god bless!
Regards and Best wishes
MS <3
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Re: Some truth about Sethioz all newcomers should know

Post by Sethioz »

lol yeah, he sure knows how to make good jokes.

another lil question for you mr russian fella. what country i am from originall huh ? you know me so well, so tell me, where im from ?
and as asked before, where i live now ? or in what countries i have been "moving" ?

lets see how "intelligent" you really are lol
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Re: Some truth about Sethioz all newcomers should know

Post by thefinalrune »

Wow, this is great fun to read. I love childish attempts at trolling.

This guy is either wicked jealous, horribly butthurt, or incredibly masochistic, maybe all three. I mean, who starts a thread in a forum of someone they don't like if not for the personal abuse?
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Re: Some truth about Sethioz all newcomers should know

Post by Sethioz »

hes a russian, what do you expect. all they know is getting angry and doing NOTHING but posting shit.
let me put it that way, if he would be able to actually do anything, like use those "SQL errors" to "own" my site, he would do it, not say it. ppl who scream and yell are never capable of anything else, as the saying goes "barking dog won't bite"

who would start such thread ? someone who wants make a fool out of himself.

you all will see, he knows nothing, he can't answer these things:

* where im from
* where i am right now
* what work i do
* how young i am

or anything else about me, this kid only knows what i want him to know :) ..and he was looking for me since midsummer ?? this is just PATHETIC ! because all it takes is to google "Sethioz", he must be super dumb if it took him more than 1 minute to find my site.
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Re: Some truth about Sethioz all newcomers should know

Post by KEN »

Todritter u made me laugh,thanks for that.Now mister Russian clown,entertain us some more :D
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Re: Some truth about Sethioz all newcomers should know

Post by Todritter »

Just as I expected - you can't even answer to at least one of sentences I provided.
as i am very interested of this mysterious swimming pool video
Mysterious? Are you brother with Sethioz or something? Looks like you share the same reading skills with him, furthermore - even he accepted the existence of such video. Well, at least you can write properly.
and it was called H2O fun
Post it, please. I would like to have a look at this 'fun' again.
noobster-kiddie :)
>Can't look-up ips
>Don't even know at least one language (both programming and speaking) at good level
>Calling me a noobster
let me put it that way, if he would be able to actually do anything, like use those "SQL errors"
I've never said what I know any web-languages, neither what those errors can be used to do anything. They are just appearing everywhere absolutely randomly, doesn't matter what you do.
you all will see, he knows nothing, he can't answer these things:
I don't care what pants do you wear. I know enough to say what a person you are.
and he was looking for me since midsummer ??
Fascinating. You are not only sucking at reading, my sub-human friend, but also you has amazing english skills. Last point was a sarcasm. "Look for" =/= "look after".
Also, I still can't see my PayPal, E-Mail and MSN owned by anyone. Why ? :(
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Re: Some truth about Sethioz all newcomers should know

Post by MagicalSilence »

Dear Todritter,

No i am not related to Sethioz for your knowledge i just have not heard about swimming pool thing after all i love details oh yes,
about my reading skills well good sir i feel quite insulted as i don't really care to be honest about the plot of this story but i find it funny to just annoy Sethioz and well i am not causing pointless wars after all that's what being child is for :)

I must ask tho what brings an such intelligent person as your self to this place and how do you know so much about sethioz?

Thank you for compliment :) it is nice to see calm people for a change :D

Best of luck and have a lovely weekend everyone :)
Regards MS <3

For notice.. insulting me is pointless :) After all... i am Kindest person in whole forum :P
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Re: Some truth about Sethioz all newcomers should know

Post by KEN »

MagicalSilence wrote:For notice.. insulting me is pointless :) After all... i am Kindest person in whole forum :P
Kindest person i ever know of :)

the pool video,i guess he is talking about the one ileostomy made? O.o
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Re: Some truth about Sethioz all newcomers should know

Post by MagicalSilence »

Well possible.. that guy is out of control haha.

But well be as it may i don't care lol that's yesterday's thing.

The show must go on :)

Premier of this show was successful.. i give it 4/5 cuz seth ain't pissed off :P
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Re: Some truth about Sethioz all newcomers should know

Post by thefinalrune »

Stalkers are scary.
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Re: Some truth about Sethioz all newcomers should know

Post by KEN »

People are noobs these days..they think if sethioz is evil,he doesn't smile at all..People goes nuts when they see him smiling and stares at that smile for hours over and over again and then their brain becomes unstable and hallucinates things..
Todritter,wont you please entertain us some more? :)
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Re: Some truth about Sethioz all newcomers should know

Post by Sethioz »

MS likes to annoy me ? how cute.. well you failed. i don't care either :)
if this would annoy me, i would lock this thread or delete it, as said, i just let the show go on, let the kids be kids and let the retards be retards, that wont change my site or me, not even one bit. these kids never get to me, or anyone else, since i just dont care.

