Skype high cpu usage when video calling

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Skype high cpu usage when video calling

Post by KEN »

I was using skype 5.6 and everytime I video called, cpu usage went to 30% when my cam is enabled, if my friend's cam is also enabled then it goes above 50% and all of it is being used by skype.exe

I updated to latest skype 6.something and now its at 40% when both cam are enabled.
I'm using zonealarm and dont want to disable the firewall even if it solves it or no.
Which skype version are you guys using?
Any solution to this problem?
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Re: Skype high cpu usage when video calling

Post by Legu »

Dont wanna bitch around but i think this topic belongs under /help, support

Anyhow im using the old version of skype Skype (Beta). It supports html and it works fine for me. I dont see any reason why anyone should update skype. It doesnt get any better. In fact as more microsoft fucks with it, as worse it gets.
Do u have the latest driver for the cam? Is the cpu usage low without cam? If yes, it is definitely the cam e.g the interface skype is using for cam.

What are ur specs btw? I could imagine that a weak sys (netbook or shit) could have some problems with cam/skype.
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Re: Skype high cpu usage when video calling

Post by KEN »

Legu wrote:Dont wanna bitch around but i think this topic belongs under /help, support
Already there. Computer / Internet / Support ..

I'll try Skype 5.7.
I tried the same cam on chatroulette and tiny chat with about 5-6 users enabled cam and then the usage wont go above 20% (of the browser and in total).

I installed manycam and used that as the video source on skype. As I turn down the resolution of the cam from 1280x720 to 1024x768 the usage decreases. So any idea wtf this problem is about?

Dual core E5200 @ 2.51 ghz
2gb ddr2 Ram.
1gb Ati HD4350.
EDIT: & windows XP 32 bit

Pc is weak for gaming but should be fine for internet and skype.

Again, this is only with skype. On tinychat and chatroulette I use 1280x720 on manycam without any problem.
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Re: Skype high cpu usage when video calling

Post by Legu »

Some solutions from ppl who have the same problem

This might not be necessary the case, but make sure that Skype is not set to run in Compatibility mode.
Right click on Skype desktop shortcut, select Properties and then the Compatibility tab. No options should be selected there.
You probably won't believe how stupid this sounds, and it applies to everyone on this thread - you see the advert on Skype's home area? Hide it. Then watch your CPU usage plummet. As ridiculous as it sounds, Skype/Microsoft need to sort this out.
Use VOIP duh...
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Re: Skype high cpu usage when video calling

Post by Sethioz »

MOVED - generally it is about software, but correct place for this is "Errors / Crashes / Bugs / Support / Help". Legu was right, Ken you're the one who needs to keep eye on such things.

now to the problem. first i thought your pc might be just too weak, but it's not that bad, should work fine.
i can't say much, because maybe it is suppouse to use that much. Skype DOES use up a lot of resources even when in idle.
however i can run it fine in my netbook and it's 1.6ghz dual core with 2gb ram and 256mb video and i haven't noticed any lag while using skype, i haven't tested video calling tho.

we can make a quick test later and then i can check if it does same on my netbook.

skype indeed uses unnecessary resources and those stupid adverts are getting on my nerves. another stupid thing is when im on a call, it shows other person's profile picture all over the place, WHY THE FUCK ? i want to see chat window ... duh
and then this small "mini window" keeps popping up all the time when i switch to other window.
well too early to say if skype is suppose to act like that or not, but my guess is NOT. skype is made to work on netbooks and laptops a lot weaker than that.
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Re: Skype high cpu usage when video calling

Post by KEN »

opps missed the sub-topic.

I googled that much and didn't had any compatibility mode on. Forgot to mention, I'm on XP 32bit.
I don't remember seeing advert but they are really sucks and can eat the power up so this might solve the problem for few people.

Made a video call, 2 cams in total (mine + other friend), average usage: 30% ( max-40% , min- 20% )
It has improved. Using Skype
Unfortunately I remember doing anything other than un-installing and removing all skype registry and files and installing 5.8 version.
Not using manycam so resolution is at default. No idea what my cam's default is. On box it says 16 Megapixel but I highly doubt it's that.

