False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money back

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False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money back

Post by Sethioz »

This thread is about the scammers who think that they can buy our trainers and then pull the money back by whining some nonsense or not even contacting the support and just lying that they contacted support and got no help. We don't get many of them, but every now and then we get a case or two (maybe like 0-3 per month).

Most common reasons why people do this:

1. They are retarded in head and they did not read our Terms and Conditions.
2. They think they are smart and can pull money back after purchase.
3. They are too dumb to use the trainer, they fail to follow our video tutorials and instructions and fail to read description of trainer and they do not realize which version of game trainer works with, so they whine it is broken.

Regardless of what the case is, we have NO REFUND policy and anyone using our Store has accepted this policy. PayPal also has no refund policy towards digital goods, so what is there to whine? You wanna cheat in game? wanna have that fun? wanna have advantage? this is the risk you gotta take. easy as that. don't wanna risk losing your pennies, then don't buy. nobody forces you to buy anything.

This topic is out here mostly for those idiots who try to pull money back, here are some screenshots to show that PayPal will never give your money back, so stop embarrassing yourself people and deal with your own stupidity.
As you can see, they lost. I remember one of them whining his ass off in support. He was literally too dumb to read the instructions and thought it is my responsibility to make it work. NOPE! it is customer's responsibility to read instructions.

There was also case where idiot did not understand that we can't release trainer updates instantly, he opened a dispute like 1 hour after he sent the support ticket, while we clearly state that we reply within 72h. Another idiot who failed to read the auto reply from our support that says you get reply within 72h.
So if you been linked here from our support, then bitch slap yourself few times for being stupid and stop whining like a wimp.

We have detailed info about each trainer / mod and a video proof that it works, so if you can't get it to work, it is your own fault for having wrong version of game or doing something else wrong.
And if it IS our fault (it has happend before once or twice), then we will fix the trainer and give you new copy for free, but if you are a piece of shit asshole and open a dispute, we will not give you any support until you close the dispute.
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money ba

Post by Sethioz »

Here's one more added to the list, he claimed that he did not authorize the payment, he probably learned that "trick" from some scammer kids who teach people to pull money back from paypal through your bank, by saying you did not authorize the payment, but nowdays even banks check with paypal to make sure it truly was unauthorized payment.
well idiot FAILED.
Stop being stupid kids, if you don't want to pay for our products, then go get it elsewhere or spend 10 years on learning programming, debugging and reverse engineering and do it yourself.
Scammers never get far in their life, you can abuse the system only few times, then everything gets checked.

On top of that, your legal name will have a black mark on it for good. If you do it through bank, then bank will make a note of it too and so does paypal. If you keep abusing this too many times, they might ban you from the bank + paypal completely for false claims. I hope these examples make you think twice before trying to scam money back.

We are not forcing our products on anyone, we do not have any hidden or automatic payments, everything you do, is YOU and YOU ALONE. There's no need to blame anyone else.
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money ba

Post by Sethioz »

So here's one more idiot who can't read our Terms and Conditions and is too blind and retarded to read the description of trainer and then whines to paypal that he got scammed.

Do you kids even understand what word "scam" means?? Maybe you should look it up on dictionary or wikipedia or something.
Scam means if you sell something that is not real or sell it as something else, all of our products are EXACTLY as described, if you can't read description, you're the moron. there's no scam, this is why paypal is not giving you refunds. You whine like little bitches over your OWN stupidity.

YES i laugh over people like that, cuz you lose your money and get a big FU from us. FUCKING LEARN TO READ!!!

even more i hate the faggots who don't even contact our support, they go straight to paypal to whine, obviously they just wanna scam their money back. SCAM, because they got the product and then want money back. that's STEALING and it's illegal in every country.
Anyway, thanks to paypal's understanding and good support, they never get their money back.

