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Some idiot talking nonsense about Wireless cracking ..

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 3:10 am
by Sethioz
I was googling around for some new information about wireless tools and such and stumbled upon this retarded article: ... wi-fi.html

1. Whoever speaks english, will notice that this is NOT english, it is poor imitation of english. like WHAT THE FUCK is creak ??? i think he means crack ?
or what the hell is this suppouse to mean ??!!?
Now which one is do not capturing anything give it to password protected network and connect it. When it will ask for password, give any as you wish.
2. There are big chunks missing, like how the fuck do you connect to network when commview wifi is running LOL ? ok its possible if you have 2 or more wireless adapters. While commview is running, you cannot connect even use your wireless adapter for anything else.

3. This works only on WEP networks, if even on those. Out of curiousity i went thru this post, but obviously its impossible to follow this.
It seems like this moron tries to "creak" network using the ARP Request attack, that is implanted in aircrack-ng and can be done on linux.
This will never work on WPA/WPA2.

4. There are also steps saying "check D funnel and uncheck other 2 funnels", but in below on screenshot, he has 2 funnels checked. I wonder if this imbecil just copied these off of internet or actually made them. it's highly doubtable he even wrote this, just copy pasted bits here and there.
When i write a tutorial / article, i always go thru the process while writing, to make sure there are no fuck-ups like these.

Click ‘Connect’. You will be connected with your desire network like a magic !
HUH ????

I do understand the method he is trying to describe, but this tutorial is 100% useless to anyone who doesn't know much about networking and cracking. ARP REQ attack is possible and will work on WEPs, but this method ??!! like WTF. also why would he make a mac filter that filters for FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF ?

In case this topic / article gets deleted, i have included that whole webpage in a zip file (see below).