I'll try on group calls and see what cpu usage is and post back :-)
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Re: Skype high cpu usage when video calling

Post by Legu »

Wait 16megapixel for a webcam? As far as i know webcams have like 2-3megap top. Either way try to start skype sandboxed. Also what about the latest skype version? Its 6.0.x smt. U should give it a try.
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Re: Skype high cpu usage when video calling

Post by KEN »

That's what I said. They must've meant to say 1.6 megapixel.
The latest skype 6.0.something had the same problem.Average usage was around 40%.

Yesterday night I had no problem with single video call on Skype
For 2+ hours it went good. It was around 15% most of the time and maximum I could see skype using was 25%.
I'll will be trying group call tonight.
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Re: Skype high cpu usage when video calling

Post by KEN »

Over 50% total cpu usage all the time on group calls with total of 3 cams(including mine).
Sometimes it's even above 60%.
This is soo not normal and pain in the ass since it lags stuff from time to time.
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Re: Skype high cpu usage when video calling

Post by Sethioz »

my guess, your pc is fucked up as usual and you have too much shit and crap running there at same time and that is the cause.
or it's outdated / crappy codecs
could also be video card drivers, but i doubt.

zonealarm + ccleaner should do the trick, but ofcourse you need to know how to use them, they won't magically fix whole computer by just getting installed.

however i won't leave out the option that skype just sucks in video calling, everytime they update, something gets worse than before. i only use newer skype, because i like the facebook contacts addon, so i don't have to go on facebook to see who's online. it's kind a shitty tho, since it only allows me to chat with people while they are online and you are one of them Ken, who keeps bouncing online/offline, so i can't properly chat with you over skype's fb interface. you keep disappearing after every message you send and i can't reply (thats why i rarely reply to you in fb), they need to improve it, so it allows to send offline msg to fb.
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Re: Skype high cpu usage when video calling

Post by KEN »

Sethioz wrote:since it only allows me to chat with people while they are online and you are one of them Ken, who keeps bouncing online/offline, so i can't properly chat with you over skype's fb interface. you keep disappearing after every message you send and i can't reply .
Sorry about that :P

I dont have too much shit running.Infact while skype I'm running only skype.
The cpu usage I've been posting is just skype not everything combined. See the attachment, anything barely uses anything other than skype.And chrome is listed there because of this posting otherwise its also off.
Also how much memory does skype eats up in your case?
In the screenshot of mine its 140,xxx
and now it has gone down to 70,xxx
but the cpu usage is around the same.
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Re: Skype high cpu usage when video calling

Post by Sethioz »

no idea what's with the cpu usage. i think you should go post this on skype's support forum or ask them directly.

memory usage is normal, here's mine:
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Re: Skype high cpu usage when video calling

Post by Legu »


Lol while having one chat window open i have around 60000k. (5.10 version)
ram usage.PNG
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Re: Skype high cpu usage when video calling

Post by KEN »

I posted on their forum and didn't get much help.
I fixed it now.
I thought why only I'm having this while its working fine for you two. The only difference I could think of was your flash players you said were updated in the other topic.
Mine was old. So I updated it.
To avoid it giving youtube problem, in chrome settings I enabled it to use the "inbuilt" flash it have (older).
And skype will be using the latest flash.
Also I made zonealarm to block internet access for skype updater.

Single video call:
EDIT: Been on the call from few minutes now and 25% is the top I saw skype using so guess that's the final fix.
Group call yet to be tested but I guess it's fixed too since average usage on single calls are now around 10%
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Re: Skype high cpu usage when video calling

Post by Sethioz »

@Legu - it makes no difference to me how many chat windows i have open, it always uses the same. and your lol comes from that you probably do not have facebook connected. what seem to bring up the memory usage, is how many people you have online. i had about 30 when i made that screenshot.

@Ken - it's odd, that it doesn't really use any cpu for me at all. only when connecting, opening window ..etc, but when in "idle" mode (on a call, on video..etc), it doesn't seem to use any cpu at all.
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Re: Skype high cpu usage when video calling

Post by KEN »

Lucky >_>

I tested group call and I thought it was weird coz in group call it was using something like 5%
I asked around skype forum and they told me that in group call it's not using HD video but in single it is. That is why cpu is being used more on single calls than group calls.
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