Wannable coders

retarded stuff here. how stupid ppl got owned. or how somebody talks about stuff they have no idea about..etc
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Wannable coders

Post by Ritterkreuzträger »

There are few sites or so. They are supposed to be some hacker-related resources. Well, they are. Their users(I guess 100%) are just a bunch of kids, who calls themselves "hackers", but they can only use(Sometimes lol) keyloggers made by another people(Not really coders. Their work is so poor, usually even just copy&pasted). There are few or so VB6.Net "coders"(The most worst language ever. Made for people with down syndrome), who is copyingpasting some as well retarded shit, changing some variables and uploading it to Sharecash(File hosting which require you to proceed fucked-up-impossible-to-complete surveys 'or' to buy premium account. After every download uploader will achieve 1 CENT!!! They are fucking rich from now). Most part of this kids were in panic, because they couldnt download their favorite new version of keyloggerie. Another supreme coder decided to make da kick-ass program. Sharecash downloader. How it is working? He bought a premium account, added a web-browser VB6 visual component on the form, and made it "sneakly" downloading the file from the page.... How lame.
But since he can't code shit, even this most hardest to write program in the world ain't working properly for most part of kids(And for me too :D). But not really.
Let's open his awesome downloader with IDA Pro:
Just thinking. VB6 projects in dissasembled view looks like... Not dissasembled. Well, not really about the topic.
So we are looking a little forward , and we'll see da RAEP part:

Code: Select all

 ldstr "prem_username"
    callvirt class [System.Windows.Forms]System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement [System.Windows.Forms]System.Windows.Forms.HtmlDocument::GetElementById(class System.String)
    ldstr "value"
    ldstr "prem_50715"
    callvirt void [System.Windows.Forms]System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement::SetAttribute(class System.String, class System.String)
    callvirt class [System.Windows.Forms]System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser ShareCash_Downloader.Form1::get_WebBrowser1()
    callvirt class [System.Windows.Forms]System.Windows.Forms.HtmlDocument [System.Windows.Forms]System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser::get_Document()
    ldstr "prem_password"
    callvirt class [System.Windows.Forms]System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement [System.Windows.Forms]System.Windows.Forms.HtmlDocument::GetElementById(class System.String)
    ldstr "value"
    ldstr "RobertFromHackforums"
Oh. That was cute.
Premium account login: prem_50715
Premium account password: RobertFromHackforums - AWESOME! ^_^ This password is totally kick-ass
For teh author is better to use at least xor next time :)
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Re: Wannable coders

Post by Sethioz »

lmao haha, what morons. sure, put your username into code, how smart.
world is full of stupid kids, who brag with other ppls code, they steal whole thing, put their name under it and brag.
like TH (technological hatred) stole all of my avp2 public hacks and said he made them or like those companys who steal Luigi's code and put it into their own programs. one of them was powerISO i think. one that uses that retarded .uif image extension, then to spread their retarded program, they unofficially download most populare torrents, convert it into their retarded .uif format and reupload lol. so ppl would buy their stupid program.

.. maybe we should start scamming ppl too, at the end, what is the point to be honost, if nobody belives you anyway ?
i bet we could pull off so big scam that those kids grandchildren would even feel and see the effects :)
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