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ban hardware id PC

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 7:27 pm
by madfrog
Please tell me,if i have BAN PC id hardware from a gaming server,can i spoof my id hardware?Exsist a program or something to by pas server ban?I need a program to by pass my ID PC HARDWARE.Plase help me.I find a program but im not sure this is my id hardware of my computer.Plase help me
Program is called:Flashownerguard

Re: ban hardware id PC

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 4:43 pm
by madfrog
i find alone answer to my problem.Is called Vmware 7.1 (Virtual machine).thank u for nothing sethioz dude.U know,u deserve dark_byte atitude on his forum.Go fuck urself!

Re: ban hardware id PC

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 6:49 pm
by Sethioz
go learn some english idiot. you keep blabbering some NONSENSE that is impossible to understand.
look what you fucking write. your english makes no sense at all + you write one word in like 10 different ways, i do not understand what you saying so i can't bother replying to nonsense. I don't even understand if you want to ban your PC or you want to ban yourself from your PC by some hardware id. it makes no sense.
yourposting lik t h t a nd te n u jst writtte thissss nd sums nd mors.