Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

get your superiourity here ! be an offline or online GOD of the game. infinite ammo, unlimited nitro, turbo boost, god mode, you name it !
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Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by Sethioz »

Knowledge Database article of Dead Island Hacks / Hacking / Mods / Modding is now available !
All updates and details will go there from now on


REQUESTS: I will take requests to make you mods on your choice. PM me your request and i will add it into hacks / mods shop and give you direct link to it. it can be anything you want, speed, power, no stamina usage, unbreakable weapons ..etc

Dead Island Hacks / Mods Shop > > > Hacks / Mods for sale - NOW AVAILABLE !
This is just a test to see if people actually want to buy anything. those are premaid hacks, with bypass + batch.
all you have to do is copy your data0.pak into the downloaded hack folder and then run the batch. insturctions are included in each hack.
This is basically a test and shop is not officially online yet. there is so much interested and people asking if i can do it for them, so i made things easier with Shop
Dead Island Hacks Shop

Im working on a method to auto-merge all the hacks / mods sold on my shop, but for now you can use one at a time or make a reuqest here to merge them for you. for example if super katana and super sledgehammer cost 0.70 each, then merged it would be 1.00. This shop is experimental anyway, lot of ppl can't bother themselves, so they can pay and download instead.

If you do not know how to hack games on basic level. see my Knowledge Database (link in main menu) and use search:
look for the following articles:
1. Basic Game Hacking
2. Unlimited Ammo Hack
3. Finding Unknown Values
.. and more that you can think of, knowledge database contains lot of articles with detailed examples, so dont be an idiot.
READ before asking dumb questions. most likely your question have been answered, you not being able to search, is no reason to ask dumb things.

CRASH NOTE - if your game crashes after modifiying files (most likely it will crash with updates), then it is because updated game has a hash check on files, so you can't modify them. it is needed to use Gibbed bypass/hack for this issue. i have included it right here:
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* Video Demonstrations are on my youtube channel. search for "dead island" amongst my videos.

1. Unlimited Ammo with reload

* follow Unlimited Ammo Hack article on wiki
* ASM script / NOP of function does not seem to work on this game, i saw something extremely weird. i breakpointed the ammo address and found the breakpoint (see Breakpoints and NOP article for more details) did it twice, but breakpoint was different for same weapon, its something ive never seen before.
guess its bit harder to write a trainer / script for this game or maybe it was because i was playing it for like 5 hours and been awake like 24 hours and mislooked something. will test again, but for now. you can simple change value of ammo.

* changing remaining ammo to like 50000 is enough, however it goes back when you load into another place or die. for now its good enough for me.


in order to prevent ammo from decreasing, use cheat engine:
1. find the ammo address as before
2. right click and "find out what writes to this address"
3. go into game, shoot and reload
4. one address pops up in CE
5. click on it and then replace
6. replace "EAX" with "0xFF"

it should give 255 ammo each time you reload, but instead it interrupted the code and ammo wont decrease while reloading, good enought.

2. Unlimited Items (including medkits)

* medkits can be used to do this.
- find address for medkits
- search 3 if you have 3, use one, filter for 2..etc
- NOP the function

read wiki articles for detailed examples on how to do this ! its been explained there step-by-step.

* you can now make any mod you want, without losing the items. medkits and items use same function

3. Unlimited Money / Credits

* same simple thing. find the address for money and change it
no need to freeze it at all. if you have 20394 money, search for it.
then gain or lose some money and filter for the amount you have.
you end up with about 2-4 addresses, change them all to whatever you want.
like 5000000 should do just fine, so you never need money again

4. Unbreakable weapons

This method requires you to edit files. see below how
now do the following.
in "inventory.scr" and "iInventory_Gen" search for
here's example of how it looks like in the file:

Code: Select all

replace all of them with -1 (old good minus 1 trick)
so it will look like this:

Code: Select all

now your weapons never break.
here are few tips how to do it faster, since there are about 2000 in total.
count "Condition" in your file (use notpad++, it has count option), lets say you got 1403
search for condition, once you find first one, lets say its "Condition(10);" now use "replace all" feature in your file editor (all of them should have it)
now once done, it says "replaced 103" so it means you have 1300 to go, click F3 for "search next Condition" and do the same if its not -1
lot of weapons have same condition, so you end up replacing maybe like 20 - 30 different ones only, which is a lot less than 1403.

5. Always critical hits / 100% critical hit ratio

* can be done by editing files (see below)
in files "inventory.scr" and "inventory_gen.scr" find the following line/s:

Code: Select all

this is example only, it can be any value.
1.0 = 100%
0.9 = 90%
0.1 = 10%
im sure you got the point. i havent tried what happens if you change it above 1.0, but i dont see any reason why you should, because 100% means that every hit is critical / aka mod. if you have lightning mod, then every hit electricutes.

