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Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 12:49 pm
by Sethioz
could you plz stop asking stupid things ?
as i said, you CAN NOT make a fake page without any knownledge of php/html. did you even took a look at the code ? NO you did not.
what im saying, is that before asking such things, you should go thru the code line by line.
there you will find this

Code: Select all

$handle = fopen("passwords.txt", "a");
this opens a file passwords.txt and writes the following values in it. you can directly modify page too and put formmail in it to make it send info to email/s. you really need knownledge of php. this is not something you can write tutorial for. if i would write tutorial for like, then you would say omg its not working on hotmail, ofcourse it will not, because fields and values are not same.
basically you need only basic knownledge of "form". so you know what place to modify.

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 1:39 pm
by 54321
no man what im saying is there must be another place where it is stored

Wat i mean is with out changing anything where are the passwords

So say i make new account called (what) and password (12345) where does the site itself store the passwords because it has to remember your password to login or is it stored on the hosts side(whitch i dought)

and yes your code works but i dont want to be band from every hosting site

and yes i looked at the code if i had not i would not have been ban from the host

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 3:40 pm
by Sethioz
well you get banned for hosting a fake page, even if it has no malicious code in it, it is illegal to copy a page and then host it. that goes for most of the sites, like yahoo, hotmail..etc.

so what you want, is to still have access to info ?
you want to host a fake page and still have access to stored/stolen login info after your hosting gets banned ?
if thats the case, try modifiying this

Code: Select all

$handle = fopen("passwords.txt", "a");
to this

Code: Select all

$handle = fopen("", "a");
however you need to set some permissions for the passwords.txt on your site then (other site).
your site will NOT get banned/cancelled if you have passwords there. i think you can use .htaccess file to allow remote writing into a local file.

for example if i would upload passwords.txt for you into this place:
then you have no permissions to write into that file, i would have to give the permissions, but if its public, (CHMOD), then everybody would be able to write into it. so you need to find a way to block everything else, but that one hosting where you put the fake page to allow writing into passwords.txt. you can do all that using .htaccess file i think.
i just dont know .htaccess commands from head, i would google for them too, so do so.

OR if you have public IP (you are not behind router or NAT), then you can make it save directly into your pc, using same method, but again you have to give it a permissions.

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:21 pm
by 54321
ok i get that right.. but lets say i am u right.. then U on this not illegal site... want to get my password... on this site....

how would you do that ... bare in mind i had not copied anyones site at that stage.. but sure i put illegal code...

so do u get what im saying

SO basicly Right now i want you to get my password Through this site...

and then tell me how u did that

And try not telling the world wat my password is if u manage to find it

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:26 pm
by 54321
and this is a bit off topic Can you copy paste a spacific site say Gmail.... and get passwords from it... or do you have to create the user name and password BOX so it can be stored

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 8:40 pm
by Sethioz
that makes no sense. this code is not illegal. if you got banned from some hosting, it was something else.
only reason why they ban for this is when you copy a page and upload it, this is what this whole thread is about duh.

i already said this before that this example is for paypal. if you have no knownledge of php/html, then you can't do that.
it's like, you can't write, if you don't know how to read < it is simply impossible.
this very example i gave you is taken out of a paypal fake login (100% working).

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 11:47 pm
by 54321
well 100% got banned with in about 10 seconds after i put code in

BUT still does not answer my question HOW WOULD U GET MY PASSWORD FROM THIS SITE..... YOUR OWN SITE... WHERE IN ftp or where ever would u find BOTH MY USER NAME AND PASSWORD

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:17 am
by Sethioz
ah ok now i understand. you was confusing before.
well i could get it from database, just get the md5 hash and crack it, but md5 hash crack rate is about 89%, so most likely i would get your pass, unless its some long and hard one.

but i know what you asking. i would just inject a modified code into the index.php, into the <form /form> and make it save the passwords into a "blablabla.txt "file. i won't do that, because it would save ALL passwords (including mine) and it would be disaster if somebody would get that info.
yes i do hack and do evil things, but im not stealing my own site's users passwords or accounts. it would be too lame thing to do.
if you have basic knownledge of php/html, then it is extremely easy to write a code that will save login (POST data) into a file.

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:19 pm
by 54321
ahhh thank you for what would the code be.... and big quetion am i gonna be banned again for doing so

and seth how do i re enable php indexing

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 5:51 pm
by Sethioz
try to understand that i cannot post you the full code or they would cancel/ban my hosting, which is really not mine. Looney is hosting it.

Code: Select all

<form method="post" name="login_form" action="update.php">

this goes into the page form. update.php will do the work, it will log you either into real page or redirect to real paypal.
AGAIN, you can not do this without basic knownledge of php/html.