Here's just another example, shame on your scotty boy.
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PayPal good standing, no need for dispute

Post by Sethioz »

Here's something I didn't quite expect, but nevertheless, it's here.
This time PayPal couldn't even bother with the whiny little kids and they simply decided the case in our favor only based on our account history, so you see kids ... we don't scam, we are legit business and sell legit stuff. We have over 10000 sales easy and only very few idiots dispute, PayPal can see that clearly and they consider our account as in good standing and most likely in future they won't take any stupid disputes anymore, here's a screenshot of the email I received about the claim some idiot made:
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money ba

Post by Sethioz »

Yet another dispute where noob thinks he can scam us ...

Kids ... just stop. nobody forced you to buy from us, if you don't like, then don't buy. go make it yourself and stop whining you tramps. We have clearly stated in our Terms and Conditions that we do not refund. Furthermore everyone who has opened a dispute, has NEVER even sent us a support ticket and asked for help ... clearly they have no intention to even sort things out, in fact there is nothing to sort out, only reason they dispute is because they are scammers and want free stuff.
yea well can't get any ..
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money ba

Post by Sethioz »

one more to the list, noob reported the payment as unauthorized access, but he was clearly too dumb to even use a proxy server .... kids nowdays .. completely brainless.
I mean .. if you don't want our services, THEN FUCK OFFFF .... nobody forces you to buy. They buy and then whine and complain and want to scam money back. just F off kids, go cry to your mommy and daddy for couple of bucks instead. .. easier? yes?

Buyer's name: Delbert Tran
Buyer's email: [email protected]
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money ba

Post by Sethioz »

Here's one more scammer added to the list ...
I think problem with people, is their own stupidity, they don't read the description, buy blindly and then whine.
I NEVER buy anything without properly doing the research. It's like if you need a headlight for your real car, go to ebay and search for "car headlight" and buy the first one that pops up, then you whine that "but this headlight is for mercedes, i have audi, wtf is this, i want my money back" ... well DOHHH.
read what you buy people.

Anyway ... fortunetely there are not too many of those out there, but happens every now and then.
There's no need to get pissed off over your own stupidity, just slap yourself and think before you act.
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money ba

Post by Sethioz »

One more to the list ... I don't see why kids keep on doing this. If you keep doing this, your paypal will get limited or even closed if you keep abusing the dispute form for no reason, there's no scam, our software is 100% legit and working, there's no need to be a douchebag.
As you can see from screenshot, PayPal says that considering the account history, they will not debit the account. PayPal finds our account in good standing, so please stop with the false claims, it's not funny.
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money ba

Post by Sethioz »

Here's yet another case where someone tried pulling the money back via chargeback.
This case was not even up to paypal as the scammer opened the chargeback via his bank and therefore paypal was forced to open a dispute, however he lost the case as he is clearly a scammer and been doing that before. usually banks give you the refund for first few times.

I suggest you kids just stop being jerks, you wouldn't like it either if you make software and then some punks try to scam it for free.
If you don't want to pay for our software, then spend 10 years on learning and do it yourself. simple as that.
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money ba

Post by Sethioz »

Another kid who doesn't realize what unauthorized access is, he tried scamming the money back by saying it was unauthorized, but this case was solved before we even had a chance to look at it (in less than 20h).
It's to be expected that kids nowdays have less and less knowledge of how computers work, but funny to see how they keep trying to scam lol
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money ba

Post by Sethioz »

The list keeps growing slowly, here's yet another brainless stupid idiot who tried scamming money back instantly after the payment by filing unauthorized access to his account, but clearly he was too retarded to even use a proxy lol ... I guess kids nowdays don't even know what IP address is, so it's no surprise. The case was DENIED to him in less than 24h. He did that on 2 separate orders and both orders had different account and name on our Store (but paypal was still same, FACEPALM). I really hope paypal bans those scammy dumbasses, they just ruin the online society :(
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money ba

Post by Sethioz »

Fools just keep on coming ... those kind of squeezy lemons should be banned from paypal, they're just being straight up annoying, if you don't want to pay, then go do it yourself. Go grow your own pigs and potatoes for food, go build your own PC, by starting with digging up iron ore, melting it in self made oven...make fire like caveman ..etc. If you don't have 1000 years to do that, then you have to pay to get those things instantly. Simple as that!
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julien do / crot paypal scammer BEAWARE!

