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Re: Mortal Online

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 3:31 am
by Shoyruken
I have found stamina scripts in both Floating and 4 bytes but messing with any of them doesn't do anything but change the character panel side of it, so im beginning to wonder if it was made server side? because the stamina bar is on its own agenda

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 8:42 am
by MagicalSilence
you mean you directly used code injection or value search? u can always check the stamina function what addresses it accesses since its Run it might access Speed address directly with something else/stamina consuption per hit etc*

It might be server side yes but theres always little things that are not.

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 12:32 pm
by jonathanml
Yea same here, im very new at hacking. This is def. a request again for sure lol. I know its possible to hack this game as there were many hacks made. I just dont know how they do it (sure was not memory editing).

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:33 am
by Shoyruken
I found using value search, slowly deducted my stamina and health till i narrowed them down, problem is the CE view things that access this, is broken, its always empty so i'm going to try that on Tsearch and see what i can find.

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 5:40 am
by jonathanml
question, if you find the pointer address... what can you do with that? like if you find it are you supposed to "stop" it so you can change the beginning address value? Or are you supposed to code inject it? I am lost on the pointers (and code injectors for that matter and there use). any help on these two topics would be appreciated!

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:22 am
by MagicalSilence
Pointer Address = points to another value stored elsewhere in the computer memory using its address (in other words so u dont need to search all again for the same address)

for code injection all you need to find is address and what function it accesses to and make your code inject replacing the old.
Code injection is mostly used when pointers are bitch to find or there are none. to fully understand pointers and asm u should do cheat engine tutorial that comes with cheat engine u will understand much better.

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 11:36 pm
by jonathanml
actually your explanation of pointers was exactly what I needed, I know how to get pointers and such just didnt know there reasoning. I have not been trying to hack MO the past few days (been busy with college) but ill likely start it up again soon

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:31 am
by Shoyruken
Ok so i got banned speed hacking and beating down about 4 people vs myself lol. GMs made a youtube video about me

thought it was funny, anyway during this process and after hearing your comment, i realized my stamina was regenerating almost instantly where as health was not, which tells me that stamina is in fact client side, materials from farming wood and stone are not. Weapon Durability does go down at the rate that you hit, even when speed hacking it goes down ultra fast cause your hitting faster.
Now i have also proven after LONG discussions gms that they ban by VISUAL and not with code detection etc. So this can infact be undetectable (Stamina hacks) if used wisely. Obviously with bows, weapons, but if your running for 30 minutes without taking a break...obvious. As per Injection and accessing pointers, etc. I have messed around with this and tried freezing them and what not, but cannot seem to pin it. Also this seems to be my weak point. Well hacking in general, detection and finding im pretty good at lol. Think its mainly because the only time i get a chance to mess with this is after a long day of work, or just waking up, my brain cannot function well enough to figure this out. So if you do find a way to get the stamina hacks, please share, also if you need any help with anything i can do my best!

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:57 am
by Shoyruken
Ok so after simple, exact value scan on my stamina, reduce stamina, next scan (Decreased Value) and repeat, i found 2 Floats, 1 Double, 1 2Byte, and 1 4byte. All having to do with my stamina. Now what to with not sure yet lol, this is where i suck.

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:06 am
by Shoyruken
Sorry make that 2 4bytes, when i use "Find out what accesses this" out of all of the above, only ONE of them actually gives a file it reads "0050F65C- 8B 08- mov ecx,[eax]

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:16 am
by Shoyruken
Ok after more research, moving, burning stamina etc. I have uncovered as follows. Full list from start to end. Involving Stamina.

145758E9C-4Bytes-Accesses 0050F65C-8B-08- mov ecx,[eax]
0049C946-89 06- mov [esi],eax

4756F91C-Float-Accesses: 01AB05D4- D9 84 81 1C090000- fld dword ptr [ecx+eax*4+0000091C]
01Ab05FA- F3 0F11 84 81 1C090000- movss [ecx+eax*4+0000091C],xmm0

1FE96FD4-Double-Accesses: 021830E5 - DD 5F 04 - fstp qword ptr [edi+04]
021830E1 - DD 46 04 - fld qword ptr [esi+04]

14758EE8-Float-Accesses: 0050F98C - D9 00 - fld dword ptr [eax]
0050F992 - D9 19 - fstp dword ptr [ecx]

So its likely these will change, but from my understanding you can get the pointers easier with this information, this was used in CE by the way.

So between all of these, lies the secret to stamina hacks my friends, i can feel it!