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 11:00 pm
by 54321
ok im saying this site now what would the modified code be And U hacking md5 do u do it with program or from expertise

Now bare in mind seth every1(well not evey2)but pretty much 80 to 90% of this forum have no idea what they doing... me... i have sum but compared to you we all look like a bunch of headless chickins that live for 80 years and never seem to die But im asking questions for the future so that you dont have to go through the whole process of this again....... and sure i barly know PHP..... but at 1 stage you never knew about php.... and no dought that at sum stage u asked for a little help...... and im not saying that you not helping those other bunch of wan!er forums Well are a bunch of Wan!ers I mean they give me a warning that (U cannot start your heading with capital letter)omg so i stright out called them all wan!ers
Got banned but who cares

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 11:26 pm
by Sethioz
And U hacking md5 do u do it with program or from expertise
not hacking, cracking. only way to crack md5 hash is to collide it with the original string (password).
im using wordlists, bruteforce and rainbow tables.
plz no further discussion about md5 cracking here, its totally offtopic.

as about fake page, check PM on site (not forum pm, but on site).

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 1:27 pm
by 54321
haha thanks seth... but still all i did was upload the files and again got banned any how im going to try the host that u sugested and see from there

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 10:16 am
by dimebag0818
Hey guys! How are you? I always go to your page so I decided to sign-up. I have this problem and I want to get some help from you guys...I'm getting married real soon and I think my fiance' is still communicating w/ her ex-boyfriend and it really pisses me off! I just want to make sure if she's really being naughty, I love this girl so much but if she's doing something behind my back I won't hesitate to cancel our wedding. I just wanna check her yahoo mail and her facebook...any help please? thanks in advance!

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 4:16 pm
by Sethioz
this is about fake pages, if you have question about fake login pages, then ask, don't talk about offtopic stuff here.
if you are stating that you want to get a fake page for yahoo or facebook, in order to send your "victim" there, then you can discuss it here.

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 4:47 pm
by dimebag0818
Sorry man, I don't know much about login pages...i just want to see her yahoo and facebook, where can I place my post or the right forum? sorry again...thanks!

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 5:00 pm
by Sethioz
well actually fake page is your best bet, so i guess this is right place. because there are no hacks for yahoo or facebook.
maybe somebody else here is willing to actually write you full page, im not up for this right now, sry.
its not hard tho, you just need basic of php.

you can try keylogger too, but its offtopic already. i suggest ardamax (very easy to use and make your own) read this to know how to make it undetectable > Undetected keylogger - problems and solutions ?!

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 5:06 pm
by dimebag0818
Thank you so much dude! I'll try to figure it out...take care!

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 5:37 pm
by Sethioz
basically as explained here, you need to first "save page as" and then modifiy the code lil bit to fit a keylogger in it, then you host it and send your victim on it.

the modifiying part is not easiest, but its not hard either. maybe somebody here is willing to make it.
so hey guys, if fake page aint problem for you, make one for yahoo and facebook and attach them.

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 8:59 pm
by ronokae
I'm not extremely familiar with this type of thing however a contact of mine has a friend who coded something similar, he hacked peoples accounts on a game.
You could upload your own "mini-server", the program then strips a page of your choice and copies it (or atleast the Java Verification click).
It also uploads a bunch of links, for instance you would put in your own username/pw to enter the Mini server you created
then it you would upload your RAT/Keylogger and it ould give you a bunch of links like
If someone was to go to your "site" it would ask them if they wanted to run the Legit-looking java plugin for the site, and the unsuspecting victim upon clicking "Run" would be infected, this is called a Java Driveby if I have my terminology correct, but the method they used is rather unique in that aspect.

I posted a program ealier, a website downloader, I think if you use that to copy a page you could modify it on your own actually, or save-page as.

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 9:16 pm
by Sethioz
this would never work on me, zonaalarm fucks these kind of things real hard. only thing you can achieve with java "hacking" is stealing a cookie or session ..etc.
you can only get access to somebody's account, but not pc.

that website downloader is useless, it crashes every time after a while. i tried downloading few sites and crashed.

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 1:39 am
by ronokae
The website downloader?
Which one did you use i posted one for the allies only and other was public
I downloaded a whole website 1000+ pages forum posts and all.
If not i still have a hold of the original (maybe the upload went wrong) I could provide you with it.

And I'm quite more than positive you can control the PC through the Java virus, Its not a virus written in Java but it uses the "applet" to enter the PC
Unless my understanding is extremely screwed i'm quite sure you could probably show you myself in a sandboxie, or let my mate show you given that he doesn't lend the program.
and besides his there are many like it.

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 4:13 am
by Yonky
i have a prob wid my fake page which i created...
the problems is sending log file but empty widout username
nd pass of the victim............wat should i do help Me..!

