Casino sites are not safe - they spam and share your info

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Casino sites are not safe - they spam and share your info

Post by Sethioz »

After 2 years, i tought that i will reveal some truth about casino sites, but first some background info.

I have about 10 email accounts i use on different purposes (communicating with other ppl, registering, asking dumb questions, my personal mail, banking and billing, business...etc). i simply do not want to mix them.
Thing is that email i used to register on casino site, i did not use it much at all. only to communicate with few of my friends and thats all. also asking info from some local places, like electronic shops ..etc. so there is no chance of getting spam from there. I also did not put this mail out in public.
I did not recieve spam right after registering on casino site, it started about 1-2 years after i registered on their site, prolly when they realized that i do not visit it anymore.
It did not stop there, now it seems that this Casino site have added my email into some mailing list, because i get about 5-20 spam mails per day, offering money and bonuses when i register on this and that casino site.
It is not hard to put together 1+1 and realize whats going on.

Spam is coming from emails like:

There's more, just havent blocked all of them, they usually go into junk automatically so i don't block them manually.
I registered on riverbelle long time ago (nearly 2 years). Spamming started about year ago. They keep sending some dumb offerings and shit like this. claim your bonus, you have won...etc. usual shit to get ppl to their site. If thats not sharing of my personal data, then wtf is this ? how can other casino sites get my email and spam me, if riverbelle did not share it.
Why i don't get such spam on any other email account i have ? well i do, but from different places and not from casinos. 99% of spam is coming from known senders, it means that some sites share your info where you registered. the email i have used to register on like 100 sites/forums just to post 1 question, is getting 100-200 spam mails per day.
im more than 100% sure that riverbelle have shared my personal data.

Now these are from RiverBelle site:
At River Belle, you aren't just a Player, you're a Passenger. And we consider our Passengers our greatest asset. Once you step aboard, you can expect complete privacy and security. We make use of the latest 128-bit encryption and firewall technology, and are partners with the most respected e-commerce partners in the industry.
At River Belle, we recognize that we have a responsibility to never compromise your privacy and security. This is why we belong to the Interactive Gaming Council and operate under the strict guidelines of our rarely-awarded license from the Government of Gibraltar, a British Dominion. This Gibraltar License is highly sought after as the stringent due diligence carried out on both the company and the directors guarantees the safest gaming environment available.
Your security as a Player is of the utmost importance to us. We are committed to protecting your privacy, and do not sell, trade or rent your personal information to others. Online security measures (like passwords and account numbers) are used when all transactions take place. In this way no one can gain access to your financial or personal details.
oh really ? THOSE FUCKS ! ..i can see how they don't share personal data alright.
..and then 99% ppl are just some retarded fruit loops who belive everything they say. If this email would be more important to me and i would have enought money i would sue those fuckcakez. only that theres things you proving that it really is my email..etc.
I also included the screenshot of this text as usual. so nobody can deny it when they delete or change it.

ALSO all of those counters you see on those sites, like the "progressive jackpots" and such or simply the visit counters, like one seen on which counts tests made are FAKE.
how i know ? well its really simple ... go to one of those sites and then disconnect your internet cable, they still run, just like nothing happend. if it would really be progressive, then how can it update itself witout internet connection ?
River Belle Online Casino_1244919717515.png
don't belive everything you are told..
(241.99 KiB) Downloaded 279 times
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