How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & tools

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How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & tools

Post by Sethioz »

UPDATE: about year ago i opened Knowledge Database (wiki) with lot of hacking articles in it. Start from wiki if you dont know what tools to use or how to use them. my wiki has lot of detailed articles with tutorials and examples.

* Also read MMO Hacking Extended by ronokae

Lately a lot of ppl have asked me about MMO game hacking (runescape, last chaos, archlord, ragnarok..etc). So i tought i will post a basic guide on how you can probably hack most MMO games.
As far as i know, all MMO games have some kind of magic powers or force powers in it and also they have levels and different level spells.
also they all have money/credits (gold, stone..whtever).
The reason why its way harder to hack MMO game, is because most things are controlled by server.


If some links are not working or if you do not know how to use those tools, then visit my Knowledge Database and search for articles like "basic game hacking" "unlimited ammo hack" "time hacking" and other hack related terms, there are lots of good articles, which will explain in detail how to use hack tools in order to hack games.
It is VERY important that you visit knowledge database first and read the articles on how to hack games.

knowledge database also includes detailed articles about each and every tool listed, including tool itself (download) so plz visit knowledge database before asking stupid things.


In other online games, health, ammo, money and such are only controlled by server, but in MMOs:
server usually controls health, ammo, money, damage, weapons, levels, speed, attack speed..etc. This is because you will become stronger and faster when you gain levels. Now think what if you can simply change your level (or any other thing that comes with level), it would be too easy and it would be a total fail if its so easy to simply change things.

There's still lot of things you can do and here's few tips and hints and tools.

So far only MMO i have hacked and tried to hack is Last Chaos. In Last Chaos it was possible to change attack speed and run speed too. Also animation to get instant spells. That was all done with a memory editor (i used Tsearch).

Some MMO games have anti-cheat system. so you can't use normal memory editors, then you need a stealth memory editior. here's few memory editors:

Normal Memory Editors:
Tsearch - my favorite.
ArtMoney - good for searching text values and ALL types (float, byte, double..etc)
Cheat Engine - not so easy to use and also glitches, but sometimes it finds values that Tsearch doesn't

Stealth Memory Editors:
Artmoney Pro/Vip edition also work on some.

Stealth memory editors may not be enought to hack games protected wtih some anti-hack system. Im quite sure that if nothing helps, then SoftIce is only program that can defeat any anti-hack system. SoftIce is a driver debugger actually. it was designed to debug windows drivers, so it means it runs "under" windows. even windows can't detect its presence. So in theory anti-hack systems can't detect it. I haven't tried it on games myself, so im not sure.


It's also possible to use packet editors to hack MMO games. Basically what you can do:
for example you can replace level1 magic with level90 magic (even when you still level1). it CAN be done with memory editor too, but its extremely hard to find right spot.

Let me explain:
When you do level 1 magic, then your client (game) sends a packet to server that tells server that you did level 1 magic. Lets say that this part where it says its level 1 magic looks like this:
"00 01 0C BD F1 CA" This is in HEX. You simply record the packet and then examine it. (i never said its easy)
Now you have sniffed out the level 1 magic.
you do level 2 magic and see that packet is same, execpt one part:
"00 02 0C BD F1 CA" - ofcourse it is NOT 01 02 03 probably. so you have to examine packets more, it is just a easy example.
so now you know that second byte in that HEX string tells server which level magic you do. Now you simply replace it and make it look like this:
"00 5A 0C BD F1 CA" - now when you send this packet, game tells server that you did level 90 magic (5A in HEX is 90 in DEC, you can use WINDOWS calculator to convert between HEX and DEC, simply type in value and then click either on HEX or DEC. you need scientific mode !!!)

Now you can make a permanent filter to always get level 90 magic. Here's some packet tools and editors:

WPE Pro - most popular tool i guess. theres lot of tutorials that use this, but WPE Pro sucks actually.
CommView - my favorite packet tool, but it can't make the replace filter which is required for such game hacking.
Proxocket - this is awsome tool. Made by Luigi. it is a .dll proxy, which allows you to capture packets and also edit them on the fly. It also allows you to block ips and ports or bind network adapters. It can be used to make permanent filters for MMO games. it is quite hard to use. you need to manually compile it as .dll to make a filter, but once you know how to compile, then you see that it is 100 times better than wpe pro.