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 6:30 pm
by Sethioz
here, have some help !

... HOW exactly you expect me to help you? i don't understand. you don't give any details, no code, no examples .. and you scream HELP. lol

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 7:56 pm
by Yonky
dude the fake page should send victims pass nd username to my hosting site
but it sends empty log file...! nw u understand..?

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 8:36 pm
by KEN
Yonky wrote:dude the fake page should send victims pass nd username to my hosting site
but it sends empty log file...! nw u understand..?
What the hell is wrong with you? We don't have magic to tell us what is wrong with your fake page, we need details.

Suggestion in simple language: Tell us how did you make the fake page and where did you make changes in it using notepad(considering you used notepad to edit).

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 12:20 pm
by Yonky
OKAY..................i made 2 pages... 1.)html 2.)php
so i made a fake html page of site nd edited wid notepad replaced action="site name"
an wid login.php im providing u images of both html n php...take a LOOk
let me knw if the codings r ryt or wrong..!

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 1:59 pm
by KEN
Make sure that login file is saved as login.php.
In login.php replace

Code: Select all

foreach($_GET as $variable => $value) {

Code: Select all

foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
and try again

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 7:19 pm
by Sethioz
why would you make screenshot of code??

i would have tested, but cant bother typing it out.
post code and use the "code" brackets to show it properly, then i can run a check.

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 5:16 am
by Yonky
Thanxx KEN its workin,,,,,...............
very appreciated........! :)))

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 12:46 pm
by Yonky
thers another problem
the page im sending to victims gmail is going into spam not in Inbox
any solution to prevent it..!

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 8:06 pm
by Sethioz
are you sending it from your own email?
there's usually no solution for this, sometimes when you send email from completely legit account it still ends up in spam.
you have to just make email look like a normal email, not containing a link only.
from what i know, most email providers have spam scanners that go thru the email content and determine if its "spam" or not.
based on image to text ratio and link to text ratio ..etc

for example if you send
link here
check this out!
then most likely it would end up in spam even from legit account.

1. try sending email that is not spam, like if you want to show your new "album" you made
and send email to your friend and ask him to check it.
once that is successful, replace that link with your fake login page

2. once you get it into inbox like that, then try modifying other content.

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 11:39 am
by Yonky not sending it by my own email address
im sending it through email spoofing trick
also tried this fake mailer site

nd thanxx for the HelP.

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 5:19 pm
by Sethioz
there's your problem then. any kind of email spoofing results in junk/spam.
well not any, there are ways.
try hosting your own smtp and send via that or try sending via telnet, your ISP must allow outgoing 25 tho.
or re-map ports (which im not sure of how to do in step by step). there are tools that can use like port 1000 as port 25 in case ISP is blocking 25.

or make fake email account and send from there.
in hotmail, you can send email from other addresses if you confirm them, so make your own smtp + email, confirm it in hotmail and send from there.

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 6:18 pm
by Yonky
bro telnet not opening in my system ...
when i search for telnet in run..
it gave a error......
heres the image of it..~
--->telnet error

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 7:08 pm
by Sethioz
that's what you get for using some gay version of windows or having messed up PC.

what windows you have? i think that its only in win 7 pro and ultimate

extract and put it into windows/system32
(37.69 KiB) Downloaded 790 times
read here if you want to know more about sending emails (telnet and others): ... 077&p=6422

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 9:48 am
by Yonky
im Using win 7 starter...............
thank You for the help..!

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 2:26 pm
by Sethioz
Offtopic, but yeah that's the "problem". i think only win7 pro and ultimate have such tools like telnet ..etc.
no more win7 discussion here plz

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 5:36 am
by Yonky
heres d another prob.....
i extarcted telnet.exe to system 32 as u said
when run it .....a black screens pops up nd then closed..!
wats the problem noW!

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 2:53 am
by Sethioz
you are the problem lol ... you need to learn how to use cmd

yet again, i say that you need to learn the very basics of computer, like how to use cmd or in this matter, what cmd is.

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 11:36 am
by Legu
Offtopic, but yeah that's the "problem". i think only win7 pro and ultimate have such tools like telnet ..etc.
Xp definitely has telnet, whereas no win7 has telnet. (Using win7 ultimate)

Re: Fake login pages. steal info

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 4:14 am
by Sethioz
ofcourse it does, xp is best windows out there, vista = bista, win7 = gay7, windows 8 = gaydows 8.
I still use XP on machines where i don't play games, but enough of offtopic !

I recommend you get XP machine if you want to do hacking and exploiting.
its microsoft conspiracy, they block out lot of hack tools by simply not allowing them to work on their OS (vista, gay 7 ..etc)

if you want to hack and exploit, XP and BackTrack are must have.