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:27 am
by jonathanml
Yea been busy with college (and about to go back to some work here soon). but yea there is absolutely no hack detector in MO, only way to get banned is to get caught. Obviously they need to actually SEE you doing it as well since obviously you fighting 4 people with it on got them to report you, and the GM had to watch you in order to ban you (he couldnt just check logs or anything but had to physically watch you). so you could use it and get seen by people and still not get banned, you would just have to keep your hacks on the DL for a while. Anyways ill let you know if i make any progress whenever i do get back to hacking

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:28 am
by jonathanml
*side note* we need some master hacker to get on MO and start tearing it up! lol MO is so badly coded and they have no detection system

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:09 am
by Shoyruken
I agree with jon, man im getting this down, and i know how to work the programs, its understanding the code, ecx, mov, etc. etc. i don't know what im looking for under all these points and addresses that i HAVE found.

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:11 am
by Shoyruken
But i am getting weary of this, little time that i have in a day to mess with it, feeling like im not making a whole lot of progress here lol

Someone would be my idol if they could just bring the hacks back to MO for guys like us, guys that are TRYING to do it ourselves we want it so badly lol.

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:23 am
by jonathanml
Yea, after like 3 days in a row of about 8 hours a day with the only thing I discovered is that you can do a fly hack (as i got knocked back 1000 feet by a springbrook) but not how to do that hack nor how to do that again... I have been putting it on the back burner. I know of a good amount of people on wanting the hacks back and would pay for them. Its not a game where you have to worry about getting past a security system either

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:23 am
by jonathanml
Nor do patches happen but once every 3-6 months

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:32 pm
by Shoyruken
Ya i was one of the peeps who was offering for private hacks. I mean its an easy source of money for a master hacker from my understanding, which its kinda lame noone will do it lol

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 6:31 pm
by MagicalSilence
Sorry guys i haven't been much help lately, rl to deal with :(

So you Found what it accesses i guess you didn't t try code injection on the way?
For Pointer you must find address with thing u wanna change or know value to do pointer scan or just find pointer manually.
Shoyruken wrote:Ok so after simple, exact value scan on my stamina, reduce stamina, next scan (Decreased Value) and repeat, i found 2 Floats, 1 Double, 1 2Byte, and 1 4byte. All having to do with my stamina. Now what to with not sure yet lol, this is where i suck.
If you used Option ALL then addresses might be same. For Stamina i would go for Float/2-4byte* Only if 2-4 byte value is reasonable not 9343432424 etc*
but just for the heck of it you can freeze value and see if it has any effect to save your self from trouble.

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:37 pm
by jonathanml
So there has to be some type of damage hack you can do. I say this because while I was searching for HP with float (which I found the float HP and looked and found some pointers) I then set all the addresses to give me like 5000 hp (which only was a visual effect, not a game effect)... but the thing is I went to test the hack so I took out my fist and walked up to a bull horse near me and punched it... what happened? The very first punch killed it instantly! Then whatever I messed with reset because the rest of the horses took the normal very small damage... ill experiment more later and let you know if I make any progress

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:58 pm
by jonathanml
whats wrong with this picture? :)
give you a hint, I have fist out and look at the horses health

Use Attachments With Images and rest Please Thanks Ms.

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 5:30 am
by Shoyruken
Question is, do you know how you did it?
did you try freezing the addresses after you change dthem to 5000?

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 5:33 am
by Shoyruken
Ya magical, i suck with understanding pointers, just doesn't make sense when i read about them to me. Just cause im exhausted i think. But all the same i have frozen the original addresses, just changes the visual number in character panel, but not the bar for stamina. Ill have to mess with it more.

i THINK my brothers i have found a way to have unlimited stamina, stay tuned.

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 5:51 am
by Shoyruken
Found, its a single Float value. written too by fstop dword ptr. and accessed by fld dword ptr [eax] and fstop dword ptr [ecx] current address is 1458EE8 if this is frozen your stamina will not decrease, sprint away :). Working to see if a single health one can be frozen, though doubtful. Also looking further into the dmg hack you did
On a bad note, the stamina hack was detected even without hardly any use, they must have code detection of sorts now.

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 8:07 am
by MagicalSilence
Stop posting like Bunnys on Breeding Season!
Post in Detailed Information When you have More information at hand.

Stamina hack is 100% Detected By visual If you Rush weapon on all the time non stop Advanced/ GM/ players easily notice difference between fair and hack"
Since i guess it was not automatic ban else it would have been lot faster.
90% of the Game is Client Side Weapon Damage Might not be But Range and Attack Speed should be Client sided.

