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Noobed kid trying to sound tought...

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 6:03 am
by Sethioz
I can't remember why he started to whine, i prolly 'touched' his small brainie wanie and his brainie couldn't handle it and first reaction on such ppl is 'fuck you' or something similiar.

anyways here's the PM he sent me on YouTube, read this first and then ill explain and point out few places that makes him super retard.
From: Gamersjournal101
Subject: fuck you
dude wow really your going to try to fucking argue with me i was on every sport there was to be on in school i only play xbox when im bored as hell and you can even ask any of my friends that play xbox too and whats a little 7 year old doing actually trying to talk shit to a 15 year old wow...... go ahead send me more smart ass replies ill just send you more shit about how you dont know what your talking about.
1. look his username "gamersjournal" ..."i only play xbox when im bored" < yea right + he has some gameplay videos, just what gamers do, they record their gameplay and then are like WOW WOOOOW WOOOOWWW WOW LOOOOOK! i played online !!!! WOOOW

2. im 7yo ? ..ok cool. i know i look very young for my age, but 7 ?! i must really look good ..

3. this brat is 15...and already finished school ? < im refering to the part wher he says "i was on every sport there was", or maybe he got kicked out of school because he was playing too much xbox lmao.

4. "go ahead send me more smart ass replies ill just send you more shit " < yes wow, really smart. all he can do is send shit and then calls himself smart ?

5. finally a screenshot of his channel, not link, but screen so he can't change and deny it. just look ... his gamer name, just like noobed idiots do, they put some 0's (zeros) and O's and think tht it makes their name cool. and lonewolf ?? sure this name makes him super 'cool'. anyways look the comments and his info.

Re: Noobed kid trying to sound tought...

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 2:12 am
by thefunfairvip
what a tit