F1 2015 Trainers / Hacks / Cheats

get your superiourity here ! be an offline or online GOD of the game. infinite ammo, unlimited nitro, turbo boost, god mode, you name it !
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F1 2015 Trainers / Hacks / Cheats

Post by Sethioz »


Well, so far I've made weight hack, but it will take me some time to make trainers. I just want to get updates out as soon as possible.

If you're looking for the .erp file editor / decrypter, then Luigi already did the job for me (Thanks for the quick response ^^)
Check it our HERE

1. Weight Hack - Patched in 3rd Update, but still working (read below)
this allows you to decrease / increase weight of the car, making it super fast and agile.

2. Boost
Some random thing i found, puts F1 car on steroids, revs jumping and has really good acceleration.

3. Grip
Do i need to explain? I guess so .. cuz it doesn't really work in corners. It's perfect if you wanna do wheelies tho. crank it up and mix with boost and F1 turns into Dragster.

4. Brakes Patched, but still working (read below)
Mix with grip to get instant stop. works great.

5. Steering Lock
Should explain itself, doesn't really give anything, just fun.

6. Stats Editor
I can change all the stats that cars have, anything goes.
Here's the simplified version of stats file for Williams 2015
(7.04 KiB) Downloaded 1055 times
Anything within that file can be easily edited.

How F1 2015 Patching works (anti cheat)
As some may know, they have patched Weight and now Brakes. I figured out how they "patch" things. What they do, is simply encrypt the values. So when weight was 707, then now it can be anything. Value is different every time you start the game, therefore it's hard to find it, but using my special methods it's no problem for me. However problem is making a trainer, cuz i have no idea what i'm changing it into.

for example value 100 can now change the actual weight to like 30434343 or change it to -1202 and send your car flying into the space.
I have to find the encryption method used and simply encrypt my entered values to get correct value, I assume they're encrypting the values with address + something else.

Everything is still editable like before, just no idea about the values. I did the brakes, but it can go bit crazy sometimes if you have no idea what the value is changed into.
So if anyone feels like writing a quick .lua script to decrypt / encrypt values, then you know where to look. Similar thing was done for GTA V.

Patched hacks are XORed, but i'm not sure with what. I found the instructions that XOR the values, so confirmed they use a simple XOR. I'm quite sure address+value+something else and it's the "something else" part that i haven't found. Luigi took a quick look at it too and said something is missing (he don't have the game, so he said that based on address+value i gave him).
It's not my primary focus, but i'll figure it out soon and un-xor the thing so weight and all other patched hacks will be un-patched :)
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Re: F1 2015 Trainers / Hacks / Cheats

Post by Cosmos »

atm the hack dont work, what is goin on?
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Re: F1 2015 Trainers / Hacks / Cheats

Post by Lawrence56 »

Game updated! hack dont work :( please update :)
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Re: F1 2015 Trainers / Hacks / Cheats

Post by Sethioz »

Weight has been patched, they encrypted the value probably.

I released new hacks tho :-) check first post, updated it.
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Re: F1 2015 Trainers / Hacks / Cheats

Post by DriVer »

Good Morning
The game F1 2015 has received a major update yesterday. (11/11/2015)
The current Codemasters F1 2015 game version is:
We would be grateful for an update of this Trainer.
Thank you for your work! ;)
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Re: F1 2015 Trainers / Hacks / Cheats

Post by Bryanxy »

I bought the game on Steam .... does it work?
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Re: F1 2015 Trainers / Hacks / Cheats

Post by DriVer »

Bryanxy wrote:I bought the game on Steam .... does it work?
Hello Bryanxy
Yes Does it, only the Trainer is not working at the moment! ;(
I think Sethioz will update the F1 Trainer as soon as possible.
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Re: F1 2015 Trainers / Hacks / Cheats

Post by Bryanxy »

Thanks;) then the purchase after
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Re: F1 2015 Trainers / Hacks / Cheats

Post by DriVer »

Hi Sethioz
No time, no desire, the game is running. Image
Would be good if you update your Trainer. Image
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Re: F1 2015 Trainers / Hacks / Cheats

Post by Sethioz »

stop posting update requests here, this is hack discussion, not trainer support. and i already updated it.

Most of all .. fix your english please.
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