So where do i start ??
well really can't tell you like this, but you may want to read Basic game hacking to better understand how memory tools work and then try to search and edit something (like speed in last chaos). you may also want to check Last Chaos hacks topic and see what can be done there, using memory tools.

as about packet editing. as i said. you have to capture packets and then examine them closely and see where the difference is. You can use WPE pro to test your stuff out. in WPE pro you can right click and packet into send list, then you can resend it and see if you get the same effect as you did when you made this action in game (magic, spell..whtever). if this works, then you can try to edit that packet and then resend and see if it has different effect. analyzing packets like this can be pain in the ass sometimes.
If you have found what you looking for and need a simple replace filter (replace "test" with "blah") for example, then you can post it here and i can make it with proxocket and post the .dll filter.
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by wolfguardiann »

hey , good post seth , i love yr tutorials , ure a master coder! ahahaha, hey , im trying to make a flyhack on an mmorpg , ok, BUT , everytime i play the game the address that is responsable to the Y coordinate( The Y that is the coord to UP , X = front Z = Back) , everytime i get it , i logout and its another adress , course , its an online game, but , how can i get the adress or pointer to always get the flyhack adress , so i dont nee to start all the process of searching the adress and sheet ?

theres is acctuly an problem when i do the debuggingpart , cuz , the game freezes , even whit olly debbuger ... , what do i do ?
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by Sethioz »

you need to find breakpoint for it, either using memory editor like tsearch or olly.
game doesnt freeze, olly pauses game when you attach it to process.
try this article Breakpoints and NOP
if you still dont understand, let me know.
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by wolfguardiann »

yeah i got it , i understood all , the problem is , every time i logogut of change character , make an logout action, it changes the "fly hack " adrees once i found it ( using tSearch ) , so then i get the adress , open olly and attach and sheet , good , hen i go to the part where u need to "Go to Adress" i found the adress ok , here is the problem , what do i do now ? cuz , i tryed getting the patched number or these things , just like to make a trainer but , i wasnt going to make it , just getting the adress so i can use the flyhck whitout making the find adress . next , bla bla ,

the second problem is , when i attach olly debugger , the game " pause" like u said , and i unpause clicking on the blue arrows ( like yr tutorial on the olink u send showed) but , the game stop responding and everything i did crashs ... but , sometimes it go ok , but, the question , the central part is this ;

How do i get the adrees to the flyhack , whitout need to search for it again when i restart the game , cuz its a mmorpg , and the adress changes , isnt compared to offline , SP games , in which is much easier , the question is there ,

Thank you very much for this support , asu know , game hacking is hard, even on mmo's , cuz adress changes, and MOst of the games have an anti-hack program , such the game called " The duel " or dofus ( i dont plsaay both , just giving examples :P ) to make a bypass is something UNKNOW to me , i dont even know where to start to make an anti-hack program bypass ... i only know that u need some DLLs to do this , but HOW? aaahahaha , well anyways , the question is there , the confusion part too ,

Tyvm gl , and keep on the awesome job , love this site/forum , i hope i keep up here for a long time, ure sure a good coder , and thats not easy to find.

Keep up the good job! 10/10 to u!
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by Sethioz »

it is not cuz its mmo or cuz it has some anti-hack thingy. its called DMA (dynamic memory allocation). this is why you need to find the breakpoint.
you dont find the address, you write your own code and change the values before they get written on that address.

take a look into resident evil 5 hacks or aliens vs predator 2010 hacks. both threads are under game hacks obviously.
you can get an idea how to write easywrite script in tsearch.

if you still cant do it, do this :

in tsearch, once you have found the breakpoint. highlight it in autohack window.
click on "disassembler" tab (it is in autohack window, at bottom).
now highlight the top line, then move up about 3-4 times using UP arrow on keyboard.
now move back down using DOWN arrow.
if breakpoint stays same and you can move back to it, good, make a screenshot of it.
if it changes, it means that tsearch broke in middle of function (nothing wrong with this).
go to the closest address. if your breakpoint was 12305 and changed is 12300, then make screenshot of that.
this is not changing actually, it just moves to a full function if you move up, i just need to know if its in middle of function or not.

so in short, i need to see the function that handles the change of height. you can do same in olly. doesnt really matter.
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by wolfguardiann »

ohh i see , so i need to make a breakpoint and get the numbers from there so i make a new code , hmmm , got it , ill try that , ill try to give a response wheneever i cna , ( wont take much ) ill then use tsearch o get the adress , once i have ill use the olly bla bla , go to _> fly hack adress , make a breakpoints , and ill add that to chea list , ill take a loo k , ill responde in a lil . tyvm for the supprot till here . good job !!
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by Sethioz »

no you dont add anything into cheatlist, into easywrite. this is my script for RE5, which changes ammo to FFFF which is 65535 in dec.
this is going offtopic, if you have more questions about debugging, you should make new thread called "debugging games or code injection" and prolly not into game hacking. i think it fits more into programming section, but up to you. i can always move it.