6. Levels / Skills Manipulations

* I have not included tutorial, i only take REQUESTS by pm or email ([email protected]).
What you can get:
* character / s go up to specified level (it can be 100, 342, 3000, 4000 or any other level)
* i can add skills and make it level based
* more health based on level (specify whatever you want it to be)
* stamina usage based on level
* health regeneration based on level
.. basically ANYTHING goes. just make a request and i will tell you if its too much or not.
kind a cant bother making characters go past 100, since it takes shit loads of time to add levels one by one. however going up to 100 is interesting.
i can also make health go up to ANY value, like 1000, 900000 ..etc


File editing / hacking


I found an easier way to get what you are after. Dead Island seem to be modder friendly.
here's quick guide

1. locate data0.pak file. mine is in "F:\Games\Dead Island\DI\data0.pak"
2. extract it using winrar
3. now you can modify anything you want
4. after you're done, do not re-rar / re-zip anything
5. open data0.pak with winrar, right click and "add files to archive"
6. select the modified file from "Data" folder you extracted before

now you're done, modified file will be in data0.pak now

weapons are in "inventory.scr" there's more to it, because some weapons are "default"
i made a quick test and put 9000 damage on fists, works fine.

* ive just made super katana, takes almost no stamina, more range and hyper fast strikes

* Another interesting file is "default_levels.xml" located in "Data/Skills" folder. it has base character attributes, such as jump, health, health regeneration, stamina, storm speed ..etc

NOTE - if your game is patched, you need to use gibbed deadisland bypass / fix. read more on wiki article !!
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by thefinalrune »

First off: Wow! I wish I'd happened across your site earlier. I've always been interested in game hacks ever since the old Game Genie days on the NES. So, this site is like a treasure trove and I'll probably have to spend weeks going through it all.

Anyway, to my question: I recently installed Reloaded's version of Dead Island and I've been trying to work out editing the skill and level xml's in the data0.pak file but have been getting the unable to load/instant crash scenario. Originally I tried the recommendations off the steam forums where users were suggesting hex edits of a dll file only to find that didn't work out in the end either. After coming across your site here I tried your method:
1. locate data0.pak file. mine is in "F:\Games\Dead Island\DI\data0.pak"
2. extract it using winrar
3. now you can modify anything you want
4. after you're done, do not re-rar / re-zip anything
5. open data0.pak with winrar, right click and "add files to archive"
6. select the modified file from "Data" folder you extracted before
But, I still met with the same failing at my attempt to launch the game. Either I'm unknowingly doing something wrong or this method is somehow incompatible with the Reloaded version and its applicable cracks and updates.

Is there anything you can suggest that might enable me to get around this?

My crash error data, if its helpful, is included below.
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by Sethioz »

i have reloaded aswell and its only thing i can see is MSVCR90.dll, which is not game file. i dont really see it being problem, since it has nothing to do with game. its microsoft visual studio as far as i know.

it might be another conspiracy by microsoft, since they do those kind of things a lot. they screw up your shit making you think its your fault, while its their own conspiracy to stop "hackers". this is the reason why nothing works on vista and gay 7 (win 7).

now back to the problem, what i suggest you to do .. 2 things:

1. use my Data0.pak and see what happens. it has modified fists and katana and some ammo.
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- if it still crashes with my file, try the following step/s

2. get "procmon" (google) and make a filter there to monitor only MSVCR90.dll
- im writing this from head without testing, so im not 100% sure if it shows up, but do this
- make a filter "process name" "is" "deadislandgame.exe" "include"
- another filter "path" "contains" "MSVCR90.dll" "include"
- launch game and see which MSVCR90.dll it loads.
- post the full path to MSVCR90.dll that your game loaded

after that i will see if i have MSVCR90.dll in same place and upload it here, so you can test with my MSVCR90.dll and see if it still crashes.
procmon is not hard to use, point of this, is to find out which MSVCR90.dll game uses, since when i put it into search i found like 20 of them on my system drive and all are different versions with different sizes.
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by thefinalrune »

Thanks for the quick response. Had the same issue using your Data0.pak sadly.

Ran ProcMon, applied the filters and got the following results: ... rocMon.png (link given since the image is 2500~ pixels wide).

ProcMon pulled up two separate addresses:

I should mention I'm also using the following update files from this torrent:
None of the files included overwrite the existing Data0.pak from the Reloaded install though, so I don't know if its causing a conflict. Going to back up my saves and reinstall the base release again and see if I can edit the pak without the game failing to launch, will get back to you with results.

Okay, my eyes suck. Both addresses were the same, just one was lower case.

Also, am I just missing it or is there no edit button for posts? Is this related to the rule about changing posts?

Apparently the failure is caused by the updates. The unpatched game lets me modify the pak files without errors.

Like I said before, I must have unknowingly been doing something wrong (like not specifically only using Reloaded's patches). Going to download the Reloaded patches and see if things continue working out.

...I kind of feel like a tard now.
Anyway, seems that after installing the Reloaded patch ( ... ab=summary) I was still presented with the failure to launch issue. This is frustrating. Guess I can just play the default glitchy version until I work this out.

