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CJ E&M korean fake company sending false copyright claims

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 8:18 pm
by Sethioz
This is about some korean fucking company called CJ E&M filing false copyright claims against YouTube videos.
Let me explain, what they gain from it, is that videos they claim to be theirs, are automatically monetized, but video owner makes nothing out of it, instead all the revenue / profits goes to CJ E&M, so by doing that, they make money from videos they never made or have the rights for.
I've received 5 claims in past few hours! They're targeting famous games, like "Beyond: Two Souls", i got the following message on youtube:

Audiovisual content administered by: CJ E&M
Visual content administered by: CJ E&M

Those are NOT copyright strikes, those are just false claims so they can make revenue from adverts shown on my videos. I also found a topic on steam forum about it.
Read more about this scam on our official blog HERE (with screenshots and other proof, that they're scamming !!!)

Here's their official site >
I tried emailing them, but their email is fake, it doesn't exist.
I tried calling them, same thing, phone number is not in use!

Fucking korean FUCKS!