PayPal is fake shit - fake account counter - scammers

retarded stuff here. how stupid ppl got owned. or how somebody talks about stuff they have no idea about..etc
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PayPal is fake shit - fake account counter - scammers

Post by Sethioz »

couldnt think of better title, as some ppl may have noticed, they have this "account world wide" counter on main page, but obviously it counts nothing else but their retardness level, which is on the scale :
the more the number > the more retarded they are

here's a pic of it, in case they decide to remove it. This pic isnt perfect, cuz on some reason flash does not capture on screenshot, but counter is there.
shitassfakepaypal.PNG (9.53 KiB) Viewed 4612 times
it is nothing more, than a simple script, which updates after every 3000ms (3 seconds).

Code: Select all

PAYPAL.namespace("Marketing");PAYPAL.Marketing.PayPalUsers={SELF_NAME:"PAYPAL.Marketing.PayPalUsers",DEFAULT_SEED_COUNT:219000000,DEFAULT_SEED_DATE:"May 26, 2010",DEFAULT_GROUP_SEPARATOR:",",DEFAULT_TARGET_ELEMENT_ID:"NoOfUserLogin",DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL:3000,DEFAULT_COUNT_INCREMENT:2,UserAccounts:0,UAObj:null,init:function(){this.UAObj=document.getElementById(this.DEFAULT_TARGET_ELEMENT_ID);if(this.UAObj){this.setInitialAccount();this.updateCount();}},formatNumber:function(number){nStr=number.toString();var rgx=/(\d+)(\d{3})/;while(rgx.test(nStr)){nStr=nStr.replace(rgx,'$1'+this.DEFAULT_GROUP_SEPARATOR+'$2');}
return nStr;},setInitialAccount:function(){now=new Date();referenceDate=new Date(this.DEFAULT_SEED_DATE);deltaMilliseconds=now-referenceDate;this.UserAccounts=Math.round
and the place where its put on the page:

Code: Select all

#NoOfUserLogin{margin-top:0; padding-top:3px; color:#496885;
 text-align:center; font-size:25px; font-style:italic; font-weight:normal;}

If you are unexperienced on computer field and do not belive me (which i think that most ppl think, that paypal is right and im not). then make a simple, yet logical test:

1. load page
2. disconnect your interent
3. see the counter still running

now, if it would be real, how does it update, if you are not connected to internet ? so it can mean one thing, its a script, just as i said, which updates locally and has nothing to do with accounts worldwide.

paypal is fake and noobs. just like and other sites, who have fake counters like that.
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