Edit by ken no it's not automatic by forum.I've been editing your posts.4 posts duh! >.>
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by Sethioz »

so its related to updates .. how odd, because .exe is same. it must be some kind of file check. its good that you keep testing.
see if you can find out what files does update have in it, so in that way, i know where to look and where the file check might be. im quite sure its size check, so try replacing like 100 with 900 and see if it works. just example. keep file size same, replace 2 digits with only 2 digits.
make a simple test on data0.pak and see if it works then. it might be checksum too, if its checksum .. then only way is to disable the check.

anyway here's the file, i did not have the same file tho, mine was 4960 i belive. since you cant replace your windows files like that, you must run it in safe mode and try there, if it doesnt work. try using linux live cd < anyway this aint no windows discussion. find a way, but keep the backup
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yes edit button is missing because ppl dont give a shit about rules and keep fucking edit deleting posts. just post "EDIT" as additional post and some1 will change it for you, but try preventing that. save post as draft if you're not sure if you wanna update it in near future (like in 1-2 hours)
image size doesnt matter, just use attachment

i got email from one guy who said that he couldnt register, but he knows a fix. so he linked me to one blog and i found "Gibbed dead island fix zip"
he said it works, gibbed is known to make such small tools, so i guess it works, i cant test because i dont have the crash issue.
it must occur with update only, it seem to be a hash check (checksum). so this will take the checksum / hash from original data0.pak (or any other) and modifies your zip file and outputs it as modified data0.pak which will be accepted by the game.
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by thefinalrune »


Gibbed's Mass Effect 2 save editor made my day when I came across it, and I've seen his name mentioned in several other places. I'll check it out and see how things go. As useful as it is, I've never been keen with using safe mode, so I'm glad to have another option. Most my safe mode experiences are directly related to doing something horribly stupid and trying to save my system from a complete OS reinstall.

Noticed several frequent crash/bug issues with the unpatched version of the game that make for some irksome encounters.

I sure miss the days when games were 100% complete and functional at release.
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by Sethioz »

i dont think that .dll changes anything, just made me think why the hell is it in the error report, thats what made me wonder that its worth a try.
i made some research and as i said, its some checksum method. im not so keen to do research on issues i dont get .. + if that gibbed bypass works, then problem solved and i wont take another look into this crash issue.
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by thefinalrune »

Well, the Gibbed fix works, sort of anyway. It worked with my backup install, which I had previously updated, but not with my current install after I did update it. Tried importing my saves from my primary install and I load in the right place with the right inventory and skills but my quest history is gone.

I swear, sometimes I have the worst luck. Going to toy around and see if I can find where my quest history is saved since it's clearly not in the save game file, but at least I got it working. Worse case I'll just have to start over.
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by Sethioz »

so it works, no crash, but just cant load savegame ? ive finished it once already, and got bored of it .. sort of. however im interested of making some awesome weapon hacks / mods. usually im not into modding + there are always lot of other ppl who do modding. minigun is something that someone will make .. i think.

however one of the most weirdest things ive seen, is that ammo breakpoint is not static. it changes. only last 4 digits remain the same, rest changes.

if anyone has tried other hacks, like stamina, health ..etc. post it up. i mean its easy, but values are what are important for others to see, so you can easily search for them. like full stamina and full health (on 5 bars, 6 bars ..etc)
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by thefinalrune »

Oddly enough, after applying the new pak all the existing CE cheat tables stopped matching up and I had to seek out new values for health, stamina, cash and the like myself. I'm beginning to think there might just be something off with my install, whether its the game or my OS though, I don't know. Thankfully the edits I made to the pak files so well tweaked the existing formulas that I didn't really need CE to get around and ahead easily, though I went ahead and searched out a health value anyway.

I should tinker around and see if I can find settings anywhere in the game files to prevent player death from explosions. More than once I've been a little too close to a flaming propane explosion and regretted it.
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by kewlhotrod »

I'm interested in Dead Island hacks. I have two questions if you would:

One: how do I find custom weapons to mod? Checked all the inv. files, and couldn't quite make it all out on how the prefixes are added.

Two: I found multiple stamina/health addresses (Both 4 bytes and float), that when frozen, seem to make the bar jump back and forth, but do not stop them from decreasing! Setting a value on them also gets automatically reverted, which leads me to assume there's a hidden address checker. Any tips?
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by PirateGirlx3 »

sethioz could u post a quick tutorial on how to find the legendary weapons to make them in my invertory or to make a super katana like you did thx in advance
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by thefinalrune »

kewlhotrod wrote:I'm interested in Dead Island hacks. I have two questions if you would:

One: how do I find custom weapons to mod? Checked all the inv. files, and couldn't quite make it all out on how the prefixes are added.

Two: I found multiple stamina/health addresses (Both 4 bytes and float), that when frozen, seem to make the bar jump back and forth, but do not stop them from decreasing! Setting a value on them also gets automatically reverted, which leads me to assume there's a hidden address checker. Any tips?
1.) I'm assuming you mean the colored name weapons as the only "custom" weapons are the ones you create using blueprints.

You're right to look in the inventory files though. The Inventory_Gen.scr contains the stats for each weapon in the game. If you go through the listings you'll notice that each weapon is listed multiple times. These listings effect the boosts associated with the base weapon and the stats from its upgrades as well as the stats of the weapon and upgrades when the condition of the weapon has dropped to zero. The very first listing is always the base stats for the weapon and include the most over all stat listings. Take the first entry for example:

Code: Select all

    Item("Melee_BrassKnucklesLightGen", CategoryType_Melee)
        use HitEffects_Default();
        use PickupSounds_Default();
If you look at the 7th entry it lists Condition(36); showing the max durability of the weapon. If you scroll down to the second entry listed after its condition will be rated at (0) thus showing the stats for the weapon at zero durability. I assume the game simply does a percentage based calculation to determine weapon stats at various durability levels.

Each listing represents the stats of that weapon. Simply modify as desired.

