discord = shitcord : it's program for stupid ME ME kids

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discord = shitcord : it's program for stupid ME ME kids

Post by Sethioz »

For a while now people have tried to talk me into using this autistic childish trash, I actually gave it a go couple years ago and didn't like it + they banned my account for speaking my mind.
there's no freedom of speech in shitcord, but here are reasons why you should stay away from it:

1) you can't even host your own server. Lot of people are so stupid nowdays, that they say "yes you can", I'm not talking about 3rd party hosting, I'm talking about HOSTING YOUR OWN SERVER, where you download server files, then upload them into your server and setting it up, then people connect directly to your server, not to shitcord services.
Just like I host my own website, I control the files and data on it. I have full access to each file and I can do whatever I want. This is HOSTING!
What shitcord allows, is 3rd party hosting, that's not your own.

2) they control all of your data, which ultimately means that they're also able to read private messages and private channels. NOTHING in shitcord is private, everything you do and say is public.
Also who's the retard who came up with "dm"? dm = deathmatch, but stupid ME ME kids call it "direct message", what does it even mean? direct mesage doesn't make it private, a direct message can be posted out in public too, for example I direct my message @ shitcord by saying "@shitcord devs, your program is garbage", that's a direct mesasge! I don't know why those idiots call it dm, it has always been PM which stands for "Private or Personal Message". Maybe that's why they call it dm, because it's direct, but not private as they control your data and can read ALL messages.

3) they keep history of your passwords and they're able to see plain text passwords. So whichever password you use on shitcord, will be known to shitcord devs and admins. They probably do this so that they can later sell this data on darkweb or just mess with people that they don't like.

4) it attracts all the half brained autistic ME ME kids. 99% of shitcord community is all some half brainers. Out of curiousity, I once tried getting one shitcord user to join my teamspeak server. He was so retarded that when I gave him direct link to teamspeak .exe download, he put that link into google and then says "which one do I click, there are so many results?" .. I was like "FACEPALM 100x ...".
These are the kind of retards who use shitcord, kids who don't even know what link is.
Even after I told him to put it into URL bar, he couldn't even figure out what URL bar is LOL

5) NO FREEDOM OF SPEECH - they can ban you over anything that they don't like. If you'd make this post in shitcord and someone reports it, they'd ban you for sure. I bet they'd even ban you for linking to this post, because they're biased childish retards.

6) shitcord is ran by child minded retards who fart into eachother's face and giggle over it while doing it.

7) you can't even choose the install path, it throws files all over your documents and settings, what kind of a RETARD installs programs into documents and settings?? .. but again, people who use it, are too stupid to even know what "install" means. No wonder that most shitcord users think that having MORE RAM makes your PC faster and that you need to FORMAT your "PC" every year to keep it running smooth.

shitcord might be free to use, but just because it's free, doesn't make it good. There's a saying "you get what you pay for". In real world (one we all live in) you can only get shit for free, therefore SHITCORD.

They're so retarded that they call it "app" not even a program.
app stands for "Application" and application is a paper or digital form that you fill out. So WHAT THE FUCK do they even mean by "app"?? You can have "registration request application", but you can't call computer program "app". It makes 0 sense. That's also why smart phones are retarded, app this and app that .. WHAT DO YOU MEAN APPLICATION?? Application means you are APPLYING for something, so in English, this makes no sense at all.
Here are examples of "app":

8) shitcord community is based on ME ME retards who think that posting copyright images with insults is OK, but writing insult out in text is NOT ok. So what's the difference exactly?

For example:


Sethioz wrote:You're a fucking faggot
So can someone explain to me the difference? So next time I want to insult someone, I'll just download a random picture and write the insult on the picture, because according to shitcord ME ME community, that would be perfectly fine.

9) It has lot of security flaws, there have been many cases where servers have been "hacked" by some dumb script kiddies who don't even know what they're doing, this just shows how easy it is to actually hack it.

10) entire "feel" and layout of shitcord looks like a teletubbie simulator. Like some words they use "beep poop" .. beep poop WHAT you autistic retards?? This is literally what you'd say to some 5yo kid who is crying. They literally put stuff in there that you use on 5yo and younger kids. I bet they talk like baggots in real life too, like "pooo weee i had a booopi-o-poo" other one "ooo yeee i booped a boopy today, i beep and poop ME ME ME -insert giggle sounds here-"

Bottom line: this "application" is designed by retarded child minded eyerolling snowflakes for childish retards. I'm not saying that EVERYONE who uses it is a retard, because I have to admit it is somewhat easy to use, but I'm not willing to ever use that teletubbie simulator ever again.
That's probably why it attracts so many autistic retards, because it's so easy to use.
But just because something is easy to use or free, doesn't make it good.

Only reason why it has become popular, is because majority of people in world are stupid and stupid people always like stupid things. If majority of people in world would be intelligent (above 120 IQ), then shitcord would be at bottom of the popularity list.

What would it take for me to use it?
1) Stop calling it app, because you're not applying for anything. call it PROGRAM (this is what it is)

2) Add feature to change out this childish theme and childish terms (replace beeping poos with normal words) and remove those autistic childish rocket and spaceship icons they have all over.

3) Add ability to host my own server (so I control the server and data and they have 0 control over it as it's HOSTED in my own server)

If 2 and 3 would be added, I would host my own server, but otherwise I'm never going near this autistic shit ever again. Just because 10 million monkeys say something, doesn't make it true. 10 million monkeys can claim that they know how to build a spaceship, but that doesn't make it true. They can build a spaceship shape out of rocks or wood and call it spaceship, but that doesn't make it true.
Point here: just because lot of stupid people claim it's good, doesn't make it good.
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