anyway kid, you know nothing at all, you only know what i want you to know .. which is nothing.
have anyone noticed how i predicted future ? that this kid won't reply to those questions, like where i live or where im from ..etc and neither could he bring an example of SQL error on my site, exactly what i said. just another angry lil kid who got owned in the past by probably downloading one of my experimental keyloggers, this is why this kid is assuming i only use keyloggers.

im guessing this kid was trying to have some "fun" with edit button, but after posting he noticed that "WOOOPS there is no edit button ?? OMG now i owned myself, MOMMY HELP ME !"

seems like he didnt even noticed that i cracked his 8 digit pass in no time. thats right kiddiecakez, 8 digit pass in no time. gotta love the power of GPU.
he also changed his password on his email (wonder where i know that from hmm)

yeah kid, amuse us more. if you haven't noticed, you're not the first noobiepanties who comes here to post, what he thinks is truth about me, and only makes idiot out of himself.. so go ahead post more nonsense and make us all laugh :)
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Re: Some truth about Sethioz all newcomers should know

Post by MagicalSilence »

Oh yes i love to annoy you hahahaha, and Tod seems like a funny lad, so i respect his honorable quest in finding inner peace by saving the souls of the innocent lambs, maybe from experience of the past from being a victim that left a mental scar now delivering a message of warning about the "evil that lurks in this place" we need to buy a sign... "Warning Sethioz may anal rape you with toe approach with caution" o.O

oh and ken seth looks like cute fluffy bunny compared to me :D <3
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Re: Some truth about Sethioz all newcomers should know

Post by Todritter »

if this would annoy me, i would lock this thread or delete it, as said, i just let the show go on,
Oh, don't play silly! The logic you want everyone to believe is logic used by 6-year old kids. Of course it did "annoy" you (or rather - did rage), and you didn't locked/deleted it only because you think everyone would count it as a fail for you.
anyway kid, you know nothing at all, you only know what i want you to know .. which is nothing.
Yup, your ego is unmatched by remorse. It is even funny to see what an opinion you are of yourself and what you actually are.
seems like he didnt even noticed that i cracked his 8 digit pass in no time. thats right kiddiecakez, 8 digit pass in no time. gotta love the power of GPU.
Seems like you can't read shit. Also, you don't have to mention it in each your post - everyone already noticed what you can use igashgpu... which is made by russian monkey. To hack passwords on your own site.
Whatever, nice job, script kiddie.
im guessing this kid was trying to have some "fun" with edit button, but after posting he noticed that "WOOOPS there is no edit button ?? OMG now i owned myself, MOMMY HELP ME !"
Shut up, you are a bad prophet.
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Re: Some truth about Sethioz all newcomers should know

Post by Sethioz »

me and annoyed by this ? raged ? LOLRUMAD ? kid you really know nothing about me ..
it made me smile, because i can see that i owned you and it got to you bad, so you trying to shade some bad light on me ..
knock yourself out
Shut up, you are a bad prophet.
MAKE ME ! looks like kid is starting to get angry, showing teeth already .. like a rabis dog !

oh and ken seth looks like cute fluffy bunny compared to me :D <3
thats so cute, but it is you who is the bunny .. you and your ... BUNNYS !

now look what you did ! you made a bunny pop up, stop making bunnys ! ghaaa
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Re: Some truth about Sethioz all newcomers should know

Post by MagicalSilence »

Oh noo... Mr ninja magic toe rapist is against the bunny's
but well Tod is right tho your ego is overkill >.>

Well and as you all can see hes already talking things even i cant understand.. clearly a mental! take em boys!
White room with bunny's on the walls and a T shirt with text Happy life :D with big smile.

All I'm saying is simply this, that all life is interrelated, that somehow we're caught in an inescapable network of mutuality tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly. For some strange reason, I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. You can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality.
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Re: Some truth about Sethioz all newcomers should know

Post by Sethioz »

nah friend, you have lost your mind yourself. too much absinthe i beliave, cant blame you .. it was good stuff :)
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Re: Some truth about Sethioz all newcomers should know

Post by KEN »

~~Shut up, you are a bad prophet.~~ hehe looks like someone is hurt so is saying u to shut up seth :D and it's fun ;)

Todritter I'll help u in shutting up sethioz.
Just use your fingers,and put them on keyboard slowly slowly and do magic which is often called "typing" and write that you are pissed at seth..I think it's the best tutorial you will find out there.

Oh and dont forget to click "post reply" first.Or else doing the 'magic' is of no use..Consider it doing magic without a make a note of it..
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Re: Some truth about Sethioz all newcomers should know

Post by Sethioz »

yea, dont forget flying carpets and magic sticks !
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Re: Some truth about Sethioz all newcomers should know

Post by Ritterkreuzträger »

i cracked his 8 digit pass in no time. thats right kiddiecakez, 8 digit pass in no time. gotta love the power of GPU.
266 700 973 password's per second
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Re: Some truth about Sethioz all newcomers should know

Post by Sethioz »

you have better GPU, so what ? i know GT 240 1GB is nothing big, but enought to run nowday games.
what video card you have ?

and this is how you win an online arguement. lil loser kiddie is gone and once again i am untouched by the wreched losers.
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