UFO / UAP hearings. What is really going on? Why is USA in focus?

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UFO / UAP hearings. What is really going on? Why is USA in focus?

Post by Sethioz »

I hope it's no news to anyone that US government has confirmed that they are aware of extra terrestrials and they have proof, but has anyone ever wondered, why USA?

why do UFOs and UFO stories always show up in USA? sure there have been some sightings and stories in other countries aswell, but over 95% of them always originate from USA. so what's the deal? why is USA in focus?

i think there are 5 main reasons for it:

1. Roswell crash:
it's been confirmed that roswell UFO crash was real, first day news papers reported it correctly and said it was UFO, but then government got to them and told them to re-write it, so they said it was some weather balloon or something.
i think that since this crash, they've had the technology and they've been trying to reverse engineer it.
well it's true, there are lot of whistleblowers who have confirmed this much, but they don't have solid evidence as obviously they are being monitored when they go in/out of those facilities, it's not like in the movies where they can slip something in their underwear or some hole.
i'm thinking they have replicated some of their tech, but it's experimental and most of those sightings are in USA, because those are ARVs (Alien Replica Vehicle).

2. USA has biggest military power:
it's hard to say for sure, because nobody wants to reveal their true power til it's necessary, but i think it's safe to say that USA is most powerful country in world, so i think aliens might be keeping their eye on things. there have also been sightings in russia, mostly near nuclear silos / bases. there was one case in russia where alien craft took control of their base for 10-15 seconds and nukes were turned into "armed" state. those in the base, described it as most terrifying moment of their life, but i think this was just a warning from aliens, saying something like "look at your nukes, your most powerful weapon and we can control them in an instant, so you better re-think where you plan on using them"
but in the end, USA has more nukes and weapons than all other countries combined.
i think this is rather thin theory, but it does make sense. maybe it's just a small part of why most UFOs show up in USA, but i'm quite sure it's a factor for sure.

3. USA has captured alien craft / tech:
even tho there's no solid proof, US government has confirmed that they have alien technology, altho they haven't given anything solid. there are bits and pieces, so nobody really knows if they have fully working alien craft or just some bits and pieces. i think they might have semi-working tech, but it's way too far advanced for them to reverse engineer it.
i think that's why they hired people like bob lazar, but they've got burned many times. bob turned out to be whistelblower and some others have tried aswell, so they're afraid of letting any real intelligent person near it, because they know that intelligent people (like myself) are not interested in conspiracies and cover-ups, they just want to see the technology work, so they rather just keep it hidden from everyone and let it collect dust.
but aliens don't know that, they just know that humans have captured alien tech, which in wrong hands, could literally destroy the planet.
for example image, anti-gravity generator .. imagine if someone had an accident with it? it could literally crack earth in two. or what about the technology that can bend fabric of space so craft can move faster than light? or what about the "warp bubble"? if you could have warp bubble, it also means that it could slice thru earth in an instant.
so perhaps aliens are concerned about what stupid humans might do with their tech, so they occasionally come and check to see if they've made any progress.

4. ARVs - Alien Replica Vehicles:
perhaps USA already has working ARVs and they're testing them, i think this would make most sense, because if aliens have such super-advanced tech, why would they let humans see them? surely they have cloaking technology, why not use it?
sure it could be that they simply don't care, because they have nothing to fear from humans, their tech is just so advanced that even if humans wanted, they couldn't hurt them.
so it kind of makes sense that most of those sightings are ARVs and not actual alien crafts at all.

5. What would you do with alien tech if you had any?
This is another interesting concept that makes a lot of sense. let's say you live in Belgium and you witness some alien craft crashing. maybe not total crash, but some event that leaves few pieces behind, you collect them and take them home. let's say it's just something small and non-functional, what would you do with it?
would you make youtube videos on it? because if you do, you know you'll have government thugs behind your door who will take it from you and those videos will magically disappear .. and maybe including you.
would you just publish the info on it? hoping that someone believes you? if there's no solid proof that it's alien, if it's just material from their shell or some small non-functional gadget (like their helmet), then people will call it fake.
OR would you contact US government and offer to sell it + your silence? because i assure you, they'd be giving you 8 figures for the parts and to keep your mouth shut about it, they'd ask you to sign a non-disclosure contract and give you the money.
isn't this what you'd do? lot of people might say "NOOO i would publish it", but when someone is standing in front of you with over 10 million dollars, you'd change your mind very quickly.
that broken tech would be USELESS to you, but you could still get lot of money for it.

same goes for other governments, i think USA has a secret contract with lot of countries, that if any of them come across with some alien-related stuff, then USA would buy it off them.
make sense, doesn't it?
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