Secondly, to include the item in the game the only semi reliable method that I know of so far (Sethioz may know of others) is to add the item to a NPC Shop Vendor's listings. These values and settings are adjusted in the Shops.scr file. The only sure fire way to make sure one specific weapon shows up in the item listings is to add it for every available entry and give it maximum probability. I generally just replace one value and check back regularly. Here's a vendor listing example:

Code: Select all

//[White = 0, Green = 1, Violet = 2, Yellow = 3, Orange = 4]
	ColorItem("Melee_BoGen", 3, 4, 10)
	ColorItem("Melee_MaceGen", 3, 4, 10)
	ColorItem("Melee_MaceCudgelGen", 3, 4, 10)
	ColorItem("Melee_KnifeDivingGen", 1, 4, 10)
	ColorItem("Melee_HammerGen", 3, 4, 1)
	ColorItem("Melee_MaceHeavyStarGen", 3, 3, 8)
	ColorItem("Melee_DoubleBladeHomemadeGen", 1, 3, 8)
	ColorItem("Melee_CrowbarGen", 3, 3, 8)
	ColorItem("Melee_CleaverSlicerGen", 1, 3, 1)
	ColorItem("Melee_CaneKnifeGen", 1, 3, 1)
	ColorItem("Melee_CaneKnifeSugarGen", 1, 2, 6)
	ColorItem("Melee_SickleGen", 1, 2, 6)
	ColorItem("Melee_BrassKnucklesGen", 3, 2, 1)
	ColorItem("Melee_CleaverSlicerGen", 1, 2, 1)
	ColorItem("Melee_MaceFlangedGen", 3, 2, 1)
	ColorItem("Melee_HammerNailGen", 3, 1, 4)
	ColorItem("Melee_StickGen", 3, 1, 1)
	ColorItem("Melee_MacheteHomemadeGen", 1, 1, 1)
	ColorItem("Melee_BaseballBatGen", 3, 1, 1)
	ColorItem("Melee_WrenchGen", 3, 1, 1)
	Item("Melee_KnifeHomemadeGen", 1)
	Item("Melee_KnifeKitchenGen", 1)
	Item("Melee_MaceMorningStarGen", 3)
	Item("Melee_MaceExoticGen", 1)
	Item("Melee_DoubleBladeGen", 1)
	Item("Melee_CleaverHomemadeGen", 1)
	Item("Melee_CleaverGen", 1)
	Item("Melee_WoodenBatonGen", 3)
	Item("Melee_CaneKnifeExoticGen", 1)
	Item("Melee_BrassKnucklesHeavyGen", 3)
	Item("CraftPart_Algae", 2)
	Item("CraftPart_Battery", 2)
	Item("CraftPart_Belt", 2)
	Item("CraftPart_Bolts", 2)
	Item("CraftPart_Clamp", 2)
	Item("CraftPart_Detergent", 2)
	Item("CraftPart_ElectronicScrap", 2)
	Item("CraftPart_Flares", 2)
	Item("CraftPart_Gear", 2)
	Item("CraftPart_LargeNail", 2)
	Item("CraftPart_Lp4000Battery", 2)
	Item("CraftPart_Watch", 2)
	Item("CraftPart_MetalScrap", 2)
	Item("CraftPart_Oleander", 2)
	Item("CraftPart_Rag", 2)
	Item("CraftPart_SteelRod", 2)
	Item("CraftPart_SuiciderMeat", 2)
	Item("CraftPart_WeightPlate", 2)	
	Item("Medkit_HealthPackMedium", 0)
Lets take an entry from above and modify it, ColorItem("Melee_MaceCudgelGen", 3, 4, 10). The suffix numbers at the end of the listing determine how often it shows up in the vendor's item lists, what color the weapon name has, and the minimum level of the weapon. Here I would replace this with a weapon I had modified to my desired stats like so: ColorItem("Melee_BrassKnucklesLightGen", 0, 4, 50); as you can see the first number has been reduced to zero giving it the highest appearance priority (the numbers vary 0-5 with 0 having the best chances to appear and 5 the least). The second number is four, making the weapon as an Orange weapon (apparently the highest rarity). And the last number sets its minimum level as 50, ensuring that it'll always have the maximum stats possible. The name of the item has changed as well to match the item originally listed. This is where you swap out the item names to make the one you're after appear.

At this time I haven't tested if you have to change the color setting for the weapon in the Inventory_Gen.scr listings as I've not yet actually made any custom weapons only looked it over to see how it would work. Also, you can increase the appearance numbers for the other items listed in the vendor's menu to 5 to further promote the chances of your weapon appearing in the listings.

2.) As for the stamina/health issues, I have the same problems sometimes, at least for stamina. There are several pre-existing Cheat Engine cheat tables available for Dead Island from the CE website that work with various builds and update versions of the game. Check out their thread for greater details: Dead Island [Steam Retail] V1.20.

Another option for stamina/health related issues revolve directly with editing game settings. The settings within the default_skills.xml file feature a number of health regeneration and stamina cost variables. By speeding the regeneration rates and reducing the stamina costs you can more or less achieve the same effects without even using CE.

PirateGirlx3 wrote:sethioz could u post a quick tutorial on how to find the legendary weapons to make them in my invertory or to make a super katana like you did thx in advance
Hopefully my information provided for "kewlhotrod" answered your question as well.

It should be noted that the information I've presented I gathered from here: ... tcount=917 on the steam forums.