Post by Sethioz »

Here's another scammer who is pulling money back with the fake "unauthorized" shit.

[email protected]

other email:
[email protected]



IP used during the time of payment:

user agent:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/54.0.2840.99 Safari/537.36

recommended action when spotted:
block any and all transactions, because he will open a dispute and say he did not authorize it. and then report him as scammer.
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money ba

Post by Sethioz »

Here's one more scamming piece of trash child:

Buyer's name: Mario Acevedo
Buyer's email: [email protected]
Invoice ID: xxxxx - Miguel Acevedo
Transaction date: 27 December 2016
Transaction amount: 1,70 GBP
Disputed amount: 2,14 USD
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.87 Safari/537.36
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money ba

Post by Sethioz »

Here's an embarrassment that only his mommy could be proud of. turdbrain made 2 purchases and almost instantly tried refunding them by claiming unauthorized access. Paypal literally denied both cases to him within 20 minutes from the claim. I hope that turdshit learns from this and stops being a sour scamming faggotry fuck.
I just hate such low life scum pieces of trashbags. they are the lowest scum on planet!!! if you don't like the service THEN FUCK OFFFF and do it yourself!

It's like going to food store, buying fish and then whining "omg i hate fish" .. fucking don't buy fish then lol.

However this was a clear scam attempt. He bought some random trainers, 2 purchases and then 2 disputes, he just wanted to get some shit on us, but you see the thing is with throwing shit at people like me ... is that i have a powerful fan, i turn it on and shit flies right back at you ;)

..and then he sends email lmfao. fucking piece of trash scammer.
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money ba

Post by Sethioz »

Here's another scammer pulling money back:

Patrick Oliva
[email protected] - papin_95 (hotmail password)
[email protected]

it's some mexican idiot, he doesn't understand english and then he talks shit and doesn't realize WHAT THE FUCK he is doing, he can't even follow simple instructions and then talks shit.
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money ba

Post by Sethioz »

Here's another scamming piece of trash

Name: Subhankar Paul

[email protected]
[email protected]

Passwords used by him:
9339323233 (works on [email protected])

76, Ashokegarh
Kolkata, West Bengal


[email protected]







[email protected]





Phone number
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money ba

Post by Sethioz »

One more scamming piece of trash mexican fuck added to list:

Patrick Oliva

[email protected]

Shipping address
Patrick Oliva
via ombrone
73042 casarano

he opened a dispute right after order and blabbered some mexican shit that nobody understands, he REFUSED to contact our help desk to try and solve the problem. therefore I can say for sure that he is a scamming piece of shit. so beaware! do not do business with this idiot scammer.
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money ba

Post by Sethioz »

One more added into the hall of shame list:

Lorenzo Montreal
[email protected]

He opened dispute over a trainer that costs only 1gbp, paypal decided case in my favor as he is a known scammer.
Even tho paypal basically says that they no longer support digital goods, they are still humans and their staff knows when people are trying to scam, so piece of shits who try and take advantage of this, beaware that paypal staff is not dumb. We always provide details, such as IP and browser details and they can compare it to theirs ..etc.
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money ba

Post by Sethioz »

one more added to the list. This scammer is lying about "unauthorized access". Clearly this person made the purchase (we can see it from our history and with little bit of research), yet he/she claims otherwise.