read these articles:

Code Injection
Unlimited Ammo Hack
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by wolfguardiann »

well yeah , didnt worked so well , my tsearch doesnt find the adresses thati need , like , the Y position right now is 102.43 ( this is the position i need to make the flyhack ) when i search this on the cheat engine it found no problems , but when i tryto find the same thing but on tsearch , i put on that number and float , it only show " 102." whiel cheat enngine show everything "102.4387664788" , its hard to work whit this , haha

after i get the adress from CE , i put on olly "breakpoint" - hardware, on access - byte

what do i do ? i actually dont know what to do , olly is relly good but , i dont know how to actually use it right , ;P

any tips here would be great , tyvm for teh support

EDIT: sorry didnt saw yr last psot, what do i do then ?
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by Sethioz »

as i said this is going offtopic, it is coding and debugging, not hacking MMOs.
i have explained everything already, i even gave examples. you also havent read articles and tutorials, where i explain about tsearch's default settings. you must set it to search all memory, not just parts of it.
make new thread if you have issues with debugging and writing a script.
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by cosmin »

Hello i am new here.
I want to use wpe pro to hack a game called 9Dragons.
I find the packet i need but when i send it back to server i get DC.
How should i propely use wpe pro?
If you have any tutorials on it please post a link.
Thx on advance.
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by Sethioz »

search wpe pro on my knowledge database. there is one good article
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by cosmin »

i will thanks a lot.
Interesting now i understand a bit more of wpe pro.
But still i don't know where i can find the drop.
Should i wait and pick up the drop than stop the packet snifing?
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by Sethioz »

test different packets and see what happens. it isnt easy to find right packet/s.
alternetively you can use proxocket (see wiki again for tutorials), but its very advanced stuff.
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by cosmin »

i read on other sites that wpe pro only edits clientsided stuff and can not edit serversided stuff so is not useful.
The same thing what an UCE can do.
Now i am working to try and remotely acces their computer.
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by Sethioz »

i dont understand what you are talking about. WPE pro is a packet editor and so is proxocket, but proxocket is working in advanced level, where you have to compile it from .c code.
proxocket has every feature that wpe pro has. proxocket makes it extremely easy to make filters. in wpe pro you need to get the socket id, each time you want to use your "hacks"
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by cosmin »

But wpe pro can edit serversided stuff?
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by Sethioz »

i just said no. wpe pro is a packet editor, if you do not know what it is, google for packet editor or check on wikipedia for explanation.
basically if server is vulnerable, you can exploit it and make server give you something. just read what packet editor/sniffer means.
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by XaneXXXX »

Hi man, I'm just wondering if it's possible to change the money/gp runescape?
If you change the value of the gp then it's emedietly changes back even if you freeze it.
But of course it can't be that easy, so I was thinking for example, if you complete a quest and you get let's say 2000 gp, is it possible to find the value of the *thing* that gives you the quest money? And change to like 1000000 gp, then after you complete the quest you gets alot of money instead of 2000? Thanks :)
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by Sethioz »

i have explained this here already. you need packet editor.
find the packet and see if you can change the value there. WPE pro, rPE and proxocket are tools for the job. i have no interest in runescape, so cant help personally.
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by XaneXXXX »

yoo, i have tried out wpe pro, and tried to change strength level on runescape. and it seems like they have a big protection.. because when i send a packet back to their server its only working for like 2 sek after i added it.. if i wait any longer to send it i gets a packet error.. i record packets right before i level and after i stop it. so how can i find the right packet for the strength level if they blocking/changes the packet efter 2, ive read you tutorial a few times, maybe you already explaned this but i didnt find it thanks :)
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by Sethioz »

this is not a protection, most likely it is a simple socket ID change. learn about WPE pro on my wiki. it might be packet id, but then it wouldnt accept any packets at all. must be socket id. read the wiki and search forum fella, theres so much stuff already explained on how to use wpe pro and other mentioned tools.
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by JayPak »

Sorry for asking just didn't wanna waste my time looking for something that might not even be there. So, does it work for xbox 360 without a jtag to have unlimited time for RE5? Can I just hex edit or no?
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by darkmastergeo »

sir is there a chance that you can make a bypass.dll file for the game cabal online?ihave one but it is patched recently due to some abusive players.i onlu use it to hunt in the dungeons...and may ask do you know a program called heatbreak?and pls canyou teach me how to disable it?tnx sir set godbless pls reply to me
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by Sethioz »

never heard of such game or bypass.
what is it suppouse to do ? bypass something, what ?
never heard heatbreak, how does it have anything to do with MMO hacking ? remember that this is GENERAL MMO hacking, not a game specifc. if you wish to discuss cabal online, you should open new topic with proper title (like Cabal online hacking and hacks, as long as its specific to wht you asking).