So far, I've not personally been able to insert new items into the vendor lists. But, I seem to have notoriously poor luck with modding my game. I've tried multiple variations and implementations to get my items to show, but so far nothing has worked. Even attempting to remove all other supply options for the vendor leaving only my created items didn't work. I think this game hates me.
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by PirateGirlx3 »

yes even for me the new items won't show so we need sethioz's help :)
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by Sethioz »

uhm i havent even looked into it. its not as easy as you think to change weapon attributes. they have some base / default + upgrades + condition ..etc
its all fucking mixed up.
katana was easy, i just changed the damage and speed of katana in one of the files, cant remember which one tho.

easiest way to find something, is to open all files in data0.pak with notepad++ and then do a "search in all open files" search. thats how i found all the referenecs to katana. takes some times to thru them, but its easy to spot the right thing.

i also wasnt able to find durability of weapons .. i found ammo you can buy, but not ammo for weapons. there must be more to it. maybe in another .pak file, no idea, but i will definetly UPDATE the first post when i find something new and add a small note as new post that first post have been updated. so dont worry fellas, i will share when i find something.


i found stamina, health, health regen, jump, durability ..etc

i made myself a ninja ! instant health regen, high jump (can get almost anywhere), super fast katana with 100% shock / critical hit. and also tesla sledgehammer with ingredible force, blows zombies into walls so they SPLASH on the walls.
gonna add even more force.

so how ?
Data/Skills folder and then "default_levels.xml" there you find character base, like default health and shit like that. its awesome stuff.
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by PirateGirlx3 »

sethioz can u release the katana i mean ur data0.pak?
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by Sethioz »

I don't understand why you want me to "release" it, cuz all you gotta do is just change it yourself to whatever you want it to be, but here it is. it goes into "inventory_Gen.scr" file. just find the spot and replace.

Code: Select all

 Item("Melee_KatanaGen", CategoryType_Melee)
        HolderElement("bip01 r thigh");
        use HitEffects_Sharp();
        use PickupSounds_Default();


if you havent noticed yet, then i just wrote Knowledge Database article of Dead Island hacking, its linked in first topic. all details and updates will go there from now on ! i wont update first post with hacks anymore, i just make new post saying that i found something new, rest goes into that article.
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by kewlhotrod »

I can't seem to get health-regen working correctly. Been at it for like an hour now, but no matter what I change the values to in default_levels.xml it never starts to regenerate. I'm playing as Purna, if that matters at all.
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by PirateGirlx3 »

sethioz do u also know how to make specifif weapons/items spawn in shops? cuz i tried and it didnt work
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by Sethioz »

here's my health attributes, works fine, but it starts to generate when im down on like 3 bars of health. so one strong hit still kills. i prefer having bit exitement, prolly can still die if like 3 or more zombies attack at once or one stronger. also when i made it generate up to 100%, my screen got bloody, didnt see jack shit, but health generated to 100%.

Code: Select all

    <prop n="HealthRegenerationStartTime" v="0.001"/>
    <prop n="HealthRegenerationMaxLevel" v="99.0"/>
    <prop n="HealthRegenerationSpeedInStand" v="500.0"/>
    <prop n="HealthRegenerationSpeedInWalk" v="300.0"/>
    <prop n="HealthRegenerationSpeedInCrounch" v="300.0"/>
    <prop n="HealthRegenerationSpeedInCrounchWalk" v="300.0"/>
    <prop n="HealthRegenerationSpeedInSprint" v="350.0"/>
    <prop n="HealthRegenerationSpeedInKnockDown" v="230.0"/>
    <prop n="MaxHealth" v="100"/>
    <prop n="BaseMaxHealth" v="100"/>
    <prop n="BaseCriticalHealth" v="10"/>

i havent tried to make weapons appear in shops, its good idea tho. you mean the ones you can optain only from quests ? ill check into it, but not today.
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by thefinalrune »

As a point of comparison, these are the settings I'm using.

Code: Select all

    <prop n="HealthRegenerationStartTime" v="0.1"/>
    <prop n="HealthRegenerationMaxLevel" v="500.0"/>
    <prop n="HealthRegenerationSpeedInStand" v="100.0"/>
    <prop n="HealthRegenerationSpeedInWalk" v="100.0"/>
    <prop n="HealthRegenerationSpeedInCrounch" v="100.0"/>
    <prop n="HealthRegenerationSpeedInCrounchWalk" v="100.0"/>
    <prop n="HealthRegenerationSpeedInSprint" v="100.0"/>
    <prop n="HealthRegenerationSpeedInKnockDown" v="100.0"/>
    <prop n="MaxHealth" v="500"/>
    <prop n="BaseMaxHealth" v="500"/>
    <prop n="BaseCriticalHealth" v="30"/>
It should be noted that I specifically choose 500 at my "HealthRengerationMaxLevel" because I had set my character's final HP total at 500 and that any value lower didn't seem to restore my health back to max. I noticed that when this value is greater than my base max health it causes the red blood marks on the screen the way Sethioz described. Still looking to figure out how to adjust the threshold and/or image fade delay on that since it can get obtrusive at times.

If you're curious, the health needed to survive an explosion (the propane tanks/suiciders) is over 16,000. Sadly, unless there's a way to alter the visual representation of the players health this creates a health bar that explodes well beyond the screen size as each little block of health is 25 units.
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by kewlhotrod »

Actually, the "HealthRegenerationMaxLevel" I had set to 150, and it was working fine, without doing the bloody screen.

