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Can you beat Super Mario Bros. ?

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 1:20 pm
by KEN
I can. I've played it all the time in my childhood.

But seems like 90% people can't:
This year, around 90 percent of the test participants were unable to complete the first level of Super Mario Brothers. We did not assist them in any way except by providing the exact same instruction manual we used back then. Many of them did not read it and the few that did stopped after the first page which did not cover any of the game mechanics.
Source: p4rgaming news.

Re: Can you beat Super Mario Bros. ?

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 7:41 am
by Sethioz
lmfao no wonder ... they're brainless twats who drool all over their keyboard while bashing buttons randomly ...
that's why game companies are making games for complete RETARDS, with huge flashing icons on screen "press R now to reload!!!!" .. cuz otherwise those RETARDED MORONS don't know how to reload, they think they run out of ammo and then whine and moan "OMFG i have no ammo what a crap game WTF so fast out of ammo omg omg omg aaargh"

hmm .. did Super Mario come with manual? i don't really remember, but i know that i was playing it on NEC / NES console, one of the very first one. I must have been maybe like 5-6 years old and i completed it without any manual.
that shows HOW retarded people really are nowdays ... considering that 5-10 year old kids don't even know how to boot up a PC and if they do, i doubt they know how to install and play games on their own.

I hate games with embedded tutorials .. it just retards those brats even more. You should have a tutorial/training area and after that it is full mission, no guides, no notes .. NOTHING. you discover your own way.
something like hitman absolution in hardest mode, well it has no HUD at all, this is what i don't really like, it should have some in-game HUD, like in dead space or some hand held device that you can use to see map, objectives, mark stuff ..etc.
In fact Hitman Absolution is one of the hardest games in modern era, but only in hardest modes. in easy it's way too easy.

Anyway ive finished most of those NEC / NES games. I think i had over 500 games for it and i played thru every one of them. Best game i know on that is "Master Blaster".
Ken see if you can beat that. its freaking awesome game, really. I bet 99% of ppl can't beat that game.

yeah well anyway, summary is that 90% of gamers are retards, not gamers. just because you play lot of games, does not make you a gamer.
Just like if you do a lot of building and all of your builds (houses, rooms, cars..etc) collapse, then that does NOT make you a builder, that makes you an idiot who is not capable of doing anything.
same with gamers, people who play games, but are unable to actually play them (failing in most places / levels / missions), are not gamers, they're retards wishing to be gamers.

Re: Can you beat Super Mario Bros. ?

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 11:53 am
by KEN
I've played through many NES games. Now I just play some random one's on emulator.
The most difficult one I would say is "Ghosts n' Goblins".. Honestly I still couldn't complete it. I'll get Master Blaster now :) If I remember correctly it is that platformer game with that vehicle and the guy gets out of it to kill and something like that.
Here's the rom's I have:

Re: Can you beat Super Mario Bros. ?

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 8:43 pm
by Sethioz
If I remember correctly it is that platformer game with that vehicle and the guy gets out of it to kill and something like that.
yes exactly, i think its the first game ever where you can come out of vehicle on demand. lot harder than super mario.