CCleaner has turned into spying garbage - end of ccleaner?

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CCleaner has turned into spying garbage - end of ccleaner?

Post by Sethioz »

Recently i kept noticing that ccleaner process keeps running on background, it's so damn well hidden that even process explorer didn't show it on some reason, however in windows 10 task manager it shows under "background processes". It often has 3-4 processes running, each taking up like 3-4mb RAM, it's not much, but WHY does it have to run?

I'm well aware that "newer" CCleaner versions (2019+) have those monitoring and auto-shit-wank options, but I disabled ALL of them, yet I still kept on seeing that background task. So I started digging deeper to solve this, as I don't like anything in my PC that runs without my permission or knowledge, that's how you slowly kill your windows, it just fills up with more and more of such tasks and at some point your hardware is unable to keep up and it will be super slow and then people are like "OMG FORMAT!!!" ... nope, just keep eye on things and don't let shit pile up.

So let's take a closer look at this screenshot here
notice how ccleaner does NOT show it? Even tho i have DISABLED the auto updates in CCleaner, it STILL checks for updates using a hidden spyware task!!!

Let's take a closer look of CCleaner updates, notice that the background updates is PRO function and i can't even enable it
so if you can't enable it, then WHY THE FUCK IS IT STILL ENABLED??
PRO version my ass, it's still enabled behind the scenes.
I'm sorry, but this kind of behavior from developers is really annoying me, always some SPY garbage on background, not in my PC!

As shown on first screenshot, you can simply disable it in the schedule list.
Start > type in > Task Scheduler
on left side > click on "task scheduler library" and then in the middle you see the list of tasks, just disable the ccleaner update and you're good to go.

However I think it's time to stop using CCleaner. I forgot to mention that Avast purchased piriform (ccleaner developers), so ccleaner sold out and now all this garbage starts to flood into ccleaner. There's another great tool called BleachBit. It's also FREE and does almost same thing as ccleaner. Bleach doesn't seem to have registry cleaner tho, but well .. on windows 10 it's not that important and there are other free tools that can fix registry.
FUCK YOU AVAST and FUCK THE SELL OUT CCLEANER! < that's how i feel about ccleaner.
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