When first fiddling with it I got that same thing though, but I can't quite remember what setting it actually was.

I have my regeneration numbers for moving, standing, crouching etc. set to 2k, Max Health 2k, and MaxLevel to 1k. It started working for a bit, and, of course, started healing after falling below half health, TO half health, because of the 1k HealthRegenerationMaxLevel, and the 2K total health.

Modified MaxLevel to 2k, and will try it out tomorrow. As of now, it is time for sleeps.
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by Sethioz »

1000 max and 500 maxregen works just fine. i also changed critical damage on weapons, so now every hit does special damage.
changed "bullets per shot" its awesome, desert eagle shooting like 15 bullets per shot, like a shotgun, but kind a lame, one hit kills.

remember that all that can be done by using memory editor, so you can play online with all that, just have to be careful not to get hit by VAC. as far as i know its steam only.

if anyone finds a "hack" to play online with hamachi or something, post it up (i havent even google for this one)
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by kewlhotrod »

I play online with Tunngle, and modded files still work online, as long as any memory editing.

There's no difference, and you don't even have to be host.
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by Sethioz »

meaning steam users can use it aswell, because VAC does not check for those files, VAC only checks for .dll and .exe files aka core game files as its explained on their site.
im gonna give it a try i guess

i downloaded update and tested gibbed bypass, works fine. for ease of use, i made myself a .bat file. as usual, gibbed is IDIOT sometimes. why the fuck he says it has to be zip ??
WHY ppl make things SO complicated ?? all you need is ANY type of file to be input.
so what i do, is i put data0.pak.orig as input for original, and data0.hack.pak as input for modified file and outputs data0.pak, ready to be replaced.
then i just run batch file and its done. easy as that. no zipping or any other SHIT like that, because it takes ages to extract and zip all those files.

i open the .pak in rar and just drag and drop my modified files in it, then i run batch and DONE !
idiots making it so complicated always. takes me like 5 second to put modified files back and run the game. literally i mean 5 seconds, its not a figure of speech.
double click, drag and drop, double click, drag and drop < thats all it takes to put modified file into game and then double click to run the game, can be easily done in 5 seconds or less, while they zip the files which takes like 1-2 mins
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by thefinalrune »

Speaking of online play, I've read various posts in the steam forums suggesting playing with modified weapons will crash other people's games if you drop that weapon in co-op play since their client doesn't have the modifications.

Sounds like a reasonable expectancy. Would be both sad and funny.

Oh, we just downed a major boss, time to get the loot, oops, I just dropped my uber gun.
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by Sethioz »

why am i not surprised, nowday games have nearly zero-protection against hacking, reminds me old good avp2 days, where players were the only ones making anti-hack mods.

have you tested it, does it actually crash others ? feel free to post a tutorial on how to play online with tunngle. if its good, i will add it onto wiki (with credit ofcourse)
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by kewlhotrod »

Sethioz wrote:meaning steam users can use it aswell, because VAC does not check for those files, VAC only checks for .dll and .exe files aka core game files as its explained on their site.
im gonna give it a try i guess

i downloaded update and tested gibbed bypass, works fine. for ease of use, i made myself a .bat file. as usual, gibbed is IDIOT sometimes. why the fuck he says it has to be zip ??
WHY ppl make things SO complicated ?? all you need is ANY type of file to be input.
so what i do, is i put data0.pak.orig as input for original, and data0.hack.pak as input for modified file and outputs data0.pak, ready to be replaced.
then i just run batch file and its done. easy as that. no zipping or any other SHIT like that, because it takes ages to extract and zip all those files.

i open the .pak in rar and just drag and drop my modified files in it, then i run batch and DONE !
idiots making it so complicated always. takes me like 5 second to put modified files back and run the game. literally i mean 5 seconds, its not a figure of speech.
double click, drag and drop, double click, drag and drop < thats all it takes to put modified file into game and then double click to run the game, can be easily done in 5 seconds or less, while they zip the files which takes like 1-2 mins
That's exactly what I do, lol. I don't even have to edit the gib .bat

I just open data0-mod.pak, drop files, double click gib, remove bat.0 and rename new file. So quick and easy.

And... I can paste the tutorial I used, it works well.
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by Sethioz »

oh no no, don't copy paste anything, write in your own words.

2 tutorials that you might add here, one is how to play online with tunngle / hamachi ..etc and other details on how to modify files.
if you are interested writing directly for my wiki, PM me and i will show you the formatting, since normal tutorials are useless and have to be converted to wiki formatting manually, which is pretty much writing them.

another thing, ive seen mc'calls 9mm, defender of the motherland and riot shotgun in the weapon lists, but when i googled where to find, noobs saying those are developer weapons and cannot be found, while some claim they found them, but dont share where. i think its bunch of nutz.
whatever it is, i was thinking it might be possible to hack them into game if its really true that you can't find them.
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by PirateGirlx3 »

for online play there was an update for the steam_appid but i think they blocked it jst google ali213 and check for update steam_appid at him for online trough steam but for tunggle i think u have to go in options then online n set it to LAN so u can play
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by Sethioz »

what did they block exactly ? you mean they blocked the modified files on steam ?
im on backup net atm, so cant bother testing online with tunngle / hamachi. will try someday
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by kewlhotrod »

PirateGirlx3 wrote:for online play there was an update for the steam_appid but i think they blocked it jst google ali213 and check for update steam_appid at him for online trough steam but for tunggle i think u have to go in options then online n set it to LAN so u can play
Nono, they didn't block any appid's, people just automatically assume that when they can't find any games because they're in a higher or lower chapter than others.