UPDATE: my bad, Cabal has been discussed already, fucking USE SEARCH before posting ! when you search for "cabal" it shows up clearly, stop being idiots ppl. you are wasting your OWN time.
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by rakgi »

i was wondering if anyone could help regarding creating hacks for mmos
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by Sethioz »

this is very general and quite offtopic. what is it you want exactly ?
if it is specific game you are talking about, then make new topic and call it "Game name - hacking" or something like that.
if you generally asking what tools to use, how, where ..etc, then your answers are already in this topic, if not .. ask, but add details what you are trying to do.
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by Hackz45 »

Sethioz, it is so nice to meet you sir. So, I was trying to hack the health for a online game called "ROBLOX." I found the address, but when I go to add it to the Cheat List and change the value along with freezing it, I go to test it and it doesn't stay at that value point. It seems to show as if it is actually working, the health is 100. But when your health decreases, it actually decreases and goes to that value point instead of the one I set for it along with freezing. I'm not sure what to do and I was hoping you had some tips on what I could do to make it stay at that point. I'm thinking it has pointers, but then again it probably needs a breakpoint.
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by Sethioz »

that's because health cannot be hacked in MMO games. its server side.
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by Hackz45 »

So I'm guessing I have to use a Packet Editor, alright, I'll try to examine each packet to try and find it, since it is server sided.
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by MagicalSilence »

i think i shold spare you from trouble and say God modes in MMO are waste of time :) if its comes to PVE specially..
Packet editor is a good choice but again once you know What is Server Side and what is Client side you may find something more usefull. Usually Skill cooldown/skill Range/ATK speed/Run speed/ are client sided not always thought.
But if there is private server version of the game your trying to hack you may as well get direction in where to look most of the time they are not far away in "clean P.Server files" if such exist for the game. also.. Cordinates are almost always client side :P Sky hack/wall hack / Range hack of the normal atk (depends)

But for example Monster Aggression toward player can be changed with packets :)
Best way to notice difference between things is to compare packets from skills for example if your unable to get any sence from them. /encrypted
Another thing "i havent tryed it thot.." but filtering Item effect into different item's effect.
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by Hackz45 »

You're right :) Thing is though, Hex Editing for me is pretty hard when it comes to the ATK, speed, etc. Unless the value changes and I can use the search method. But sadly, it doesn't for the games I want to hack like World of Warcraft, and Need for Speed World.
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by Sethioz »

NFS World hacks have been discussed HERE and i have released few trainers for it.
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by Hackz45 »

Thanks! I'll think about buying a copy. Do you still Tsearch?
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by Sethioz »

like any other MMO, in NFSW it's possible to hack lot of things, however i lost interest in NFSW. i released so called "freeride" trainer. just make sure to read the details under a trainer before buying one.
further NFSW hacking should go HERE
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by RichardShivers »

I have used packet sniffers in the past to hack a couple of games successfully, however, my latest endeavors have turned out to be total failures. I will first explain the issue that i first came across, my somewhat successful fix, and the problem i am now facing.

When i attach wpe pro or redox PE to my game and press capture, the packet sniffer finds no packets from the game. I have tried using CommView and it shows that the game transmits packets through the System process and not the actual game client. Anyways, correct me if i am wrong but it is my understanding that if i send packets using CommView it doesn't actually send it through the game client, but rather directly from my network (hope that makes sense). I have also tried using Proxocket, I even found the ws2_32 string when i open the the client.exe with a hex editor, but again no .cap files are created in my game directory or anywhere else on my hard drive for that matter.

I have used the following method in the past successfully, solely to bypass anti-hack software that cause the game to exit if it detects a process it feels may be used to hack. I will not go in great detail here since this isn't an actual tutorial. Anyways, i install a proxy hosting software and a proxy client. I use the proxy client to connect to my proxy host and attach wpe pro or Redox PE to the proxy host, which allows the packet sniffer to capture packets.

Ok, so here is the problem that i now face and i am not entirely sure if it is my method that i am using to capture packets or if it is some sort of protection the game uses to prevent hacking. Anyways, every packet that i send causes the game to return to the login screen. I should also note that the packets i do happen to capture with wpe pro vs. CommView, the data looks entirely different. For example, all the 54 byte packets in CommView are almost entirely same as far as looking at the data but all the 54 byte packets wpe pro picks up the data is entirely random.
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by Sethioz »

> commview sometimes messes up and shows everything as system (test with other programs, if all of them are system, you know its commview's fault).

