all i used to find in google was just crap and shit and stupid questions like: y u even need to do that, cant u just use the best connection for all ..etc.
so here's the site
and i also included the tool.
simply unrar and install. it will be installed into your system32 (dont be alerted)
now you can either use cmd or ''run''
how to use it thru run:
you simply click start - run
now type in the following command:
Code: Select all
forcebindip "C:\Program Files\WinFtp Server\WFTPSRV.exe"
if the program's FULL path has spaces in it, then it has to be quated like in this example.
ah yes. and if you are stupid, ofcourse you have to put your own application path there. this is just example what i do if i wanna run my WinFTP server with it.
how to use it thru cmd:
run the command prompt window
go to the system32 folder and type in the same command:
Code: Select all
forcebindip "C:\Program Files\WinFtp Server\WFTPSRV.exe"
to do so:
open your regedit (start - run - type in 'regedit')
go to:
Code: Select all
now use this command:
Code: Select all
forcebindip {4FA65F75-7A5F-4BCA-A3A2-59824B2F5CA0} "C:\Program Files\WinFtp Server\WFTPSRV.exe"
NOTE - this will not change any settings in your program. it will run a program for you with the binding. also make sure that you will CLOSE the application before using this tool. because if the application is already open it has no effect. for example on firefox, when your fox is running and you run it again thru the tool it will not be binded to the device. you have to totally CLOSE application and then run it. its very useful for game servers, for example if you want to play LAN thru hamachi you can simply bind it to hamachi adapter instead of all and game server should show up in other person's lan