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tducentral or kindergarden ?!

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:44 am
by Sethioz
this is about this forum >
They seem to be TestDrive unlimited modding community, but instead they are bunch of pathetic hater retards.
about 1-2 months ago I registered on their site under my racer name > N.G.O (Nitros Ghost Oxide) and asked nicely if it is possible to edit car's handling.
All i got was sarcastic and retarded replys like:
"hahaha for what ? for cheating online ?"
"haha you wannabe online cheating noob learn to play"
and much, much more of similiar replys.

first, what does handing editing got to do with online play ? even a monkey should know that you can't join any online session with modified game files.

ok i get it, they are retards and don't understand how game works, but on top of that, when i found out how to edit car's handling and posted it as reply there, they removed the whole topic, what a pathetic losers.

maybe i should teach them thing or two, if one of you tdu retard-o-pahtetics should read this, then know that you have been marked. when i get bored i will take on this tdu site.
huh ?
well yeah read this > Owned Online, im sure i can handle one more site. They already got messed up once, but they called it "hosting maintnence error".

Re: tducentral or kindergarden ?!

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 4:46 pm
by V
Afraid they are what they do not understand. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to the Dark Side.

Re: tducentral or kindergarden ?!

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 5:50 pm
by Sethioz
ok that was lame, no for real, you can come up with better things than one from star wars :(

Re: tducentral or kindergarden ?!

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:23 pm
by V
Hey, hey, hey, I like Star Wars

Re: tducentral or kindergarden ?!

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:57 pm
by Sethioz
yes it may be so, but this is not a star wars thread.
..and more about those tducentral RETARDS. it is now confirmed what i said, that it is not possible to join online events using modified handling files. this confirmation really makes them RETARDS. all this whining for pathetically lame is that.

they was whining about non existing problem, so this really makes them RETARDS.