How to get free internet in places where you have to pay

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How to get free internet in places where you have to pay

Post by Sethioz »

First a lil background about it. I asked around and it seems that not many ppl have even heard about it. This is about the internet cafes or some other access points, which are open networks, but once you connect, it takes you their own site where you have to pay before you can use it. It only allows you to go to your paypal or something like that + their own site.
i figured that such restriction is probably in router or some special software.

I thinked lil bit and all i was able to come up, was that it identifies your pc/laptop by MAC address, because there can't be anything else. Ofcourse this goes only for the full access, some of those places takes you to their site where you have to pay and then insert your user:pass, such places are nearly unhackable, because they work as a proxy, you login to their site and you browse thru their site, so it means no other things besides your web browser (you can make custom login for other software, but you still have to pay).

anyways most of those places give you full access to internet, in that case its very easy to bypass such restriction and get internet without paying anything.

1. change your MAC address to a known client.
- huh ?
- yes, just one step, however you need to get a valid/known MAC first (look step 2)
- you can easily change your MAC address with TMAC

2. you need linux or compatible card for that
- its very rare if you can do that in windows, because only few out of millions of cards are supported.
- backtrack 4 will work just fine too or any other live linux cd/dvd

3. in linux, get aircrack-ng suite
4. now put your card on monitor mode with this command:

Code: Select all

airmon-ng start wlan0
- airmon-ng < tool to put your card to monitoring mode, comes with aircrack-ng suite
- start < starts the monitoring mode
- wlan0 < this is my interface (maybe different from mine, like wlan1, wifi1 ..etc)

5. now start airodump-ng with the following command:

Code: Select all

airodump-ng -w mysavefile mon0
- airodump-ng < tool to capture and monitor all wireless traffic around you (comes with aircrack-ng)
- -w < saves all the packets into the file you specify (mysavefile on my case, put anything you wish)
- mon0 < this is the activated monitoring interface (virtual interface you activated in step 4

6. let it capture for a while, depends on you, sometimes you can get valid/known MAC in no time
7. once you done, copy your mysavefile.cap (.cap is extension where it captures) into your windows partition or some external drive..etc
8. go into windows, get wireshark or commview (or any other program that reads .cap files)
- wireshark is available for linux too
9. open mysavefile.cap and just read the packets and find yourself a 'victim'
10. once you have a valid/known MAC, open TMAC and change your MAC to what you got.

if you stole your victim's mac correctly, then now you can connect to that cafe (or whtever it is) and use internet without paying anything :)

NOTE - when 2 clients with same MAC are connected at same time, then it will impact and lags and sometimes won't even load for one or other side, mostly whoever connects first, will be able to use internet and other client with same MAC who connected later will get lot of timeouts. so if your victim disconnects and you are connected and he/she tries to connect again, then he/she may not even get into his/her payed internet at all.

Evil ? oh yess and i should prolly warn you that it is illegal to steal somebody's internet like this.
Also even more EVIL is to kick the client out before connecting, so you would have net and real owner would not have haha. however thisi s another topic already so i will not specify it here, it can be done with aircrack-ng suite too, to deauthenticate the client. i have never tried, but it should work.

I just confirmed that in the field it works. I monitored and captured the packets, then i took victim's MAC and changed mine to this, i was able to connect, however as i said its buggy, sometimes you have to refresh the page like 2-3 times before it loads.

also confirmed that deauthentication works, but you can't really ban them, it only disconnects client/s, if you keep it on for 5 mins, then it should be enought to disrupt their networking (download, browsing..etc) you can do that with the following command:

Code: Select all

aireplay-ng -0 11 -a xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx -c yy:yy:yy:yy:yy:yy mon0
aireplay-ng < this comes with aircrack-ng suite
-0 < this is deauth (11 how many times to send)
-a < mac of the access point where your victim is connected
-c < mac of your victim (client you want to deauth)
mon0 < your monitoring interface
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Re: How to get free internet in places where you have to pay

Post by ronokae »

On my last post you said if you shared the MAC with someone
if you request a page, then both MACs are same and station doesn't know where to send data, it can end up half to you and half to other person.
So question, if i uploaded a RAT of my own to a site and kept viewing the page over and over would there be a chance of the Virus being implemented onto the PC I am "stealing" the MAC from?
Say it was a page with a Java applet/PHP phish, would that outcome ever be possible?
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Re: How to get free internet in places where you have to pay

Post by Sethioz »

now you are going way offtopic, this is not about hacking somebody, read the title of topic. and NO MORE offtopic here
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Re: How to get free internet in places where you have to pay

Post by boithiath »

Well don't want to revive and old thread like this, but using wireshark and actually grabbing the password username as it flyes by. This is better as you can use the password on other hotspots where that mac hasn't been authenticated and you won't be in conflict with another mac address
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Re: How to get free internet in places where you have to pay

Post by Sethioz »

demonstration would be nice, since most websites nowdays use SSL. I know wireshark can decrypt SSL, but this is why i'm saying a demonstration would be nice.
however the problem is, if somebody buys hotstop, what are the chances that they ever log back in? they just pay for it and have it for months, chances are very small that you manage to capture his/her login, because that person won't be logging in daily. only when they re-new their internet.
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