Veronica Ferguson
[email protected] < Paypal
[email protected]
[email protected]

Known Phones:
+1 419-631-4826
(419) 631-4144
Birghtday - Sept 14 2003 (most likely some spoiled brat with his mommy's wallet)

Known Addresses:
1664 Helena drive,
Mansfield, OH 44904

365 Avalon Drive
Mansfield, OH 44903

Don't do any business with this scammer.
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money ba

Post by Sethioz »

Robbie Nonya
Email: [email protected]
Email 2: [email protected]
Phone: 9106034440

559 West Germin Ave
Los Angeles

Even tho IP records and usage shows that he clearly made the purchase, he is trying to SCAM money back via "unauthorized" payment. shame on the low life shitbag.
everyone add this data to your online store's blacklist! don't want to do business with a scamming shit like this one.
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money ba

Post by Sethioz »

Buyer's name: luigi Giampaglia / Domenico Giampaglia (store / paypal)
Buyer's email: [email protected]

Domenico Giampaglia

Via catone 107
80126 Napoli
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money ba

Post by Sethioz »

Buyer's name: Luis Felipe Lima dos Santos
Buyer's email: [email protected]

This guy is straight out retard, he does not read anything at all, he completely misses the description of software, rolls his eyes and demands reply during weekend and then gets mad if there's no reply during weekend.
He can't even wait 3 days for reply, even tho we have 7 days reply policy.
Stay away from this idiot, he might not be straight up scammer, but his stupidity makes him dispute every purchase he makes, cuz he doesn't read what he buys and he doesn't read instructions on how to use the purchased software and then whines away.
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money ba

Post by Sethioz »

First Name: jaxon
Last Name: hulett
Address 1: 635 Sardis Church Road
City: Moultrie
Postcode: 31788
Region / State: Georgia
Region / State Code: GA
Country: United States
PayPal email: [email protected]
Phone: 2299210824

IP / ISP Details
IP Address:
Customer: CNS-InternetCustomer
Handle: C02226656
Address: 111 Victoria Place
City: Thomasville
State/Province: GA
Postal Code: 31792
Country: United States

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.88 Safari/537.36

This piece of shit admits to not reading the description of item he is buying, then he sends a very vague support ticket saying "not working" and shows screenshot of a notification that basically confirms that he did NOT follow instructions on how to use the software. He did that during BANK HOLIDAY and then demands reply within 1 hour or less, because 1-2 hours later he already opened a shameful paypal dispute and lied like no tomorrow. He even claims that we aware it's not working, which is a total lie. we tested the trainer and it works 100%. Even on paypal he admits that he did not read the information before purchase.

What kind of a moron purchases something without even reading info? He clearly is very dumb and probably had every intention to scam.
Case was decided 50/50, PayPal gave him his money back, but also let us keep the payment. It's probably because we have very good reputation with PayPal and they know we are not scamming as 99% of customers are happy with our services. Just be WARNED, this would most likely not happen if you don't have as many successful sales as we do, paypal would just take your money and give it back to this scamming piece of shit!
I suggest every business owner reading this, blacklist this low life scum.
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money ba

Post by Sethioz »

Scammer's name: Tamas Attila
Scammer's email: [email protected]
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:72.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/72.0
Accept Language: de,en-US;q=0.7,en;q=0.3
Telephone: +436649276627
Address: Mühlkampweg 26
City: Austria
Postcode: 3484
Region / State: Niederösterreich
Region / State Code: NOS
Country: Austria

This one buys the product, once order was complete, he then opens paypal dispute (order was put on-hold as he opened dispute) and then says order is not complete. What idiot. Avoid at all costs, ban this email and name from your stores or you end up giving out free goods to this scammer.
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money ba

Post by Sethioz »

Scammer's name: Rahul Kumar Shivadan
Scammer's email: [email protected]

Scammer's address
8 candos Lane Quatre-Bornes
Quatre-Bornes 72211
Plaine Wilhems
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money ba

Post by Sethioz »

He uses paypal with fake name, but has verified shipping address. It could be fake too, but considering that IP, language and user agent confirm the location, it's most likely just some low level scammer wannabe who doesn't realize that after opening paypal dispute, all of their info will be revealed to the seller.

