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Excellent noob indeed

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:14 pm
by Sethioz
Calling himself "Excellent" indeed, Excellent noob indeed, he is

1. this excellent noob rewoke an old topic on Luigi's forum, just to call other person a idiot (he edited the post later)
2. then i told him that he only complains.
3. then he proved my point, by sending me a noobish and immature PM

so by sending me that PM, he only prooved what i told about him, that his ONLY actions are whining and complaining and ofcourse ruining good forums with his whine.
this isn't first threat, every second immature kid like him gives such threats, but they are only words...this kind of complaining noobs never take any actions, because they can't.

If he would be capable of doing anything, then he would DO it first. well he is doing...he is whining his ass off and making me and others laugh :)

here's screenshots.