DayZ / ArmA 2 - how to use custom sounds over directional

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DayZ / ArmA 2 - how to use custom sounds over directional

Post by Sethioz »

I decided not to put this out in public, because it was not so easy to make it happen.
it's common sense, but nevertheless it took me 3-4 hours to figure this out. since world is full of shitfucks who don't want to answer how they got it working, they think they are only ones or something like that, while only reason why i asked few people is because I was hoping to save few hours.
oh well, here's the stuff.

Tools and Stuff you need

The attachment is no longer available

Virtual Audio Cable 4.10.rar
(369.99 KiB) Downloaded 458 times

- im not 100% sure if you need it, but i included it anyway. password to rar is aVAC);//blah_audio_cablez_virtual093334l
copy the whole colored password and make sure you dont get spaces before or after.

3. Autohotkey script

Predator Sounds.rar
(235.64 KiB) Downloaded 454 times
- these are from predator movies. i used these to test it out.

5. Audio player that does not minimize application/s whenever new file is double clicked and also must give you choice to select output.
- Winamp works, BSPlayer minimizes apps. VLC does not allow selecting output. so winamp will do the trick.


1. Run virtual audio cable control panel.
2. set 2 channels.
3. exit it.
4. run "audio repeater (KS)" (its included in virtual audio cable)
5. select Line 1 as input
6. select Line 2 as output
7. click START (in audio repeater)
8. go to your window sound settings, where you can choose microphone input.
- in windows 7, its control panel > sound > recording
- you can also access it via steam, by going to steam settings > voice, it will open that panel for you (in all OSs i assume)
- in recording tab select "Line 2" as microphone
9. In winamp (or your audio player), select Line 1 as output (you will NOT be able to hear voices yourself, unless you enable speaker output from speakers, then you hear)
10. in winamp > options > preferences > plug-ins > output > nullsoft waveout output > configure > device > set to Line 1

* Now your system is setup to play sounds from winamp into microphone. winamp acts as virtual microphone now. anything played via winamp goes into microphone.
Now there is another problem with game. DayZ / ArmA kills off all global hotkeys, this is where you need autohotkey

11. make new file (any file, you will rename it later)
12. open it with notepad / notepad++
13. Here is example of my script i use:

Code: Select all

#IfWinActive, A
^+F1::Run F:\Space\Sounds - Voices\Predator Sounds\pred_sneakup.ogg
^+F2::Run F:\Space\Sounds - Voices\Predator Sounds\pred_sneakup2.ogg
^+F3::Run F:\Space\Sounds - Voices\Predator Sounds\pred_vicious_sneakup.ogg
^+F5::Run F:\Space\Sounds - Voices\Predator Sounds\pred_scream.ogg
^+F6::Run F:\Space\Sounds - Voices\Predator Sounds\pred_scream_medkit.ogg
^+F7::Run F:\Space\Sounds - Voices\Predator Sounds\pred_female_scream.ogg
^+F9::Run F:\Space\Sounds - Voices\Predator Sounds\pred_2screams.ogg
- #IfWinActive, A < this is the part that forces hotkeys work no matter what.
^ < this is CTRL button
+ < this is SHIFT button
F1 = F9 < no need to explain
you can use autohotkey's included help documentation to know which key is what. for example ALT is !
so you have to learn what is what, in order to use hotkeys you want.
what this script does, is simply runs the sound file when hotkey is clicked.
and then i made winamp default app for .ogg files
so whenever hotkey is clicked, it opens one of these .ogg files and plays it in winamp

Now all you need to do, is go into game, hold down your microphone button and hit the hotkey.
I use such hotkeys, because i have Cyborg V7 keyboard and i made hotkeys on it. so it will press CTRL+SHIFT+F buttons for me.
i just hold mic and hit 1 button and predator RAWRRR. so if you have keyboard that can make macros, use some crazy combinations and make macros.
note that keyboard alone will NOT help, because game kills your hotkeys. you need autohotkey to bypass this.

Please don't share this. I put it into allies, because i don't want every kid running around and abusing this.
as you see, this whole process is NOT that easy.
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