Tavis Hendry
215 John St. Apt. 4
N0P1A0 Blenheim

email / paypal - [email protected]
IP -
User Agent - Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.111 Safari/537.36
Accept Language - en-US,en;q=0.9
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money ba

Post by Sethioz »

Here's one complete RETARD with brain capacity no bigger than of a sheep. This fucktard keeps writing in some purra suja posa visa rape language. YES I got a problem with that, because our LEGAL terms and conditions on our Store says "ENGLISH ONLY" and if you don't agree with that, you're not allowed to use our website. He accepted and agreed to use English, but then he opens false dispute and spams his pusa vusa visas.

Here are the complete retard's details:

Retard's name: Rezzard Reiguor

email / paypal: [email protected]

IPv6: 2a01:cb05:8438:

address on paypal:
10 Impasse jean emile laboureur

Stay away from this braindead sheep. total scammer and fucktard. Even tho on some reason paypal decided case in this fucktard's favor, they also let us keep the money. So paypal refunded this idiot from their own pocket, this is the email message that paypal sent "We've completed our review and decided in favor of your buyer. Due to the unique circumstances of this case, PayPal will refund your buyer at no cost to you. Your account will not be debited."
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money ba

Post by Sethioz »

Artem Vintoniv
paypal email - [email protected]
email for scamming - [email protected]


This one refuses to even contact our support, just like all the ruski faggits, so arrogant and no brain. Spams some symbols in paypal dispute and expects anyone to understand those primitive ape symbols? He AGREED to ENGLISH ONLY rule, when he ACCEPTED and AGREED to our Legal Terms and Conditions, where it clearly states that all of our services are ENGLISH ONLY, yet he spams his ape symbols and expects anyone to understand.

Clearly ape brained retard. stay away from this brainless ape, he'll just try to scam his money back with false disputes and ape symbols.
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money ba

Post by Sethioz »

scammer name - Edgar Contreras herencia
paypal email - [email protected]
email - [email protected]
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/93.0.4577.63 Safari/537.36 Edg/93.0.961.38
Language: es,es-ES;q=0.9,en;q=0.8,en-GB;q=0.7,en-US;q=0.6

Los Nogales Ch 18

this dirtbag is lying and scamming his money back after he gets the product. stay away and blacklist this shitbag. spam this baggot's emails and spread his name.
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money ba

Post by Sethioz »

Michael Foster / michael balderrama (scamming fuck uses 2 names)
email and paypal: [email protected]
phone: 7754198541

7758 E Naranja Ave
City: Mesa
Postcode: 85209
Region / State: Arizona
Region / State Code: AZ
Country: United States

this scamming fagfart makes purchase, takes the product and then opens false claim, saying shit like that his anti virus deleted the program.
every anti-virus has ability to restore "deleted" files, but this autistic fuck just makes up sad excuses. i hope such lying fucks die from corona or get beaten to death.
fucking scamming fucks.
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money back

Post by Sethioz »

First Name: Nathan
Last Name: Lane
Address 1: 10 Weslea View, Clowne
City: Chesterfield
Postcode: S43 4SZ
Region / State: Derbyshire
Region / State Code: DERBY
Country: United Kingdom
Payment Method: PayPal

[email protected] (fake / alias?)
[email protected] (paypal)

so this autistic retard first claims "item not received" when our logs show that he has downloaded the item 3 times. he opened a dispute in less than 1 hour from the point of purchase, during BANK HOLIDAYS (1st january) and then demands instant reply and whines and cries that his requests have been ignored. He spammed our sales department with nonsense for hours, like 50 messages via paypal and he keeps barking at the sales person who has NOTHING to do with the actual software, he was told by the sales person to provide his support ticket number, but he's too fucktarded in head to understand it. he instead gives his invoice number, like WTF? what do they do with that?

he LIES that he contacted our support, but he did not. We haven't had a single support ticket since 27th december 2022, so his claim is definetely not true.

most likely an autistic scammer who wants to get his money back with false information and lies, honestly i haven't come across such a dumb fucktard for a very long time, the messages he sent indicate that he has IQ lower than 60 (no joke).