But if you ever do want to change your appid it's easy

Right climg steam_appid.txt, hit properties, and turn off read only. Open the file, and change the ID to the number you wish to play on (most do 13140 and 5xxxx something). Afterwards save, and put read only back on.


Sethioz, I'm PM'ing you in a second, I'm going to make a save transfer guide (works for updates and changing app_id's), a Tunngle connection guide, and that's probably it since basic editing of the files can be found here.
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by dyeggoo »

How the hell do I use the fix? I have tried to google it but found nothing. I have never really hacked any game, except the cheat engine so a little tutorial on how to fix my data0.pak would be nice.

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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by Sethioz »

read the instructions inside of the fix :) its a cmd tool, straight forward really.

you type in the fix.exe (exe name) and after that you put 3 files names, where 1st one is original, next one is your modified and last is output.
note that you MUST have original data0.pak or you have to uninstall and reinstall. it takes hash from original data0.pak and puts it on your modified one.
just read instructions in the fix.
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by motex »


I followed all the instructions for modifying the files. I wanted to start off with the "Weapons don't break" mod....

Followed the Condition(-1); mod on both files. Also, since it uses steam I had to do the gibbed bypass. It doesn't crash.

(At first attempt it did crash because I didn't do the bypass, so re-installed, and used the original to modified then output etc..)

Booted the game and it runs.

I load my saved game, and first thing I see multiplayer disabled....crap. Okay, my save point theirs supposed to be the main guy at the Lifegaurd stockade...

Instead, it's a friggen zombie!! Then I look at my weapons, all gone.... progress 0%.....No weapons.....

Worst thing is the mod's I did dont work....I cant punch, I cant even pull up or find a weapon....I found a soda on a bench and it was invisible....only the action "F" button showed....then "%unkownitem%" was picked up....


I will start fresh again tomorrow, but is this an anti-cheat kicking in?
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by Sethioz »

sounds like you messed something up. steam version probably is protected against file modding, not sure and cant test either. its bypassable tho, if its a simple check to see if files are same.

anyway what you described sounds like corrupt savegame, i had something similar. i was in the moresby city when i updated the game and after update weapons were gone and armorerd truck was in front of the church, right near door. couldnt fast travel and all characters were gone. so i had to start new game, but fact that you say it happened by modifying data0.pak .. i have no idea what happend.
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by PirateGirlx3 »

do you guys know how to get Ryder White i've read on forums that ppl are able to play as him cuz he was in the data files where i don't know so i'll leave that to Sethioz :)
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by motex »


First, thank you for the fast response.

I did some testing today, and happy to report I got the fist melee working modified ON STEAM....Worked perfect, put it at 1000, and one punch knocks 'em dead.

Further testing, I connected to a Hosted game...and yes, the modified work carried over. I was punching the zombies and even thugs with one punch and they died.....

I was playing with 3 other people, and eventhough i punched zombies with one punch fist only they didnt even notice.

So, Im glad to report that it IS WORKING ON STEAM.
What I did was use the gibbed bypass, and so far only modified the fists to 1000 attack....

Going to do further testing of what can be modified for online play. Thanks to all the write ups you did Sethioz I was successful today.
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by Sethioz »

ryder white ? hmm not sure, havent really heard or seen. there might be something in data0.pak that specifies the character you choose, i saw several character files there. one way is to swap the model, easy as that, but then effect is only client sided.

if you want everyone to see it, then you must swap the character somehow. see my old good Aliens vs Predator 2 hacks, there i did it with memory editor, however in DI its much harder. i think only way is to go for data0 and just go thru files, i dont have much time lately, been dealing with my experimental shop and other DI hacks.
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by motex »


Just wanted to mention that many things are working on STEAM.

I can confirm the unlimited ammo you have on WIKI works on STEAM...Many thanks bro, I will be donating tomorrow to help get your shop rolling!
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by Sethioz »

eheh why am i not surprised ? like avp2010, where ammo was client sided. i remember when i started out with avp2, everyone said something like "you stupid hacker future games will be impossible to hack" .. while now as we see, they are even less secure.
be careful on steam tho. VAC might get you.

you can make a list of hacks and put behind if it works on steam or not and ill update first post and wiki article.

donations are always welcome :)
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Modding Dead Island .pak files crashing saved game

Post by djbnw »

The gibbed crash fix isnt working for me.
Ive followed everything on general modding (looking up other sites on modding the files)
but fix only lets me run the game , but the game crashs after a few seconds at the loading page when i click continue

All i changed was the ammo cap in default skills
Can you upload a simple modded data0.pak file for me to test if the problem is on my side/my game, else it would be my procedures , which i doubt cause i tired many times.