> Proxocket will work, there is another file for proxocket. sometimes it is needed to use the other one. also make sure you understood how to use proxocket. There is capture mode and filter/intercept mode. if you know how to switch between them, then i guess you know how to use it.

> WPE pro and Redox not capturing is something new to me, so far i have never had issues with either. they always show me packets. I haven't used redox much, but it did get mess up few times and didn't show packets. so maybe it is something in your OS it doesn't like or something generic. in WPE you have to make sure all fields are checked. 1.1 and 2.0 or whatever they are.

> proxy method is quite good way to go, but i don't think you can send packets like that. hacking the proxy client to send packets into game is not exactly what you want to do. You need intercepting proxy. webscarab is for http, however i haven't tested, it might work with games too. you need intercepting proxy that intercepts packets and allows you to edit them, not an actualy IP based proxy that hides your IP and then hack it. try webscarab or burpsuite, they might work.

> yes commview sends packets directly using your network device and won't send via anything.

> WPE pro and commview packets being different > offtopic. i thought it is obvious, it is because WPE pro doesn't show the information like IP, date, time, port, mac ..etc. It shows only the data inside of the packet. commview shows the full packet that is ready to be sent as it is and does not need any additional information. this is why WPE pro uses "socket id". that contains the information like port and ip and mac..etc, while commview has it all on manual.

> reason why you got kicked to login screen, is most likely because packet was invalid. proxy client hacking doesn't work.
> also game might use challenge response (you need to give exact reply to the server, random packets won't work)
> game might use encryption.
If game uses challenge response or encryption, you need a custom tool. possible, but not many who can write that.
Tool that sits between game and server, emulating both. from server side it would seem that an actual game client is receiving the packets and from game side it seems like actual server is receving packets, while in middle you can edit whatever you want.
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by RichardShivers »

Thanks Sethioz for your prompt and informative response, i will look into the info you provided and see if i can figure something out.
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by Net »

Hi Sethioz i tried to packet edit in runescape ,it might not working.
i tryed it with commvieuw and wpe pro, Any ideas ?
i tryed it with webbrowser editing in the highscore list.
because it can't find the correct codes if i am in the game.
And i wanne know if it is possible.

Thank you very much!
I liked ur hydra video.
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by Sethioz »

i dont play or hack MMOs. you have to first do research on game protocol and learn how it works, then you can start tampering with it and see if anything can be changed.
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by Net »

I know how it works but it seems not possible by runescape but thanks for your help :)
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by Sethioz »

I just got an idea. most MMOs say that "hack tool" detected or just close..etc if you use some packet tools, however if you have 2 computers, you can make 1 PC go via another and hack the packets in other pc. Either via proxy or make a gateway out of other PC.

Also it is possible to intercept wireless packets from another PC, it won't allow you to intercept, but does allow you to resend.

If you want to hack "highscores", then you want to hack their website and not game.
or whatever you mean by correct codes ? finding stuff is always possible and in most cases you can bypass checks and anti-hack things.
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by Net »

So you mean that i must try to packet edit with a wireless connection and going proxy and edit the packets?
I wanne try to hack their highscore server the website.
The highscorelist are the same scores like in the game.
hydra is not working on their servers to.

Thank you very very much for the reply's :)
if you dont wanne help me you can say it :P
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by Sethioz »

highscores are stored in their servers, not in game. you are confusing game hacking with website hacking.
another method is find exploit in game that allows you to get higher score, so that would put you on top of leaderboards.
These things take weeks to do, maybe months, not hours. you have to do full protocol reversal in order to understand it.

best is to make private server, that way you see what server does and how it works and gives you a lot better idea how to exploit it.
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by Net »

Thanks for your reply i know how to make a private server but not how to code maby i gonne learn it.
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by Net »

Hi Sethioz i can't make a private server webclient.
My question is waih is packet editing on runescape not working ?
I tried many things on runescape but they are all not working do you got a suggestion how i can hack the highscore list?
And i wanne know is it possible to hack the highscores?
I tried many methodes in backtrack to but the security is pritty good.
I know that your not playing rs.
I hope you will help me :) thanks


Sorry i can't delete my post anymore you already explained my question sorry.
You dont need to reply sorry.
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Re: How to hack MMO (massively multiplayer online) games & t

Post by paranoic23 »

hello seth.can say this thread was helpul for a rookie like me.i will try to follow those steps but....
i dont know if i will succed cause im noob on this field.dunno if you can try help me on a mmporg with your knowlege.thank you
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