he changed his story like 4-5 times, he first says item not received (which he did get) and then he whines it's a virus, so how the fuck can it be a virus if he didn't get it? those two things don't add up, he either didn't get it or he got it and it's a virus?? which one is it?
then further he tried to exploit our website by entering pages that shouldn't be accessed via normal means and then he whines that website doesn't work or something.

this one is just pure autistic, i don't even know how he managed to try the exploits, probably googled and copy pasted something? altho i doubt he even has brain cells to use google. he seems straight up retarded in head. it's one of those british retards who literally has IQ below monkey level, yet he thinks he is so smart. he keeps saying how his windows 11 is amazing and works well and tries to protect him from viruses .. like wtf, how retarded must one be to even use windows 11? There's literally like millions of videos on youtube, explaining WHY you should NEVER use windows 11 -- it's spyware on its own, it owns your information and details, yet this fuckwit seem to be proud to have "fresh windows 11".
anyone who uses windows 11, is already a sign of extreme stupidity. only half-brained monkey would use windows 11, it's worst OS ever.

he also did not read our LEGAL terms and conditions, yet he signed it and claimed that he has READ and ACCEPTED and AGREED to those terms, that's just a true autistic fag fart, people like that shouldn't have internet.

EDIT: i don't know why paypal tries to side with such fagfucks tho, here's the outcome:
at least paypal didn't charge us for it, guess that has to count for something, but paypal really does side with autistic retards and scammers more than with honest sellers who have 10+ years of sales with 99% of positive feedback.
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money back

Post by Sethioz »

here's another scammer who opens a false dispute after receiving the program:

Peter Berking
E-Mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 039436699842

street: Veckenstedter Weg 84
city: Wernigerode
postcode: 38855
county: sachsen-anhalt
country: Germany

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

I call him scamming autistic shitwit, because he didn't even contact our support, just straight out opens a false dispute and claims that he never got the "item". once again paypal refunded this scamming dickwad with no cost to us, sure we didn't lose any money, but WHY IS PAYPAL SUCKING UP TO THOSE SCAMMING FUCKS? they just keep doing it to different businesses, because paypal licks their anus and feeds them with golden spoon.

it's so sad to see world just getting ruined by retards and by those who suck-up to retards. so yea we post out his personal details, because he's a piece of shit scammer.

normal person would contact support if there's an issue, but he just opens false dispute instead of communicating, like a fagfart. furthermore we have logs that show he has downloaded the program he paid for, so it was straight up lie that he never received the item. it makes me so mad that paypal allows this to happen and keeps spoon feeding autistic fucks like him.
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money back

Post by Sethioz »

another scammer who opens false dispute right after he receives the software. piece of faggot full retard. people like that should be lined up and shot into their dick and let them bleed out. scamming shameful shitwits

here are his details:

Ludwig Fuchs
[email protected]

Stephan Biermann
Wallstrasse 54
53506 Heckenbach

E-Mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 02646 17 97 50
IP: (could be proxy)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/110.0
Accept Language: de,en-US;q=0.7,en;q=0.3

you can tell he is scammer, because he uses different details on paypal and for orders.
stay away from this scamming fagfart, just ban his email from your website before he can make false claims.
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Re: False PayPal disputes - Scammers trying to pull money back

Post by Sethioz »

this shithead makes 2 purchases in row and instantly opens dispute on both ... quite obvious that it's a scammer. i just don't get why paypal allows them to keep doing that. due the different info on paypal and on our website, we first thought it could be stolen paypal, but clearly not, because why would a thief open a dispute and claim that item was not received? if it was stole paypal, then he/she would have claimed that it was unauthorized payment, but that wasn't the case. claim said "item not received", altho we can clearly see from logs that he/she downloaded the software.
this shit is just out to cause trouble for whatever reason... hate such retards.

Aimee' R Claiborne
paypal email: [email protected]
8659 beach road
Perry, 32348
United States

E-Mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 850-371-1941
IP: 2601:4c2:100:14a0:e052:9b3:1a02:8009
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
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