Hope someone can help/ has fixed such an issue



1: Without using gibbed crash fix , replace data0.pak with self modified data0.pak, Dead Island doesnt run

2: Using gibbed crash fix , data0_moddified.pak is placed into dead island folder and renamed (original is removed) , Dead Island runs . Click on continue ... loading screen....wait...crash-to-desktop
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by Sethioz »

if it shows loading screen, then you did something wrong. it isnt the bypass that aint working. if it would be that, then you would never even see the dead island logo.
it means you must have made a mistake somewhere, not everything can be changed. some things crash if its invalid value. or maybe you accidently deleted one of the ; marks (i did that once by accident).

so yeah, problem is your mod what you made.

additionally, what im doing is i made < this is the file i constantly modify.
then there is my original "data0.pak.orig"
and output is data0.pak
so this way i just run the batch, get data0.pak and then i just drop it into game folder and there it is. no renaming at all. however sometimes if you make a mistake and game crashes (like yours) then its good idea to always throw your current data0.pak out of the game folder and not replace it. or rename old one. so you can revert back if necessary.


have anyone tried to edit shops.scr ?
im trying to get legendary weapons, but it seems like shops aint updating at all. im guessing they are stored also in savegame, so it is needed to start fresh new game to get results or do few missions. going to test again tomorrow.
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by djbnw »

I got my moddified data0.pak file to work , i believe it only worked once i deleted the extracted folder of the pak from the dead island game files, didnt think it would affect the game but it did.

I didnt believe i enetred an invalid value cause i searched the web and saw someone increase his ammo cap to 999k , while i only changed it in the hundreds

Are you using your own bat file? Cause the gibbed crash fix wont accept other files names to give me the moddified one.

Anyway im just wondering , what should i change to increase gun damage to JUST zombies , esp for headshots. Has anybody found out a way to do so currently?

Thanks for the help anyways :D
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by Sethioz »

gibbed crash fix accepts ANY files you put there. even if name is like "blah.set"
you just messed something up, if you don't understand how simple CMD tool works, then most likely you messed up with the fix and didnt really make a new fix at all and used some old file or made other type of chaos.
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by motex »

Hey Sethioz,

I donated 8 Eur today. Will try and donate some more in time, bought a few things around the house this week on eBay.

Anyway. I recently got a dev weapon 'left hand of gloVA''s inside of the inventory_special.scr file on line 702-753 and 755-775

I changed the stamina, force, damage.....and nothing a few times... It's still default... Going to keep trying..

Do you know what it could be? Do I need to start new game or play a few missions like you stated for the shops.scr stuff?
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by Sethioz »

thx for donation :)

umm well i never heard of such weapon, how did you get it ?
i tested shops.scr and i cant seem to get it to work. i googled and found few guys who say that it works. even some youtube video, but it doesn't work for me. i started a new game with sam b, still nothing.

i don't understand where those shops load items from ? i deleted absolutely everything else from the shop and it STILL loaded some random weapons in there, instead of legendary weapon.
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by motex »

It's a developer weapon found on the beach mountains. I believe it is also called the 666 dev weapon.

When equipped it's just your left hand doing a gesture of pushing I guess you could say air in front of character, the effect if in range to a zombie is electrocution.

Problem is each use brings stamina 100% down, damage is very low, and durability is crap.

Going to keep messing with it and ask a few fellow modder's but unsure why it's not taking the new settings. I might have to try a new game but problem is I was led to this weapon by another live player so not 100% sure where to go. This weapon can't be duplicated with the drop glitch like other dev weapons.

I keep cracking away if anything pops up I'll post for fellow modder's.
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by Sethioz »

offtopic - it is not 666 dev, it is "left hand of glova" and blueprint (mod) for that weapon is something with 666. it gives the impact (electricity knock down) effect to it. it is the skull weapon. you can get it by collecting the right skull and placing it into right place (i never bothered to look).

back to the topic, i have created my own weapon .. and it is GLORIOUS !
its a Prototype weapon called "Left Hand of Sethioz" .. its orange and it has power of GOD, its infinite and it has more range than you can see on maps .. and it literally explodes enemys into pieces.
video demonstration here:


after testing around for hours, im still not sure what makes enemys fly away when hit. i tought its force + impact mod, but it isnt.
so i tested many times and finally i added ORANGE color to the weapon and it seem to work, but its not confirmed yet if its the color.
i added 1 more damage type to my Prototype, so now it has blast + impact and its glorious.
i change critical to 1.0 (100%), then i also changed the head / leg / arm cut probability to 100% and head smash to 100% too. so this is what gives my weapon the awesome "blow up" effect on enemys.
force is about 80000, damage about 5000, range 9000 and lot of small tweaks. like HUD icons and such. i put it together from 5 or more different weapons + mods.

left hand of gloVA
gabriel's sledgehammer
tesla mod
impact mod
666 dev mod (or whatever it is)

so all those mixed together using right attributes and results are seen on that youtube video. i wanted to make it electricution weapon, but it doesn't seem to work. it does electricute, but it wont stay like on bladed weapons. maybe it has to be blade + electric to get the effect.

right now im annoyed of testing and savegame sucks big time in dead island. whenever i use other character i lose my current savegame. its so lame. i had half quests done, loaded other char and it was all gone. pfff.
now i have showed that it is possible to indeed create your own weapons. it should be even possible to load your own HUD icons and images into game or even new models.
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Re: Dead Island - hacks / hacking / mods / modding

Post by fierytuner »

Hi all, sorry to be a noob and everything but I was wondering if I was doing it right. 'Cause, whenever I tried to open the bypass cmd, it would just flicker on and close. And I wasn't sure on the instructions in the notepad too. Thanks for your time.
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