Killing Floor 2 - Hacks / Hacking / Trainers / Cheats

get your superiourity here ! be an offline or online GOD of the game. infinite ammo, unlimited nitro, turbo boost, god mode, you name it !
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Killing Floor 2 - Hacks / Hacking / Trainers / Cheats

Post by Sethioz »

I started looking into this after my commando perk bugged and i'm not longer able to level up .. fucking annoying.
So I made a start on alias account, cuz i'm not sure if it has VAC or something. Will find out shortly if there's a ban or not.

There are lot of hacks that work online, here's a quick list of what i've done so far:

1. Infinite Health (Solo only, so rather useless)

2. Infinite Ammo (Online / Solo)

3. Clip Size (Online / Solo) - Allows you to edit your clip size, you can load like 100 bullets into Boomstick, quite epic.

4. Total Ammo Left (Solo) - Rather useless, as you can already get infinite ammo online, but it's for those who wanna reload

5. Bullet Spread (Online / Solo) - It's encrypted value, but if copied from another gun, you can have lot of spread or no spread.

I'm gonna look for Ammo Type and Rate of Fire, those are what i really want :)
Turning my pistol into a minigun, now THAT would be cool. If you want a trainer for the stuff I have, leave a reply.

To whiners: yes, i'm aware there are console commands, but enabling cheat mode = disables achievements and XP, my hacks don't disable them and you can use them ONLINE.
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