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 6:25 pm
by jonathanml
Yes I know how, and its just a visual thing as it does not happen on the server side. What happened is I found the float/4byte of health, then set them all to zero (this in turn did have an effect on my stamina, as it depleted whenever it moved, but client side when I looked at myself on another account my health acted as it should have. What this mean is stamina is completely reliant on the client). With everything being set to zero, when I attacked mobs and I clicked on there health, my client told me that they were then dead... so they exploded. Upon further investigation, they exploded and vanished on my client, but looking through another character the mobs were still there. So any health manipulation is gathered from the server. But the stamina is all from the client.

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 7:37 pm
by Sethioz
health, ammo and money in online games are most likely checked by server, however it is always worth trying.
as a huge surprise, in avp 2010 ammo was client sided in online matches, they patched it later tho.

while most movements are client sided. in some mmo games movements are checked, but its quite rare.

but health manipulation is very possible if you find vulnerability in the game engine. like in avp2 it was possible to manipulate health and make server give you health. like in some games it might be possible to change some medkit size and make it give you more health or enable health regenration ..etc

NOTE - stop making unneccessary posts / replys. there is no EDIT option, so think thru what you going to post !!! if you are not sure, save your post as draft (button eleft from submit and preview), then later edit it and once its done, submit.

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:42 am
by deama
hey guys, I've been trying to hack the attack speed but I don't really know how to even start. :P Any of you guys got any ideas?

PS: is it possible to hack the skills to 100? So that they actually work?

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 5:05 pm
by Sethioz ... me_Hacking << start from there and also read sticky topics under "Darkside - Hacking / Cracking ..etc >> Game Hacks

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 10:21 pm
by deama
Thanks for the info. Now I'm wondering, is it possible to hack the skills to allow you to max them to 100 and work, rather than the annoying 60? I tried to do it, but I think its server sided.

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:10 pm
by deama
sorry about double post but...
how would I hack the FOV? I've read the tutorial but that doesn't help. The only way to change the FOV is to exit the game, but that would mess up my values.

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 12:56 pm
by bellaedward
hacking about game servers or speeds...

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 2:08 pm
by deama
what are you talking about?

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 2:11 pm
by Sethioz
STOP posting nonsense or i will ban both of you!

that said, i do not make FOV hacks, however Racer_S @ used to make them, but it seems like he don't care about his website anymore.
if you can get in touch with him somehow, you might be able to get some info about FOV hacks.

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:40 pm
by deama
After crapping around with mortal online and cheat engine, I found out the stamina regen values (found out via increasing my inventory weight over the limit and scanning for a decreased value, doesn't seem to work with equipment weight though), and I've also found out the max stamina, so I can easily give myself infinite stamina lols (found infinite stamina by searching unknown initial, and then each type max stamina increases, I would search for an increase).

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 2:49 pm
by Sethioz
it just occured to me, that you should read resident evil 4, resident evil 5 and deus ex human revolution hacking topics. There is also detailed wiki article available for RE5. Because in those games i have made "inventory" hack that allows you to edit / spawn stuff. it might work same in some MMOs.

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 4:20 pm
by deama
ahh, thanks, I'll give that a try later.

PS: Have you got any idea on how I'm supposed to hack the game so it displays 3rd person view?

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 4:34 am
by Osbor
bumping this thread in interest
not sure if this would be considered soliciting or anything, but i'd be more than willing to provide compensation for anyone who can provide the memory locations (robust, doesn't change after log out) of any of these items

-your current health (editable)
-your current stamina
-your camera X,Y,Z coordinates (editable, for making third person camera)
-your player x,y,z coodinates (editable, for teleportation)
-your target's x,y,z coodrinates (readable, for aimbots)
-the x,y,z coordinates of anyone within render distance (for ESP and radar, also automatic GM detection), gotta be able to match coordinates with names
-your current damage output for max damage hacks

i'm especially interested in the camera position hacks, i'd like to take a "satellite photo" of various places in the world and make an actually accurate world map, maybe even populate the game wiki a bit with useful info

Re: Mortal Online hacking discussion and hacks

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 6:31 am
by Sethioz
this is MMO right? meaning health is definetly server side (very small chance that it isnt).
same with stamina i think.
coordinates, well you just have to do usual unknown search.

once you find them, do pointer scan (read articles on my wiki about pointer scanning).