MSN Protocol - how to steal color..etc

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MSN Protocol - how to steal color..etc

Post by Sethioz »

Here's just some info about MSN protocol. What msn uses to send/recieve.
I was just playing around with msn, trying different things. So here's some values that msn uses:

Code: Select all

"N" - content lenght (contains color, text, etc)
"FN" - font type (Microsoft Sans Serif)
"EF" - font style and effects (underline and strikeout)
"C0" - font color
"MSG" - message number
"CS" - script (western, arabic..etc)
"PF" - font size ? (arno pro - 12, tahoma - 22)

MSN+ commands

"MFN" - command "/nick namehere"
"CHG" - status change. 
 NLN - online
 AWY - away ..etc
For example if you use packet editor to capture those packets, you can simply steal other person's font color or whole font style :)
I'm not 100% sure what this PF is, it seems that smaller font types use 12 and bigger use 22. I should change it and see what will happen.
NOTE that font size is client side only. it does not effect other person's font size. if you change your font to 8, then only you will see it. PF is something changes when you change to a font that uses small letters.

I also made lil experiment. added a custom command "crashmsn". so when you type it, it will send like 200 smiles to other person (but you still see crashmsn, so it wont lag you at all). 200 smiles is not enought to crash msn, but it was just experiment.
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